ActionScript 3.0 :: Sharing Library Assets Between 2 Or More Swf?

Feb 19, 2009

Since I can access the library assets from external class, I have a question :

1. Is it possible to use any of library assets of one movie into another? Let's say in my movie A, I have McA1 movieclip in the library. Is it possible to access/display/addChild McA1 in movie B?

2. If there's a case that Movie B is loaded into Movie A - does all the library from Movie B will be inherited into movie A - vice versa - so it makes them accessible?

3. If the answer of 1, and 2, is no and no, is there any work around to make any library asset accessible accross the board? Is this what so called runtime sharing? Do you have any resource that I can refer to?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Runtime / Library Sharing 'Type Was Not Found' Error

Dec 7, 2008

I am trying to create a shared library with runtime sharing so that I can update the interface for an online assessment program globally. I can import items from the shared library OK but once I give something an instance name I get the following error (questionInterface being the movieclip in question here):1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: questionInterface.

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How To Get XML Library Assets Back Into New FLA

Dec 15, 2010

I started using Flash CS5. I spent many hours working on a .FLA file. Saving as I went and at one point Flash CS5 crashed during the save. The .fla file is now corrupt. The new .fla format is essentially a .zip file. So I was able to change the file name to *.zip and explore inside of it. The DOMDocument.xml file is corrupt and dead. The DOMDocument.xml is the timeline so all my placement and animation is gone. However, my LIBRARY folder is in tact and has all of my library items as *.xml files. How I can get those library items into another .fla file so I don't lose ALL my work? I've tried creating a new .fla file and dragging the LIBRARY folder into the new .fla, but my library items don't show up when I load the new .fla in the Flash CS5 IDE.

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IDE :: Import Swf, Use Linked Library Assets?

Sep 9, 2009

I have fla_A, and fla_B. fla_B contains a single MovieClip which contains a bunch of MovieClips that are all set to Export for ActionScript (NOT first frame, as this will need to be preloaded). I want to load fla_B into fla_A, and be able to instantiate the nested clips (inside fla_B) as if they were native to fla_A itself.

After loading the swf, I'm using:


Can I cast "e.currentTarget" as something useful like MovieClip (well, not MovieClip, 'cause that doesn't work), or something that will stick around from which I can dynamically load things?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Shared Library - Loop Through To Get The Assets

Jan 8, 2011

I have a great shared library tutorial BUT I don't like one section. Assets.swf is the shared library with a variable array called availablegraphics on it's timeline where we put in the available assets That is the bit I don't like. Isn't there a better way to loop through to get the assets. Also they use a loop using library.availablegraphics - which I have never seen before and seems a little weird. In conclusion it's great but is there a better post or tutorial on shared library and how to loop through the assets without knowing exactly what or how many there are.


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Flash :: Save Library Assets Properly?

Sep 8, 2011

Specifically, various MovieClips seem to be missing all of its content. I work in flash for a while, make a series of changes, save the file and close it, and then reopen the file.  Upon reopening, the artwork inside the MovieClip does not appear.  The former artowrk can be bitmaps, shapes, drawn objects, or even other symbols.  I can take the time to replace the missing artowrk inside the symbol (the symbol is still there on the stage and in the library, just the artwork is missing), but three saves and closes from now, the artwork may be gone again, or new MovieClips may appear empty - there appears to be no discernable pattern yet.

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Flash :: Use Relative Path For Assets In Library?

Dec 6, 2009

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How can I use only relative paths in flash library in order to be able to update all images from any computer and/or from any folder ?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Passing Library Assets To Class

Oct 10, 2011

what I am trying to do is create class that loads assets(images) from library and places them on the a stage.I want my class to be something like this...I know it needs to be more complex, I am just trying to "draw" out my idea for you, I have tried using getDefinitionByName to pass the linked MovieClip and some variations on that but for some reason I can't get it to work.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Modifying Library Assets At Runtime?

