Java :: View Shell Commands Used By Eclipse "run Configurations"?
Jun 4, 2010
Given a "run configuration" in Eclipse, I want to print out the associated shell command that would be used to run it.
For example: Right now, in Eclipse, if I click "play" it will run: mvn assembly:directory -Dmaven.test.skip=true
I don't see that command, I just know that's what the IDE must run, at some point. However, some of the other run configurations are far more complex with long classpaths and virtual machine options and, frankly, sometimes I have no idea what the equivalent shell command would be (particularly when it comes to Flex).
There must be some way to access the shell command that would be associated with a "Run Configuration" in Eclipse/Flex Builder. This information must be available, which leads me to believe someone has written a plugin to display it. Or maybe there's already an option built into Eclipse for accessing this.
So is there a way to, essentially, convert an Eclipse run configuration into a shell command? (for context only: I'm asking because I'm writing a bash script that automates everything I do, during development--from populating the Database all the way to opening Firefox and clearing the cache before running the web app.So every command I run from the IDE needs to exist in the script. Some are tricky to figure out.)
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Jan 23, 2011
There is a Shell and a Module. The Shell loads the Module. Module is never run without the Shell. Because there will be more modules, I decided to put common classes to Shell.
1. Compiled Shell with -link-report objShell_Extern.xml
2. Compiled Module with -load-externs obj<ShellProject>_Extern.xml Module size shrank from 90 KB to 2,05 KB.
3. Added 5 filters to Module:
import flash.filters.*;
tf.filters = [new GlowFilter(), new GradientGlowFilter(), new DropShadowFilter(), new BevelFilter(), new BlurFilter() ];
Module size grew to 2,15 KB.
4. Added 5 filters to Shell (same code as above), recompiled it, then recompiled Module.Module size still at 2,15 KB.
5. Tried getDefinitionByName
//import flash.filters.*; commented out
var GlowFilter:Class = Class(getDefinitionByName("GlowFilter"));
var GradientGlowFilter:Class = Class(getDefinitionByName("GradientGlowFilter"));
Error #1065 GlowFilter not initialized, Module size grew to 2,19 KB. Deleting some, but not all filters is decreasing size, so it's not the getDefinitonByName that takes 0,14 KB (2,19 - 2,05 without filters).
1. Do I understand the idea of load externs, or does it work only with specific classes? Why it doesn't work with filters?
2. What did I screw up with getDefinitionByName and is it a new feature because of it's use like in link below?
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