ActionScript 3.0 :: Timers Acting Different With OS?
Jan 7, 2010
I developed a flash/as3 animation recently which used a couple of timers. I devved on a mac and then transferred the fla to a pc. When I output the swf from the pc it acted different. The timers were much faster. Has anyone seen this before?
I developed a flash/as3 animation recently which used a couple of timers. I devved on a mac and then transferred the fla to a pc. When I output the swf from the pc it acted different.The timers were much faster
In a game I'm making the timers that I use go one speed when I run it by pushing Ctrl-Enter in Flash but when I run the external .swf file created, the timers go considerably slower.I have managed to work around this by making the timers reset at lower intervals but I would rather not have to resort to this.
stop() var home_req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("home.html"); function home(event:MouseEvent):void[code].....
I created this flash intro (CS3) and after this flash intro, I want the home page to come up. It's not doing it. What am I doing wrong in this code? I want it to open in the same page.After my into, it's just a blank web page.
i've been playing around with this dynamic ribbon effect for some days now. It was made in Actionscript 2.0 for Flashplayer 6, now i need to change the Flashplayer to 8, because i made some other scripts which needs the new features in the new player.
But for some reason the animation is acting strange when i change the player. It is like it misses out just a tiny bit of the code, or some function. It is acting like it is stuck in the upper left corner all the time.
ave anyone run into a SWF acting differently when loaded in IE8? I just finished a banner/header for a client that is working perfectly except when loaded in IE8, here is what is happening...
Basically my masks are not being loaded on init()... I'm loading external XML so I'm thinking it might have something to do with that.
I am trying to create a very basic slide show of images that automatically revolves every 4 seconds. everything works fine but for a short time. After 2 cycles the images start to show up out of order, in less than 4 seconds and single images may repeat instead of playing the next image.
I have a parent Sprite A, that I add a Label component and aList component to. The Label is placed directly above the Listinside of Sprite A. No matter how I change the width of the Labeland the List, Sprite A always reports a width of 115. How can I fixthis so that it reports the actual width?
How would you make a button event call a function which acts like a backspace keyboard event delete.I tried faking the dispatch keyboard event "keyup" "keydown" with keycode 8 and keynumber 8 without success.No other way than doing it by hand with begin and end select index plus substr ?I have a textinput i just want to add a button acting like a backspace.
Reference objects on stage/frame from document class. AddFrameScript seems to do what I need it to, except for one thing. In the function I'm passing to be added as a frame script, I want to dynamically create some event listeners for buttons, but variables I want closed over the listener functions aren't behaving as expected -- they all end up having the last assigned value of the variable rather than the value it had when the function was defined, as if different scope rules are in effect than normal:
But then afterward, if I click any of the three buttons, they all trace: 3A Do frame scripts observe different (dynamic rather than lexical?) scoping or something?
i have an odd issue and i know almost nothing about AS3 so im a complete noob please bare with me. I am working with a template .fla for a page flip but i am using a different navigation system for the flipping of the pages. I have worked through all the errors and output problems and i can get the system to work but the moment i try to use other event handlers for the same item it completely blows up the main script to make the page flip that is required. No errors, output problems etc, it just doesn't work. So here is the code.
I have 4 mc's that are acting as btns inside an mc on the main timeline
code is below newolivefour_mc.buttonMode=truenewolivefour_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER,buttonOverfour);newolivefour_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT,buttonOutfour);function
This must be a very basic question, but I'm lost on it.The premise is simple. OnRollOver button 'A' gets color 'X', onRollOut button 'A' gets color 'Y', onRelease button 'A' gets color 'Z'.Now, ofcourse, when a button gets pressed, it gets a highlight color. But as soon as the user rolls out, the onRollOut part kicks in a changes the color back to 'Y', while it should remain at 'Z' as long as no other button is clicked.This is a very basic problem, but I'm still asking. Is there a way to solve this easily? Do I need to start using booleans and if statements to fix this?
I have an image which i am attaching, it is the white portion of the image( i saved it on a black background so it is easy to see, but it is on a transparent background saved as a gif and imported to flash). When my for loop runs, i am trying to position this image on stage programatically, but it seems as it is not doing it right. It scales the image, and positions some all over the place.I wanted the images (8 of them) to appear in 2 colums each one spaced out evenly, but it fails to do that. The movie clip holds the image below. Also since it is a irregular shape, it seems to make the edges look really rought.
1) Why is the for loop generating these images all over the place like that?
2) Would it be more ideal to draw this shape with flash, rather then using a gif image? Is such a shape even possible to draw?This is the code:
import fl.transitions.*;import fl.transitions.easing.*;import; var imageLoader:Loader; var xmlData:XML;[CODE]............