Feb 19, 2010

I'm building an avatar class that will allow a user to swap out character assets during runtime. The idea is pretty straight forward. The artist I am working with designed the art assets for the individual pieces of the avatar and performed the animations in flash. Since the animations were created in flash using vector art as opposed to pre-rendered 3d, I want to simply replace each individual movieclip within the animation with the asset selected by the player.

Problem:The issue i'm running into is that the animations have several key frames. My thought is to load the avatar object (an external swf) into my main application. Once loaded, I obtain a reference to all library assets that are used in the animations. For example, to get the face, I have something like:



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ActionScript 3.0 :: Library Assets Of An External Swf Inside A Movieclip?

Dec 13, 2010

I have a swf called "myfile.swf" with a mp3 set to export for actionscript, and the Class has been called "soundName"With the following code, the sound plays great...

Actionscript Code:
var bgURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest("myfile.swf");var swfLoader:Loader = new Loader();swfLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadProdComplete);swfLoader.load(bgURL);function loadProdComplete(e:Event):void {  var tmpSound:Class ="soundName") as Class;  var snd:Sound  = new tmpSound() as Sound;;}

This lets the sound play great. But, because of what I'm trying to do, i would like it better to put the swf into a movieclip, then play the sound from there.

But i cannot seem to get it to work. The following code adds the movieclip to the stage fine, but then i have no way of accessing the library assets (i.e the "soundName" mp3) from the swf inside of the movieclip.

Actionscript Code:
var bgURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest("myfile.swf");var swfLoader:Loader = new Loader();swfLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadProdComplete);swfLoader.load(bgURL);function


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Exporting Library Assets To Frame One Causes Delay

Apr 20, 2010

I have several small movie clips saved in the library of myCS4 Flash.fla file, I want to make them available to dynamically add to the display list as children, based on the button clicks of the viewer. I can get it all to work fine via Symbol Properties > Linkage > Export for Actionscript. When the movie clips are set to "export for actionscript" from the Library, playback seems to hang on frame 1 until all of these exported assets have downloaded.

The big problem is that I have an ultra-simple but totally custom preloader/progress animation coded in a loop in the second and third frames, which kicks out to frame 4 and continues playback as soon as the download is complete. Because of this, the preloader has essentially become useless - because all that can be seen is several seconds of empty stage, until the vast majority of the bulky assets have downloaded. Then the preloader flashes onstage for just an instant, and disappears because the content is already up.

So, my questions are:
A) Is there a SIMPLE alternate method to load these library assets in such a way that it doesn't cause this major lag on frame 1?
B) Failing that, I suspect I may have to retool my preloader to run as an ENTER_FRAME event in frame 1. Is this worth the effort (can this potentially resolve the lag issue and allow for a meaningful preload progress animation, despite the lag from the asset export?)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Runtime Shared Library - Main And Assets SWF

Mar 26, 2009

This is the concept I want to get into code:
1) Have a Document Class attached to the Main.swf
2) Have a Assets.swf that has all MovieClips that set to Export and have been given actual Classes.
3) Have the document class Load the Assets.swf.
4) Once loaded, be able to create instances of the MovieClips from Assets.swf by writing the code in the Document Class of Main.swf

I can get all this to work.. However what I am finding is if I have a public function on the Document class that creates an instance of something from the Assets.swf, lets say var okTest:TestClass = new TestClass(); I have to also import it in the Document Class (import com.test.TestClass). When I compile it, yes it works. If I remove the Assets.swf file it doesn't display. Ok.. But I've noticed that the Main.swf file is including all the imported classes (eg: com.test.TestClass) so the Main.swf filesize is pretty much the same as the Assets.swf file.

