ActionScript 3.0 :: Spawning Objects To Stage And Move Certain Distance

May 18, 2011

Here is my code:
function createEnemy(event:TimerEvent):void {
var enemyAppear = new MovieClip;
enemyAppear = new Enemy();
enemyAppear.x = Math.random()*stage.stageWidth;
enemyAppear.y = 285;
[Code] .....

What I am trying to do is spawn a enemy to stage and when it appears on the stage I would like it to move across the stage a certain distance.
Visual Example:
O = enemy, X = original position, Y = new position
O (Spawns @ Location X) X ---------------------------------------------------------> Y
( Moved from location X to Location Y)

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Hers the script.
enemyCount = 0;
CurrentEnemys = 5; 
function startwave(){


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I know I can create a projector, but with most peoples firewalls, this wont allow the exe file to grab the xml files that I am using from my website.

So how can I make Flash player run my app outside of internet explorer, without having to download it first?

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