Flex :: Use Flash As Shell To Load App And Pass URLVars?

May 21, 2009

I am having a problem with preloaders showing up in my flex apps. I never had this problem when developing flash apps so I got the idea to use a flash app as a shell with the sole purpose of showing a preloader while the flex app loads. I am not sure how to do this though, and I also need to ba able to pass the FlashVars from the shell flash app to the flex app.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get Swf's To Load Into The Shell?

Jul 16, 2008

i'm having a bit of a problem at the minute, i'm trying to get an external SWF to load into a shell i've created. The way i'd like it to work is that a preloader loads the shell, then once thats done i want the external swf home page to load in afterwards (which also has a preloader)

I know the swf's work all right as i've created buttons that when clicked load the external files, so no problem there.


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Flex :: Creating RobotLegs Module Within A PureMVC Shell Application

Oct 19, 2010

I'm working on an existing modular project that was built in PureMVC. Instead of converting everything over to RobotLegs, I want to create a new module using RobotLegs and plug it into the pureMVC shell. Currently, when the module loads, I get the following flash error: ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable IMediatorMap is not defined.

Inititally, I thought it was because my module needed a pureMVC Mediator to call the pureMVC StartupCommand to get things "hooked up" and THEN create the RobotLegs' Context. However, that didn't work and I'm still getting the error.

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Flex :: Load Variable From A File & Pass As Arg Value In Ant Build

Nov 29, 2010

What I want to do is load the contents of a file and sent it to an mxmlc compiler as an argument parameter. I can load and read the contents of a file using loadfile and setting a property value say propery="filecontent". But the problem is I can pass it into the mxmlc (flex) compiler. I'm not able to pass it (tried with ${filecontent}) to the arg line. Its gives an error: "value contains unknown token 'filecontent'" How will I pass the contents of the file as a argument value to a compiler argument? Edit: The problem is with the include-resource-bundles arguments. When using command line it works. But using ant build doesn't. Do we need to manually provide the name of resource bundles by generating the resource file?

<exec executable="${MXMLC}" dir="${APP_ROOT}/src" >
<arg line="-locale 'en_US'"/>
.. .. ..
<arg line="-include-resource-bundles


which doesn't work and gives and error -> command line: Error: configuration variable 'include-resource-bundles' value contains unknown token 'resources'

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Linux :: Call Shell Command Inside Of A Flash File?

Jul 20, 2010

I want to create a basic GUI for a touchscreen panel running linux grml with fluxbox so I'm very restricted. The Gnash player is also available. Is there a way to call shell/bash commands inside a Flash file (swf)?I want to create a GUI to control the mplayer and volume with the touchscreen... If it's not possible with Flash, what do you think is the easiest way?

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Flash :: Pass HTTP Referrer With Loader Load()

May 20, 2011

I need to set a value for the Referer header when making a request to my local proxy script from Flash. As recommended in this question: Facebook Proxy Loader Security, I need to check the HTTP_REFERER to test if traffic is coming from my own domain. The problem is that when using a loader like the code below, no Referer header is sent.

package com.utils.loaders {
import flash.net.URLVariables;
import flash.net.URLRequest;


According to the Flash docs: [URL] there is only very limited support for HTTP headers in Flash Player, and Referer is prohibited. Is there anything I can do here other than have my proxy check that $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] is empty? (and that seems like a fairly large hole in security right there)

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Script To Pass A Value From Flash To Php And Load Xml Results With The OnRelease Command?

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sender.onRelease = function () {senderLoad.fin = fin.text;senderLoad.sendAndLoad("www.abc.com/myphp.php",receiveLoad);}receiveLoad.onData = function (src) {tf.text=src}


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading External SWF Into Shell?

Feb 27, 2009

I am struggling with actionscript 3. I need simply to load an external. swf into my "shell" .swf. both are actionscript 3. When I have the following actionscript in frame 1.
I get the following error
1180: Call to a possibly undefined method loadMovie.

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Flex :: Flex - Pass FileReference Between Two Flash Movies?

Jun 19, 2010

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Sep 24, 2009

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Adobe Components Do Not Display When Loaded Into AIR Shell?

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The Slider (and all UIComponents) rely on direct access to the 'stage' - which is denied due to recent AIR 1.5 security restrictions. This restriction prevents any UIComponent from working when loaded into an AIR app as a local SWF. The parentSandboxBridge cannot return a reference to the stage.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Parabol - Firing Shell / Cannon On Certain Angle

Oct 26, 2004

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Empty Shell For Loading Content Error #1084

Nov 11, 2010

I am trying to load one swf into another. In the former I have a preloader, and a mc to load the content. I am getting "Scene 1, Layer 'actions', Frame 1 1084: Syntax error: expecting rightbrace before end of program." Here is my code.

import flash.events.MouseEvent;
import flash.events.ProgressEvent;
import flash.events.Event;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Module Not Importing Packages Imported In Shell?

