ActionScript 3.0 :: Setting Communication Between Flash And PHP File?

Feb 4, 2009

I set up something using almost the same exact code as something else I got to establish communication between the flash file and a php file. But for some reason it's not working now. But the other one works, and the code is pretty much the same...

AS3 Code:
submit_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, submit);
function submit(event:Event):void {
var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
var varSend:URLRequest = new URLRequest("[URL]");
varSend.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
[Code] .....

Yet every time I try it outputs the error message in the text field and the trace returns a undefined variable.

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The axFlash_FlashCal is called fine, as long as there is a textbox on screen that's set to use TLF text. (any textbox will do, no specific ID). Without the textbox the even will not fire. (Even though ExternalInterface.Avaliable is set to true) I've tried using CS4 and CS5 to publish, using both Flash 10 and 9 as output.

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Jun 25, 2007

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Html To Flash Communication?

Apr 18, 2009

i just need to pass 1 parameter from html to flash.i have used both ways. in the movie url or in the embeded obj . html example >>>


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IDE :: Flash Pages And Communication Handling

Apr 28, 2009

I am having mainly 2 problems in Flash for some time and I need some clarifications on them.

1. Handling pages.
How do I handle working with pages in Flash? Do I create a frame for each page and place the content of the page in that frame and when needing to go to a page I simply go to it's frame? Or do I use ActionScript to put and remove content from the stage and create every page in this way? What I mean by this is: if a page has a menu and a picture, I use ActionScript to put the menu and the picture there. If the next page has some text and a button, I use ActionScript to remove the menu and the picture from the last page and put the text and the button from the new page.

The first method seems simpler but that means that if the page has some content that needs to be loaded (a picture, for example), this content will need to be loaded every single time the page is opened.

The second method requires more work but is it more efficient ? When I remove the content from the page, do I move it to a negative x and y so that it cannot be seen or do I remove it completely and just load it again the next time the page is opened?

2. Handling a flow communication with PHP.
I constantly need to communicate back and forth with PHP. I use a LoadVars variable to send data to PHP (using "POST") and I use an XML variable to retrieve data from PHP (I use the "sendAndLoad" method). The data sent by PHP is in an XML structure. The problem here is that I need to have different channels working. I need to receive several different types of data. Do I create a set of LoadVars and XML variables for each type of data that I need to receive or do I simply use only the one set and use an ID variable to specify with which type of data I am working at the moment ?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Creating A Two Way Communication?

Mar 25, 2012

I'm trying to create a two communication between AS3 and PHP. So far I was able only to send data from AS3 to PHP using URLVaribles.

1. How do I proccess data sent from PHP to AS3 on the AS side?

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Professional :: Setting File As Ringtone On Android

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Jun 19, 2009

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Jul 14, 2009

I was wondering if it was at all possible to set the icon file for a class the way it can be set for a component. From within an MXML component I can include something like:


and it replaces the default FLEX icon. I have several classes which are used within components and would rather not convert to MXML. Is it possible to replace the icon file for .as files using a similar method?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Setting The Hit Test Of A .PNG File To Not A Square?

Apr 28, 2011

So I know it's a noob move to begin with, but I created all of my assets for a game that I am making in photoshop and sliced them out as transparent .PNG files. Now the game has a certain look to it and I don't have the time to redo all the assets. This clearly means that whenever I have an enemy for a hit test, the bounding box is always going to be a rectangle.Is there a way I can make it so just the HIT TEST for that object is the actual shape of the enemy, similar how you can just set the hit test of a button different to the actual look of the button itself

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Setting The Stage Size From A XML File?

Aug 1, 2008

is it possible to set the stage (the actual flash movie as it appears on the screen to the user) size in as2.0? i have a photo gallery that i plan on reusing on several sites and i need it to be different sizes on each site and i'd rather standardize it so that i never have to open the .fla file, just open the XML file that it pulls all of the images from and have an attribute for the stage size. my xml file is as follows where movie_width and movie_height would be the dimensions of the flash file as it appears on the site.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Html To Flash Communication Impossible?

Apr 18, 2009

i just need to pass 1 parameter from html to flash.i have used both ways. in the movie url or in the embeded obj . html example >>>

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
'movie', 'aidonitsa',


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Flash8 :: Flash Pages And Communication Handling?

Apr 28, 2009

1. Handling pages.How do I handle working with pages in Flash ?Do I create a frame for each page and place the content of the page in that frame and when needing to go to a page I simply go to it's frame ?Or do I use ActionScript to put and remove content from the stage and create every page in this way ?What I mean by this is: if a page has a menu and a picture, I use ActionScript to put the menu and the picture there. If the next page has some text and a button, I use ActionScript to remove the menu and the picture from the last page and put the text and the button from the new page.

The first method seems simpler but that means that if the page has some content that needs to be loaded (a picture, for example), this content will need to be loaded every single time the page is opened.The second method requires more work but is it more efficient ? When I remove the content from the page, do I move it to a negative x and y so that it cannot be seen or do I remove it completely and just load it again the next time the page is opened ?Please explain to me, as detailed as possible, what do you think is the best method in working with pages.2. Handling a flow communication with PHP.I constantly need to communicate back and forth with PHP. I use a LoadVars variable to send data to PHP (using "POST") and I use an XML variable to retrieve data from PHP (I use the "sendAndLoad" method). The data sent by PHP is in an XML structure.

The problem here is that I need to have different channels working. I need to receive several different types of data.Do I create a set of LoadVars and XML variables for each type of data that I need to receive or do I simply use only the one set and use an ID variable to specify with which type of data I am working at the moment ?

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