ActionScript 3.0 :: Trace In For Loop Using LoaderInfo.parameters?

Apr 12, 2011

I want to get some flashVars parameters, but have a hard time getting them into any variable.
When using the following code :


the values are shown inside the SWF as expected. However, when adding a trace in the for loop, nothing is there.
Why is this, and how should I retrieve the variables?

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Flash - Delete Value In Loaderinfo.parameters Object?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: LoaderInfo.parameters When URLRequestMethod.POST?

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var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest('child.swf');
var vars:URLVariables = new URLVariables(); = 'bar';


but when I change URLRequestMethod.GET to URLRequestMethod.POST, I'm unable to. why, and if there's a workaround?

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I continue, I must say I've searched on forum and on google and all the different kind of code didn't work On my actionscript panel, I have this:
import com.greensock.*;import;
import flash.display.Stage;import flash.display.LoaderInfo; 
var sujet_no:String = LoaderInfo(this.root.loaderInfo).parameters["sujet_no"];var timer:String = LoaderInfo(this.root.loaderInfo).parameters["timer"];var back_url:String =


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How to trace complete URL with added parameters that is sent? Also, I used Charles debug proxy, but could not get which URL was sent.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Passing Parameters With A For Loop?

Dec 22, 2009

I'm trying to create four cubes in Papervision using a for loop. The cube class requires, as its first parameter, a MaterialsList. I've created four different MaterialLists in my code with the names materialsList1,materialsList2, materialsList3, & materialsList4. In a for loop, I'm trying to pass those variables as the MaterialsList parameter. It's not working. If I use the variables themselves in the code, it works fine, so I know my problem has something to do with how I'm trying to data type the dynamic name (see Actionscript below)The Actionscript:

PHP Code:
for (var i:int = 1; i<5; i++) {
[COLOR="red"] var cube:Cube = new Cube(("materialsList"+i) as MaterialsList,396


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ActionScript 2.0 :: For Loop Works In Trace But Not In Function

Mar 9, 2010

I have 20 players in a game and cutting and pasting lots of code except for a few numbers. I have future features that would require over 400 lines of mostly repeated code. So I learned how to use "for", and practiced with a trace command. Traced the results exactly as I thought. However when I apply it to the guts of my function, the movie breaks down. I suspect it's because the function is being called on an EnterFrame command and the for loop I wrote is being executed over and over.

This works when I hand code:
Actionscript Code:
function drill(){GUESS0 = ((guess0min * 60)*1000) + ((guess0seconds * 1000))
GUESS1 = ((guess1min * 60)*1000) + ((guess1seconds * 1000))
GUESS2 = ((guess2min * 60)*1000) + ((guess2seconds * 1000))
GUESS3 = ((guess3min * 60)*1000) + ((guess3seconds * 1000))
GUESS20 = ((guess20min * 60)*1000) + ((guess20seconds * 1000))
//and then 300 more lines of other code}

And then a button later calls this when pressing:
Actionscript Code:
my_MC.onEnterFrame = function(){_root.drill ();
//so _root.drill is continually being called, which is good, because it has all sorts of data that needs to be refreshed, but I think it's screwing with my "for" loop.}

And the following is NOT working.
Actionscript Code:
function drill(){for (i=0;i<20;i++){
"GUESS"+i+" = ((guess"+i+"min * 60)*1000) + ((guess"+i+"seconds * 1000));";}

But when I trace it in a separate test movie, it outputs exactly what I would hope it placed in the code:
Actionscript Code:
for (i=0;i<5;i++){trace("GUESS"+i+" = ((guess"+i+"min * 60)*1000) + ((guess"+i+"seconds * 1000));");}

So at the end of the day, I guess I can trace these results in a test movie and use it to generate what I need, and cut and paste it into the project... but I thought 'for' loops were for saving time AND space. Am I using this code right? Maybe my use of "", or +, or i is misguided?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Timeline Loop - Trace Does Not Work

Aug 27, 2011

I've got something simple in my main time line. I know I must be missing some kind of loop function, as the hold down doesn't work unless I keep clicking. And my trace doesn't work unless it starts on the 'enemy'. I'm just not sure what

_left.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, moveLeft);
function moveLeft(e:MouseEvent){
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loop The Parameters Into The Same Dynamic Text Box?