Jan 23, 2011

There is a Shell and a Module. The Shell loads the Module. Module is never run without the Shell. Because there will be more modules, I decided to put common classes to Shell.

1. Compiled Shell with -link-report objShell_Extern.xml

2. Compiled Module with -load-externs obj<ShellProject>_Extern.xml Module size shrank from 90 KB to 2,05 KB.

3. Added 5 filters to Module:

import flash.filters.*;
tf.filters = [new GlowFilter(), new GradientGlowFilter(), new DropShadowFilter(), new BevelFilter(), new BlurFilter() ];

Module size grew to 2,15 KB.

4. Added 5 filters to Shell (same code as above), recompiled it, then recompiled Module.Module size still at 2,15 KB.

5. Tried getDefinitionByName
//import flash.filters.*; commented out
var GlowFilter:Class = Class(getDefinitionByName("GlowFilter"));
var GradientGlowFilter:Class = Class(getDefinitionByName("GradientGlowFilter"));


Error #1065 GlowFilter not initialized, Module size grew to 2,19 KB. Deleting some, but not all filters is decreasing size, so it's not the getDefinitonByName that takes 0,14 KB (2,19 - 2,05 without filters).

1. Do I understand the idea of load externs, or does it work only with specific classes? Why it doesn't work with filters?

2. What did I screw up with getDefinitionByName and is it a new feature because of it's use like in link below?

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Flash :: Unable To Pass Flashvars To Flex Generated Swf?

Jul 13, 2011

Unable to pass flashvars to flex generated swf

import com.rubenswieringa.interactivemindmap.*;
private var fullscreenListenerAdded:Boolean = false;
private function onCreationComplete ():void {


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Flex :: Pass Data Between ViewNavigators In Flash Builder 4.5 Burrito

Feb 12, 2011

I'm giving it a try and it happens that I'm having a hard time figuring out how to pass data between ViewNavigator in a TabbedMobileApplication.

<s:TabbedMobileApplication xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


How can I pass data between nav1 and nav2? I know how to do it in between navigation views.

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Flash :: Pass Parameters In Flex 3 To Variables In A Swf File Using Swfloader?

Apr 28, 2011

I've created a Flash Animation (CS5, ActionScript 3) and converted it to SWF. The flash animation needs the values of 3 variables (defined in the swf timeline) BEFORE it starts running in my Flex application. I've embedded the swf file using swfloader in Flex, but I need to pass the parameters from Flex into Flash before the animation starts. How do I do this?

The way I have my flex code setup below, the variables are not being updated. I get an exception every time it gets to the changeParams function because it can't find "Type", "Num1", etc.

Part of My flash code:

//These 3 variables need to be populated via Flex BEFORE the animation starts...
var Num2:int;
var Num1:int;


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Javascript :: Flash - Pass Array Collection From Flex To Function?

Jul 22, 2011

Is it possible to pass an ArrayCollection object from flex ExternalInterface.call() as a parameter to javascript function?


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Flash :: Pass A Property From A HTML Page To Application Created With Flex?

May 11, 2011

I want to specify a string value in the HTML containing my Flash created using Flex 3. This value is a URL that is used by the Flex code and I want another dev to be able to update it. How do I do this? I'm using Flex Builder 3.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pass On Variables For Which Swf To Load?

Apr 7, 2009

i have an array with buttons, and "the to be loaded swf" files.how can i pass on the variables for which swf to load? i searched my books but i have issues.i can trace out btn.swftoload but if i want to store btn.swftoload in a variable i get errors, i tried string, object & movieclip.my intention is to store it as "currentMovie", so i can reuse the code for later on.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pass Boolean Parameter For Load Completer?

Mar 1, 2010

I need to pass a boolean (true/false) for load complete, so i can shrink down tons of codes.But its not working.How should the code look like?[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pass A String Variable To A SWF So That Can Specify A XML File To Load

Jun 14, 2010

I want to pass a string variable to a SWF so that I can specify a XML file to load without republishing the SWF. When I assign the string variable to a textfield it is correct.But when I use that variable in the loader it does not display the XML from that file.You can see below that I commented out the string "lesson_11/images/0301_objectives.xml".If I put this string in the loader it works, if I use the string variable in its place it does not work.

var xmlFileToLoad:String;
var myQueryString:Object;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pass A Variable From A Button To A MC Instance To Tell It Which SWF To Load?

