ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing Position Of MovieClip Acting As Menu - AddChild?
Oct 10, 2008
I am trying to change the position of a movie clip which is acting as a menu and loading other swfs onto the stage. The problem is, is that the movie clip is also animated and when an swf is loaded the movie clip appears underneath the loaded swf. What method I should use to change the hierarchy of this movieclip.
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Nov 19, 2009
I added a Menu_mc on my stage. Initially, this should be at the center of the stage and when I click on it, it will tween on the upper left corner of the browser. However, when I resize the browser, the Menu_mc goes back to the center of the screen.
I have tried separating a different actionscript file where it is specifically for initialization of the object and another one for resizing. And then when I call it on my main AS file it goes like this:
// Add the symbols to stage
var Menu_mc = new Menu_MC();
But it seems futile.
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Apr 26, 2011
This is a 2 part question really:
1) I'm trying to change the position of two different MovieClips instances to the same .x position. It works individually, but as soon as I put this code in, it says that it cannot assign it to a non reference value:
ActionScript Code:
coinArray[1].x && coinShadowArray[1].x = -591.5
2) I have a whole load of variables which are all going to different .x positions at the same event trigger - something similar to this, but there's around 30 of them:
ActionScript Code:
object[1].x = -560
object[2].x = 764.45
object[3].x = 700.45
object[4].x = 740.45
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Mar 12, 2004
I have a menu that appears on the stage with the following function.
[AS]function moveMenu (clip, yPos, speed){
var endPos = yPos-this._y;
this._y += endPos/speed;
moveMenu (menu, 50, 3);[/AS]
Next to the menu I have a movieclip (instance name "square") which I want to appear on the stage from the left, but not before menu (see above) has reached it's final position. How do I integrate this in the above function or should I make a separate function for this
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May 16, 2004
My menu(code is by scotty)has 3 movieclip buttons, with text. I broke apart the text to change the color onMouseOver. Problem is the button only works when the mouse is pointed over the actual text, so it doesn't work properly, because the text is obviously very small. I can't put a "field" behind it, because it will become part of the MC, and thus will change color.
Here's the example: [URL]
File is here: [URL]
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Apr 27, 2010
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ActionScript Code:
var tb = toolBar;
tb.stateViewBTN.onPress = function() {
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Nov 8, 2010
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Apr 1, 2011
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Aug 10, 2009
I have a customized colorpicker that will be added to the stage dynamically depending on what movieclip is in a particular frame - so to ease coding, I've created a class with all my customizations and wish to add a label, dynamically, to each colorpicker. However, here is the issue, I can't seem to add the label to the stage because the colorpicker keeps reporting it's positions as x = 0 and y = add the label to the stage in a relative manner fails.
Code: Select all
myPicker = new ColorPicker();
myPicker.x = 30;
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Apr 11, 2011
var boaty:boat = new boat();
How do I refer to the stage position (what we see on screen (might be called something else)) of a object added like this (boaty
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Sep 6, 2011
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public function prep():void {
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Oct 20, 2011
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I've got it spawning at a random x, its just the constrained y
Heres the code I have so far: (Note: This is only for the function with addChild)
function addShape():void{
var obj:Objects=new Objects();
obj.x = Math.random()*stage.width;
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May 20, 2009
I am creating a container. When I press a button outside the container it adds a movieclip. The movieclip is the width of the container but only a fraction of the height.
I need to know how to get it so every time I press the button it adds the movieclip after the last one, almost like appending a list. Does anyone know how I would do this?Do I use an array or does flash have some sort of table feature?
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Jul 30, 2010
I have a movie on stage that acts as a button using the code. person_mc.buttonMode = true;
I load an image onto the stage from my library using addChild(holiday);
What happens is that the person_mc button I have on stage will not function anymore, because I am presuming it is underneath the holiday pic when I loaded it using addChild.
How do I load the holiday pic, so that it is underneath the person_mc?
I know I could do what I did with holiday using addChild for the person_mc, but I do not want to do it that way.
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Feb 20, 2009
i have been searching the internet for a bit, and maybe i don't know what to look for but i know filters have stage scaling enable, not sure that is what i am dealing with but for some reason i can not scale a movieclip that contains a movieclip with a drop shadow filter without the drop shadow acting like the light source has changed, have tried copying the bitmapdata....anyone know how to "freeze" the drop shadow.
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Mar 26, 2009
I'm familiar with AS2 and just getting started with AS3. I found a submenu fla I would like to use, and I have everything set up, just not sure how to attach movies from the library when someone clicks a navigation button.In AS2 I would have made an empty mc and used attachMovie when the button is released.I've looked at some of the addChild questions and tutorials here, but since I'm working with pre-written code for a submenu, I'm not sure about how to modify what I've read to work in that code.Here's the code that sets up the submenu, the last function (navigate) is where I'm not sure how to instruct flash to load an mc when one of the buttons (from the var subButton:Array) is clicked. The MCs in the library correspond to the array entries ie: s.home has a library item mcHome, s.web has library item mcWeb that would load when they click that button. var s = //create a variable to shorten the path to the buttons in the sub barvar subButtons:Array = new Array(s.home,, s.web, s.graphic,; // create an array with all the buttons in the sub bar
for (var i:int = 0; i< subButtons.length; i++) // create a for loop to add the CLICK event listener to all the buttons in the sub bar at once
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Mar 22, 2011
I created a Menu with for Loops/addChild and TweenLite. But I have no clue how to tell flash to what page im going when I press one of the buttons.Because the specifications of the page can only be mentioned AFTER the onComplete function, because the content needs to be added AFTER the animation is finished.
