I'm trying to dynamically resize a set of images that are being loaded through the MovieClipLoader class. The code below seems to work, except that the images do not appear to be 'smoothed' at all...
In it are about 20 thumbnails that, when clicked, open up into large ~750x600 images. The images contain some text on them. In Flash itself, the images open up properly and look great. But when the site is placed on the web (and the html code below is used), the images are resized to smaller, poorer quality and the text (on the images) is practically unreadable. I have tried the images as jpegs and pngs - both look crappy on the web.
I use the following html code to make the site fit peoples' various browser window sizes. This is what is causing my problem, because when I don't use this html code the images look fine. But, I NEED to use this code in order for the site to fit various browser windows.
HTML Code: <OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,40,0" WIDTH="100%" HEIGHT="100%" id="index.swf">
So how can I make my site fit the browser window WITHOUT ruining my images in the process? How can I 1) keep the image sizes constant, or 2) let the images resize along with the rest of the site, but keep them in good quality?
I want to use small icons to play videos from within an HTML (CSS-styled) text field in AS3. I placed the image after the text, as you normally would. But it keeps getting bumped down to the next line. I'm worried that this is just another part of Flash's busted HTML rendering.
I'm coding an XML photo gallery that displays thumbnails on the stage. But only 9 of these thumbnails can be viewed at a time. So I created a multidimensional array that groups my XML image nodes in groups of 9. The array is loading flawlessly but my thumbnail display function is having a few issues. First, only one image is being displayed instead of all images in the array. And I tried tracing the array in the output panel and it lists all the image files just fine. So I don't understand why the loadClip function is not rendering the images on stage. And secondly my grid repositioning function is not arranging the images as I would like it to (3x3 matrix).
Code: ====AS 2.0===== function thumbDisplay(arrayN) { var nodeConversion:Number = 0;[code]....
i have a movieclip containing a dynamic text-field in it. When movieclip is stretched using transform manager, the text stretches. i am developing a component. Moreover,Event.Resize can not be used as Event.Resize is the Stage event. it does not work for movie-clips and sprite.Putting it in Event. Enter Frame works but that hangs the whole CMS when this technique is used.
I have to animate a bunch of text flags on a timeline, which my artist layed out in Illustrator. I import them from AI and if I am zoomed in they look fine, the verticals of the text are straight up and down. But if I zoom out, the verticals rotate to the slant.
Same goes for when I publish the swf. I have the flags all scaled small on the screen, and the text is all messed up. Then I scale up each flag to focus on it, and somewhere in the scale Flash decides my text is now big enough to look the way I want it. It is erksome. Is there a way I can force it to render straight up and down, without having to break everything and un-editablize my text?
I would like to ask the experts for help. In a flash movie I want three lines of text where I want line1 to appear with a preset motion, then line2 directly below line1 to appear with a preset motion, then line3 directly below line2 to appear with preset motion. I want to have the smallest possible fla file.
I recently upgraded my IE from 8 to 9 and immediatly saw problems with text. No problems in loading, or giving errors, etc. Just quality of some text. With IE9, in many of my flash (cs4) applications, text that had been quite sharp is now blurry and hard to read. Some text is fine, other poor, and I cannot seem to see what is common to the places where text is poor. If I shift to IE8 compatability, all is fine there. Back to IE9, the problem.
If in IE9 I check in Internet Options/advanced to "use software rendering not GPU rendering", my IE9 flash stuff looks fine. That solves in my end, but obviously no help for publishing on the web. (This was a recomendation somewhere.) have apps that looked fine, only to have parts of them almost unreadable when viewed in IE9. All fine in Opera, firefox, safari, IE 8/7. Has always been somewhat a problem in chrome, but have seen where that is a documented problem.
I have an htmlTextField that I am loading html text from a xml doc. the problem is that the text is not rendering as html. so all my HTML is displayed in the textField.
I've loaded and parsed some xhtml in my DataManager class that is validated against the W3C strict dtd.I'm pushing certian bits of this into public arrays in my DataManager. My ContentManager, calls to the DataManager, and is returned a corresponding data set ,instantiates a new GenericSection , and passes in the array as an argument in the constructor.[code]...
I have two separate projects I am working on, very basic, and the Input Text Box on one is only returning the value in HTML format... I cannot figure out for the life of me why.
The Input Text Box on the Stage has a variable assigned to it. I then have a button that checks the users input... the problem is, the input is being converted to HTML so the check is always failing. When I trace the variable it returns the following result[code]...