Aug 29, 2002

Here's what I'm trying to do:I have a parent container movie that has several buttons on it. As it stands now the buttons trigger an instance of a MC on the main timeline to play using the "with" action (no biggie)I would like to put a frame action in that MC instance that uses the "LoadMovieNum" action to load a particular external SWF movie into the container movie depending on which button the user clicked.In theory I guess I need to somehow associate each button with it's corresponding SWF child movie that is to be loaded (SetVariable?)Then I need to pass that information to the MC instance in the main timeline that actually uses the LoadMovieNum command to load the SWF file.

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Java :: View Shell Commands Used By Eclipse "run Configurations"?

Jun 4, 2010

Given a "run configuration" in Eclipse, I want to print out the associated shell command that would be used to run it.

For example: Right now, in Eclipse, if I click "play" it will run: mvn assembly:directory -Dmaven.test.skip=true

I don't see that command, I just know that's what the IDE must run, at some point. However, some of the other run configurations are far more complex with long classpaths and virtual machine options and, frankly, sometimes I have no idea what the equivalent shell command would be (particularly when it comes to Flex).

There must be some way to access the shell command that would be associated with a "Run Configuration" in Eclipse/Flex Builder. This information must be available, which leads me to believe someone has written a plugin to display it. Or maybe there's already an option built into Eclipse for accessing this.

So is there a way to, essentially, convert an Eclipse run configuration into a shell command? (for context only: I'm asking because I'm writing a bash script that automates everything I do, during development--from populating the Database all the way to opening Firefox and clearing the cache before running the web app.So every command I run from the IDE needs to exist in the script. Some are tricky to figure out.)

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex - Selection In Flex Datagrid Does Not Pass The ValueObject To SelectionChangeHandler Function

Aug 11, 2011

I have a TabNavigator, and each tab is a Module. One of the modules is labelled Units and the full code of the module is posted in this post. There are several problems:

1) Forms are not populated with data from the datagrid selection.
2) Selecting a row and clicking delete gives the very-common error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

A trace on the valueObject unit within the selectionChangeHandler function gives NULL. Why? Note: In other modules (other tabs of the TabNavigator), I have DropDownLists populated with units. This means that the valueObject Unit is defined in the other modules. However, valueObjects should be private to modules, and not shared.


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Flex :: Web Services - Pass Authorization Header From Flex WebService?

Jun 24, 2009

I have Basic Authorization mechanism on the server for WSDL/SOAP. How I can send "Authorization" header through Flex WebService?

Simplified example:

var ws:WebService = new WebService();
ws.wsdl = "http://localhost:8000/api/service.wsdl"

var encoder:Base64Encoder = new Base64Encoder();
encoder.insertNewLines = false;

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Flex :: Pass An Edited Flex Datagrid To A CFC To Insert To A Database?

Nov 3, 2009

I have a datagrid which is editable and I need to send that back to the database via a CFC for insertion into the database after all the editing is complete. Dumping the array collection to cfdump tells me that I have an array with items and a structure but i cannot understand how to "loop" through each and insert into the DB.There seems to be very little written which actually works! My MXML and CFC are below but give me the error of "You have attempted to dereference a scalar variable of type class coldfusion.runtime.Array as a structure with members." -which is nice

private var getconsent:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
{LocationName:'Service A', Contact: 'Bob Jones' },


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Flex - Pass Authentication Headers Using Flex HTTP Service?

Sep 6, 2010

I am trying to access a .Net service which requires an authentication header. If WebService is used it works fine. But when it is accessed using HTTPService it throws error. The project is already done by somebody else using HTTPService. Now changing to webService requires some time since there needs to be modification in a lot of files.

Below is the SOAP envelop required by the service.


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Flex :: Flex - Pass Data From Popup To Parent?

Jan 1, 2011

I have a parent w/ a popup child. When parent loads, I have to call a function within the popup without showing the popup (thus, I load "pupLove" but don't include it in layout)....I then pass this data to the parent. When the user manually clicks another button to open the popup, the same function is called & data passed to the parent. However, I am not able to pass dg.length to the parent. I believe the root problem is that I am loading "pupLove" & thus the parents are getting confused.....I'm guessing if I get rid of "pupLove" I can pass the data correctly but will need to call the child's function at creationComplete of the parent....how do I do that?Here's my parent:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Picture Will Be Load Into Swf Files And With Turn Page Effect They Change When Some Time Will Pass

Apr 14, 2005

how do easy turn page. Picture will be load into swf files and with turn page effect they change when some time will pass

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