Dec 18, 2006

I want to make a Blog in my website, but I don't know how to loop the parameters into the same dynamic text box! The XML will be basicly like this:

<xml bla bla bla's>
<newpost id=1>


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Actionscript 3 :: Flash Event Properties Trace Them With A For Loop?

Nov 3, 2010

I was wondering if it was possible to use a for (or for each) loop to trace the properties of an event to the output window. I know I can trace the event in one go, like this:


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Professional :: Loop Button Is Unchecked In Dreamweaver Parameters?

Oct 12, 2010

I have created a Flash movie which, when previewed in Flash works perfectly. Flash CS4.I have put this code in at the start:
mysitebtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onMouseClick);  function onMouseClick(e:MouseEvent):void  {  var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest('http://www.example/home.html');  navigateToURL(request,'_self');  }
 navigateToURL (new URLRequest('http://www.example.html'), '_self');
and a Stop() action on at the end.
Publish with "Loop" in HTML tab is unchecked.
The Loop button is unchecked in Dreamweaver Parameters.

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Flash :: Continuous Loop - Keep Getting The (same) Trace Result Outputted Infinitely?

Mar 16, 2012

I'm getting the geolocation data of a viewer and creating a textfield to display this data (city,state). After the data is pulled the text is measured to fit in the textbox and if the length of the city is too long, the text is adjusted in size to fill the textfield. When I trace the end result of the final text size, I keep getting the (same) trace result outputted infinitely.


It worked, but I needed the text box to be made according to what data was pulled from the geolocation xml, so I added it in the geolocation script.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash For Loop + Getchildbyname - Trace What Button Is Clicked

May 20, 2011

I have made 30 movieclips for my level selection screen. Then I create a movieclip with the same name using a for loop. With that code I make roll_over function showing a Tooltip. I then want to trace what button is being clicked. My whole code is here: [URL] I want to trace what button is clicked, so I can show it on my tooltip textbox.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Parameters And Listeners - Argument Count Mismatch On Loop

Oct 23, 2010

Would it be possible for something like this to happen?
addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, loop);
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loop);
function loop(e:Event, key:KeyboardEvent) {
//do something
I get the error
ArgumentError: Error #1063: Argument count mismatch on Turret/loop(). Expected 2, got 1.

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Flash :: URLRequest Event.COMPLETE Loop - Trace Commands Output

May 18, 2011

How can I reorganise the code below so the trace commands output i for each element in the photourls array and not just the last element? In a 6 element array, the trace(i); line outputs 5,5,5,5,5,5 rather than 0,1,2,3,4,5.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Global Array - Trace That First Element While Trace Is Called Within The Function

May 29, 2009

I am having issues with a global array. I have an actionscript file called at the same level as my main FLA:


I am able to trace that first element while trace is called within the function... but if I try to trace that first element outside of the function it is "undefined". Do I need to return the array at the end of the function? I tried that but I cant seem to get it working correctly.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Modifiy The Global Trace Function To Output The Current Time Of A Trace Action

Nov 9, 2011

I've been playing with prototype a bit and I've noticed that either it isn't as static as it should be or that some functions are protected from altering, or that in some cases the prototype actually extends a function. For example, I was trying to modifiy the global trace function to output the current time of a trace action, something like this :

Code:trace("lulu"); // output 12:48:17.286 lulu I DID achieve something close to it, but it seems that I haven't actually modified the global trace function, but rather it's "_root" counterpart,


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Delayed Trace - First Click Still Trace The Previous Track?

Nov 14, 2009

ive got a loaded xml list for an mp3 player. from playing track1, when i select track 2, it traces "track1" but then after a second click it traces "track2" and stays on that. the actually music for track2 does load on the first click though, but not the trace. anyone know why on the first click it would still trace the previous track? here is the code for that function...


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Variable - Why Does The Last Trace Not Trace "32" Like The Second Trace

Dec 21, 2004

take a look at the results of these traces:

trace(imgGal); //traces "1"
trace(itemClip1._y); //traces "32"
trace(itemClip[imgGal]._y); //traces "undefined"

why does the last trace not trace "32" like the second trace? I want to insert the variable "imgGal" onto the end of the mc "itemClip", how can I do this?