I'm having a bit of confusion about how to render text in a pure AS3 project. There are classes like flash.text.StaticText but these are designer-only, you can't create them in code. I was half-expecting the Graphics class to have text-rendering options but alas, no. Specifically I was going to add a label above each player's sprite with their name, health %, etc. So I expected to add a child text-element or draw text using Graphics in some way... it's read-only and should not support user-input, I just want to draw text on-screen.
I cannot seem to get a horizontal rule to appear in either html or css.Here is my as3 code. I am briniging in a RSS feed and displaying nodes in a Dynamic Text field. It is working very well but I cannot get the Horizontal Rule to work...
ActionScript Code: var myText:String = "<p>"+firstheadtext+"</p>" +"<span class='myTextStyle1'>"+firstbodytext+"</span><br/>"
This is not the whole code. I have omitted the RSS loader and the CSS loader and the Text field.
I am having trouble rendering text that has html tags. I has to do with the font embedding options.I am passing a string to a field text variable (same thing happens for fieldname.htmlText) and here is what happens:let's keep it simple and say I pick Arial as my text field font.
1) If I don't embed any font outlines for that text field, the text field displays the string correctly (with the html right formatting) since my system has Arial installed.
I am having trouble rendering text that has html tags. I has to do with the font embedding options.I am passing a string to a field text variable (same thing happens for fieldname.htmlText) and here is what happens:let's keep it simple and say I pick Arial as my text field font.
1) If I don't embed any font outlines for that text field, the text field displays the string correctly (with the html right formatting) since my system has Arial installed.
I have an application which displays employee information. If the user opening the detailed employee information page is not authorized to make changes I set the TextInput to disabled. Some users are reporting rendering issues with this. The TextInput's text value does not appear inside the box but is misaligned and is outside of the component. You can see the screenshow below of the disabled ID column where the numbers which are supposed to be in the TextInput box are far off to the right.
It's been a about seven years since I have done any work with Flash but now my employer is asking me to create a custom online magazine tool (we're publishers). I've been immersed in PHP and AJAX and building Mac apps with XCode so I've got a bit of a relearning curve to go through.
Anyway, I'm pulling in some XML into a Flash file and want to display some of the various node values in a dynamic text box. That was easy enough, AS3 makes it a charm compared to the dark old days. The problem I am running into is displaying the values - its kind of a runsheet for a magazine - num of pages, ads, features, etc. etc. and I want to display that in one text box in a list type format. So I have something like this:
I wish to allow content input in some Flex app I'm developing, using a markup language - Wiki markup / bbcode / similar.I'm looking for some library to render in high quality such markup.
1. There has a subtle difference between a static text field in flash authoring tool which has been set to use the device font when it's got focus(state that user can type character in) and lose focus;
2. There also has a subtle difference between when it is being rendered in flash player and in flash authoring tool.(Note that the key factor here is setting the text field to use device font.)
I am working on my first flash website and have been working on loadMovie & unloadMovie. The commands have been working for me and it will load & unload the external .swf in a contentHolderMC. The problem that I am encountering is the loaded .swf width is correct but the height is being reduced, I would guess to about 75%. Is there a way to maintain the external .swf's size? Even if I need to put the code into the external .swf.
I have tried creating a mask inside the contentHolderMC to match the size of the external .swf. When I have looked around for clues to the resizing, I am finding tutorials on how to resize the external .swf into a smaller Movie Clip. That's not what I am trying to do.
I make RSS reader in flash. I have a text field and when I place RSS text and images in that text field I need to have a text in the new line after picture. But now I have image from the left and text from the right.
I make RSS reader in flash. I have a text field and when I place RSS text and images in that text field I need to have a text in the new line after picture. But now I have image from the left and text from the right.
I'm using the code below in a movieclip in Flash CS3 to import an external swf into my project. However, every time I upload the site to the server (http:url....),when I click on Gallery, the Gallery.swf is stretched out & the image is too big. I tried uploading the same exact thing to http:[url]....& it works just fine. The site that is not working is hosted by GoDaddy.
i have two swfs. One loads the other.the thing is that i know Stage.onResize works for a swf, as per adobe docs. i want to know that if the swf is loaded into another swf, then resized.. will it fire the onResize event or will it fire only for the main stage/root document ?
So I made a listener that moves around MCs when the stage is resized and it works great. However the script doesn't work until the stage is resized . Below is the script and I would really appreciate it if you could show me how to get the script to work regardless if the browser is resized.
Why when I take a file that's huge and resize it smaller does it look so pixelated? I have on smoothing and the file looks great until I make it smaller.