I also ran it through a decompiler and can see yes in fact Main.swf is including all those Classes from Assets.swf because I'm trying to access them from Main.swf and had to import. So the biggest question is how do I go about this properly? Being able to load the asset file that has movieclips etc that have custom classes. Then create instances of those classes within the document class but only if Assets.swf is loaded.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Custom Class Which Uses Multiple Assets From Flash Library - How To Do It

Jul 11, 2009

I've seen that it's very simple to create a document class (a class associated to the main timeline itself), or an instance of a class which is linked to a single asset (e.g. a movie clip).But what if I need to implement a class (let's call it Main) which uses multiple assets from the Flash library? The only way I know to do this is by instantiating any asset with its linked class, and passing them all to the Main constructor like this:

ActionScript Code:
var asset1:Asset1 = new Asset1(...);
var asset2:Asset2 = new Asset2(...);
var asset3:Asset3 = new Asset3(...);


This is kind of a tedious process, especially when the composition hierarchy is long and you have to pass them all as arguments through many nested classes.For instance, I needed to link a preload sprite (the typical circle in gradient color which is constantly rotating until the load is complete) from the library to any thumbnail class of a gallery, which in turn is part of another class, which in turn is part of the main class. So I needed to pass this preload clip as an argument throughout the nested classes.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Component Assets To Appear In The Symbol Library Of Main Fla File?

Sep 16, 2010

I have built a component, but the assets do not appear in the symbol library of the destination fla when I drag the component to the stage. This is fine, except that I have embedded a font in the component. To ensure the font exists in the destination swf, it must exist in the symbol library of the destination fla.My component extends the UIComponent class, and I have a component shim, although I'm still not entirely sure of its functionI have followed all of the steps found in the 9 part MenuBar tutorial, and everything works, except for this one issue.

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Flash :: AS3 & Swfmill - Access Assets In Swfmill-generated Library Swf?

Nov 6, 2009

I'm creating library swfs in as3 this way, works like a charm (except for the slow mxmlc compiler):

package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
public class Library extends Sprite {[code]....

I would like to create the same kind of libary using swfmill. I've tried the following swmfill simple xml:

<movie version="10">

Examining the libraries in FlashDeveloper's explorer reveals that the as3 library exports BOTH classes and symbols, but the swfmill library exports ONLY symbols.My host application is accessing the as3 library assets this way:

private var loader:Loader = new Loader();
private function onCreationComplete():void {
this.loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete);[code]....

But with no exported swfmill classes, there's obviously nothing to instatiate...Is swfmill expected to export classes this way? If not,is there a way of accessing the symbols without instantiating them as classes?

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Flash :: Self Updating Air Application Assets Without Re-downloading Assets Already Downloaded

Feb 10, 2011

I want an air application to be able to update the assets it uses, but minimizing the download needed, so only downloading files added since it last updated.I'm thinking this would include a server portion which would zip the needed files based on a version number? Has anyone implemented anything similar / got any thoughts on the best approach to building this sort of system?

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Flex :: Action - Reuse Flex Library Assets?

Dec 24, 2010

I want to reuse the TitleWindow's closeButton inside a simple Flex component I am writing, but I'm having trouble getting it to compile. I copied the code that deals with the closeButton, which looks somewhat like this:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sharing XML Between .as Files?

Apr 22, 2009

I am customizing Google Maps for Flash.I have an external .AS file for my document class and one .AS file that extends the look of the Google Maps popup window.I am importing the locations of many apartment buildings from an XML file. The XML is being read in the main .AS file.There are textfields I need to populate in the popup.AS file but I don't know how to get that XML information from the document class .AS file into the popup.AS file. I wouldn't think I need to run an XML loading function in the popup.AS file right? how I can get variables from one .AS file to another?

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Flash8 Sharing Art Across Files?

Feb 16, 2010

How would I set it up so that I can share a single piece of art across multiple files? My goal is to arrange it so that I can edit the art in the original file and automatically update the art in all files linked to it when published?

For example, I'm working on a character animation where the character appears in many episodes and the episodes are split into many .fla files. If I needed to change the appearance of the character in all of the episodes which are spread across many .fla files, I would I have to do it manually?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sharing Data Between Swf's?