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Mar 13, 2009
I need to insert a menu in the main stage and I have three movieclips exported to ActionScript with their base classes.
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May 13, 2010
I'm hoping someone can solve this headache. Basically, I want a movieclip to move to the position of each of my buttons from any position along my x axis. Therefore, the movieclip needs to 'flip' to face the way it is traveling.At the moment I have the movieclip moving to the mouse x axis when I ROLLOVER the button and stop following the mouse when I ROLLOUT but the code won't flip the movieclip so I must have something wrong...
btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER,followCa t);
btn02.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER,follow Cat);
btn02.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT,stopCat );
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Jul 3, 2009
setting a position of movieclip called red x and y position within a movieclip called background
background.redsquare.x = 300;
background.redsquare.y = 300;
comes up with TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties.
setting a position of movieclip called red x and y position withen a movieclip called background
redsquare.x = 300;
redsquare.y = 300;
This works fine but how can that be when surely you must access the red withen the background rather then just accessing red?
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Mar 30, 2009
This is something I'm experimenting with, but haven't seemed to figure out... I have several MovieClips, basically the same, only different colors. As each one plays, I'd like it to "overlap" whichever one is already there. Right now I have each button linked to a gotoAndPlay function, but I don't think that will ever get me what I want. You can see how I have it now here: [URL]
Instead of having the content MovieClip go back to all white when a button is clicked, I'd like the preivious one to remain, and get "covered up" by the new one. You continue to see the old color, and the new color overlaps it. I have a feeling I need to use a variable and then addChild, with a removeChild for the old MovieClip after the new MovieClip has loaded, but I'm not getting any good results yet.
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Feb 20, 2010
I created a simple transparent app for Adobe AIR in Flash. It has not chrome, so now I need to make it draggable. How could this be done?
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Nov 3, 2009
lets say i have a sprite on the stage and one movieclip inside it. now i want to tween or just set that movieclip x and/or y position according to stage position. so for example i want to set mc.y = - 100; (by which i mean -100 to stage, not sprite which mc is in.)
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Feb 3, 2010
What i'd like to do is have a menu/site map that adjusts when you click on a certain icon. For example, I have a AS3.0 flash file with, say, 5 keyframes with 5 buttons that are in different positions on each key frame. The buttons are set to gotoAndPlay the various keyframes. I can set up a tween that links frame 1 to 2, 2 to 3 etc. but what I would like is a tween from, say, 1 to 3, then 3 to 5, then 5 to 1 - basically in a random order rather than sequentially through the key frames. I could set each of these tweens up individually but the site is for a portfolio that I would like to keep adding to and to do this individually would mean an ever increasing amount of tweens.Basically, is there a way to get a 'MovieClip' to move from Position A in keyframe 1 to Position B in another keyframe without a set of tween frames? I'm sure this is simpler than I am making it sound but I don't seem to be able to work it out.
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Nov 5, 2010
I am making a dragable map and there are few thing on top of the map(UI). When the map is double clicked it enables drag. But it's changing the index position, basically, it going over the UI. what's the easiest way to control the index position of the map? The click and drag event is controlled in mapZoom class.
this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, enableDrag);
public function enableDrag(e:MouseEvent):void
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Jun 25, 2010
I know I can horizontally flip an image using ActionScript Code: image.scaleX *= 1;
However, this seems to move the left border of the image past its x coordinate.
I would like to make sure that the image stays within the same borders as before and that (x,y) is still the top left corner. Short of wrapping it in another image, is there a way to do that?
View 8 Replies
Feb 11, 2011
i added a vcam in my game but it messes up the x and y position of my moveclips, when i pressed space to shoot fireball, the fireball's position keep changing. Everything is working right before adding the vcam. Does anyone have a solution to this or why does vcam cause this to happen?
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Oct 2, 2004
how do u make a currently playing song (s1) move to a new spot in the song? s1.position=wure; were wure is the position in milliseconds i want it to be does not seem to work .
does not seem to work either
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Jul 13, 2010
my_mediafile.load(new URLRequest("PMP2.jpg"));
//trace ("my_mediafile "+my_mediafile);
i have a movie clip(called gfx_pmp) inside of my movieclip (called mc_pmp) and i wanted to add a child to that movieclip gfx_pmp
thought i could use this code
but it doesn't seem to work. when i ran a trace on mc_pmp.gfx_pmp it returned null as a value
//returns null
i dont see what the issue is here, or why the trace on that is returning null
[object mc_pmp_43]
1st trace gfx_pmp [object MovieClip]
2ndtrace gfx_pmp [object MovieClip]
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Nov 15, 2011
I want to write a function which removes elements from an array of integers starting from the lowest values without changing the positions of the elements. Programming language is ActionScript3.
I know Array.NUMERIC and Array.DESCENDING would change the position of the elements, but I can't seem to figure out the logic on how to keep their positions.
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