I have a deeply nested movie clip acting as a button, and I have been having trouble using actionscript to control another nested movie clip in another portion of the document.I've tried ways like:[code]...but both throw errors at me and won't let me change the frame of the IndexText MC.[code]
I have a MC(image) in the center of my screen, and have two buttons, one on right and one on left side of that MC. I want to scroll (image is like a menu) that MC left or right on mouse events, down or over. So, I just want to change MCs X value while holding mouse button on buttons or just hovering over them. I have managed to do that, but it's only moving by one value I have entered after a mouse event. Here's a piece of code I did.
buttonL1_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, buttonL1Pressed); function buttonL1Pressed(event:MouseEvent):void{ var temp:int = 0; var temp1:int = 0;
I'm attaching as many instances of a MC as my xml child nodes length.So basically never know how many of them would be on the stage.Each MC receive actions to perform, nothing fancy and it basically works.But what I want to do is to know when the user has clicked once on any mc so this latter gets 'not enabled' until another MC instance gets clicked. (so my previous MC instance gets enabled, it acts like radio buttons )The point is I know how to do it when the total of instances is defined.I also know the basics of a loop , but I cannot figure how to set up a "toggle" to gets this 'radio button group behaviour
I am trying to change the position of a movie clip which is acting as a menu and loading other swfs onto the stage. The problem is, is that the movie clip is also animated and when an swf is loaded the movie clip appears underneath the loaded swf. What method I should use to change the hierarchy of this movieclip.
I have this weird thing happening with flash and a dynamic textfield. Basically, someone rolls over a marker on a map, and a tooltip pops up with a dynamic textfield. The textfield is set to multiline=true and wordwrap = true, and I defined a specific width of 160 pixels.
The problem is, some of my text is jumping to the next line, some of it is just getting cut off. So if I have a line like "The Cat Jumped Over the Box", On one line I will see "The Cat Jumped" and on the next line I would see "the Box". It looks like it is masking out the "over" line and not pushing it to the next line.
It's not doing this for everything, just some longer lines. This is a really weird bug and I have tried for 8 hours to get this fixed. Has anyone ran into this problem before?
I have a couple of dialog screens made from FlxGroups. The first screen, LandingScreen has a button that opens a second screen, CargoShop. Whenever a screen is added, it is made the active screen in my FlxState, and the other screens' buttons are set to active = false; So, when the button to open the CargoShop screen is clicked, it is set to active = false; at the next update cycle.
Now, the CargoShop screen has a button to close it, which makes the LandingScreen active again. For some reason, as soon as the CargoShop screen is closed, a new one is instantly opened as if the shop button had been clicked again.
These buttons are not on top of each other. Is there some trick I'm missing with FlxButton that is thinks it's clicked when it's not? It only happens when I use the mouse; if I close the CargoScreen with a keyboard command, a new one is not instantly created.
I need 20 separate timers, to be used with 10 separate objects, and need to be able to start, stop, and edit the delay time of each timer separately.
My question is; would having 23 timers going on simultaneously slow the program down, and is there a quick or easy way to mass-create and mass-edit timers (arrays? for/next loops? I'm pretty new to ActionScript...)
I'm trying to use 2 separate timers in a flash solution (CS4, AS3). The second timer won't fire. I need 2 constant events. one could drive the other
I'm displaying a different image every x seconds. I'm fading the old image out and then fading the new image in. Unfortunately, I've not been able to get these events to work in tandem. fade in and out times are both 2 secs & need to be sequential.
As far as I understand this should work, but it's not.The situation:A timer starts with a random number to determine how long it takes for a movieClip to spawn.When it spawns a second timer starts running for 2 seconds, after these 2 seconds the movieClip needs to be removed again and the first Timer starts again, again with a random number. But the comm between the Timers isn't running smoothly...The timer does get set to it's new value, it starts counting down again, but it never fires the if statement again.
PHP Code: private function nBallTimerHandler(e:TimerEvent):void{nBallCnt--; trace(nBallCnt);if(nBallCnt = 0)
i have couple of videos that i want to play in succession. my theory on how to do this was to add an event listener that would call function to change the source of the FLVPlayback component and play once the initial video finished playing. The problem is that i don't know what parameters to pass to the eventlistener and the acting function. I just need someone to fill in the blanks to the following code
why the getDefinitionByName function works with "" and gives error with ""?My only clue is that the class was created before importing the project to Flash Builder 4.5 for PHP (4.5.1 namely).
My question is very specific, in fact you could try for yourself if you had FB4.5.1, a prior version of the same program, and a lot of time. Obviously I'm hoping to find someone who have experienced this particular issue or any related issue with similar functions.
I would like a lightweight script that loops through an array, counting down to the next item in the array (over and over again).
countdown_dur = new Array ( [1,20,2,20,6] );
It would be perfect if this series of countdowns could repeat until the day is then done, and then start over again at 6:29AM the following day.[edit] The countdown_dur array holds the time (in minutes) for each countdown before the next begins.
Action Script and I am having a rough time finding the solution to making my timersloop after the last timer has completed
Here is the code: import fl.transitions.Tween;import fl.transitions.easing.*; var learnDone:Timer=new Timer(3000);learnDone.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER,
I have a container named circleHolder_mc. Inside I have four circles named circ0_mc circ4_mc. My goal is to have each circle blink on mouseover. The closest I've got is the following code which causes all of the circles to blink at the same time.
circleHolder_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onBlink)circleHolder_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, unBlink) var timer:Timer = new Timer(1);timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, onTimer); function onTimer(evt:TimerEvent):void{ alpha +=7;} function onBlink(evt:MouseEvent):void{ timer.start();} function unBlink(evt:MouseEvent):void{ timer.stop(); alpha = 100;}