Jun 3, 2010

Say I create a swf and in it, I have two dynamic text fields. I do all the usual stuff like give these text fields instance names. I call this swf1.Now say I load swf1 into another swf, say swf2. Can I set the values to be placed into the text fields in swf1 from within swf2?

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Sharing Code Between Flex And AIR?

Nov 17, 2010

As you know, we could build a RIA application based on flex. Also, we could build an desktop application based on AIR. I have a question, If we want to build web & desktop application simultaneously. Could we use the same codes to ship our production to web & desktop?

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Flex :: How To Add Screen Sharing To App

Aug 18, 2011

Are there any off the shelf components for adding a screen sharing feature to my app?I've built real time text chat for a group chat room - now I'd like to have a button where a user can share their screen with the other members of the chat. Basically, I'm looking for a way to add this feature as easily as possible:


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Embedded Sharing Buttons In Videos?

Apr 16, 2010

flash video that incorporates buttons to share to sites like twitter or facebook? For example at the end of a video at youtube you are presented with a share button. At vimeo there are links on the right hand side of the video for like, share, embed, etc. Are these buttons (i.e. links) added during creation of the video or are they added by the site itself?

I am trying to build a small site that allows a user to upload videos and have a 'share to facebook' and 'share to twitter' button show up in the video when the video is done playing.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sharing Functions Between Classes?

Mar 9, 2009

I have Flash project that is set up something like this:


- document class =

- the document class imports a menu item from (import menuItem;)

I have a function in that sets the text formatting for all the text fields on the page. I want to be able to use this same function in so that all the formatting is consistent & you only have to change it in one place. How do I access this function from both &

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Do Remote Desktop Sharing

Jun 11, 2009

Can we do remote desktop sharing by using AS3?

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Flash :: Pro CS 5.5 Runtime Sharing Bug - Fonts?

Sep 19, 2011

I have an issue with an apparent bug in Flash Pro CS5.5. I have recently upgraded to CS5.5 Master Collection from my previous version of 4.0. The bug is when I create a fonts FLA file with fonts embedded in it that I want to use throughout an entire site. I correctly configure those fonts as export for runtime sharing.

In any other FLAs in which I wish to use the shared fonts, I either (a) drag the assets from one library to the other, or (b) add them to the new fla and configure them as import for runtime sharing (both of which achieve the same result).


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Flex :: Mvc - Sharing Data Between Different Components

May 13, 2010

i have in my flex application various mxml components that all need to show stats based on the same data. how can i go about doing that? do i need some mvc framework like cairngrom or puremvc for that or can i do it without them?

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Actionscript 3 :: Online Video Sharing API?

Oct 8, 2010

I'm developing a web app based on videos that my client would like to upload using an online resource such as YouTube or Vimeo. Since YouTube has a 15 mn restriction length on the videos one can upload, my client has decided to use Vimeo instead, but Moogaloop(!) the Vimeo AS3 API is fairly restrictive and only offers a handful of methods to control the video.

What would be your best AS3 API for an online video sharing site? By best , I mean one that allows as much control as possible over the site's player features. I need to be able to listen to events , control the fullscreen capability , enable/disable some specific features such as a "embed" or "share" button.

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Actionscript 3 :: Two MovieClips Sharing The Same Class?

Jan 1, 2012

I have two MovieClip symbols in my library and I want them to share the same class, but Flash doesn't allow me to assign the same class to any two different MC symbols, so instead I created two bogus classes which extend the class I wished to share initially.

So having two MC symbols defined by 2 different classes extending a different class allows me to share the same piece of code.

My Question: is there a better was to share a class between 2 or more different library symbols?

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Actionscript 3 :: Sharing Attributes In Classes?

Mar 23, 2012

Ive been asked to research the relationships between classes but having trouble understanding it.

Within my code, the class A creates an instance of class B inside it, storing the instantiated B in a variable in class A so that class A can access data members (attributes) and methods from class B.

How could I create a link in B so that it can also access information about class A?

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