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Last Trace Gives Me Undefined While Trace(temp)?

Aug 8, 2006

var dane:Array = new Array();
dane_xml = new XML();
dane_xml.ignoreWhite = true;[code]....

and this last trace gives me undefined while trace(temp) gives me what I want

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ActionScript 3.0 :: LoaderInfo Of Swf Which Is Into Another Swf?

Aug 26, 2009

i have a swf and i send parameter to this from html. when i load this swf directly to the html page, i can take paramters by using 'this.root.loaderInfo'However, i load this swf into another swf and i load second swf to the html. by this way, i cant take paramters using 'this.root.loaderInfo'. what should i do for this? what is the root and parent relationship between swfs that one within the other one.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: LoaderInfo Of ContentLoaderInfo?

Jul 7, 2011

As a part of a class I have been asked to place a preloader in front of my projects. I can't believe how tough this is. I get the best results when I use an URLRequest, but I want to understand the timeline.When I put a working preloader in front of my movie it doesn't start "ticking" until some middle point like 20%, or 70% depending on the file size of the movie. When I trace the bytes.Loaded it doesn't start counting until 700K or so.I have looked at several different preloaders and none seem to work as well as the tutorial. Can someone direct me to an "easy to understand" source that explains the loaderInfo / contentLoaderInfo class?

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Flash :: Why LoaderInfo.bytesTotal Is Zero

Nov 22, 2011

I'm developing a flash file that that will be uploaded to dozens of websites which I have no control over. I found out that one of them seems to be gzipping the swf, which is causing loaderInfo.bytesTotal to be zero. This screws up the loading animation. I tried a workaround of just testing if bytesTotal is zero, if so simply proceed. That doesn't work because, as expected, not all the necessary data has loaded yet. Alternatively I can put a timed delay of whatever the expected load time is, and hope that it covers all the bases.

Does anyone have any other suggestions? Ideally there's an alternative way to define bytesTotal, but I haven't found one. FYI this is somewhat related to this question: Why loaderInfo.bytesTotal is Zero But I can't do the htaccess suggestion because I don't have control over the other websites, some of which may be on windows servers anyway.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get URL From LoaderInfo IOErrorEvent

Oct 17, 2007

I'm loading an image with Loader class, adding a listener to its LoaderInfo object like this:

ActionScript Code:
var loader:Loader = new Loader();
loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, ioErrorHandler);
var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("myUrl.jpg");

Then of course I have a function ioErrorHandler. How can I get the url within that error handler?

The IOErrorEvent doesn't have something like a url property, nore does the LoaderInfo has one. Well, I just though of getting my Loader object back within the error handler like this:

ActionScript Code:
function ioErrorHandler(event:Event){

But well... I get runtime error #2099. The Loader object is not available in ioErrorEvent. Do I really need to parse the url from IOErrorEvent.message?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Use LoaderInfo.getLoaderInfoByDefinition(obj)

Jun 28, 2008

how to use LoaderInfo.getLoaderInfoByDefinition(obj)??? Docs say it wants a "SWF File Object"... I tried feeding it a loaded movieclip. hoping to get the clips loaderInfo, but it simply returned the loaderInfo for the stage, not the loaded clip...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reading Dpi From LoaderInfo.bytes?

Aug 11, 2009

I need to get the density and units from loaded images, both jpg and png. I am able to get the data, but the bytes do not seem to be where they should, according to [URL]..rchange_Format units, xDensity and yDensity should be proceed one another, but I get an unknown value between units and xDensity. Am I reading the JFIF specs wrong or am I doing somthing wrong with the byteArray? Same with pHYs data in pngs, I can get the data but it's not where I expect it according to


Edit: Forgot to add, I am reading the first 100 bytes of the loaderInfo, picked this number arbitrarily. Any suggestions on a safe length, long enough to ensure I can retrieve the metadata but short enough to keep it quick.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Set LoaderInfo Params From Flash

Oct 7, 2010

This is my case

1: I have two swf : a.swf n b.swf

2: I can't do any coding on a.swf but I can code on b.swf

3: b.swf loads a.swf

4: a.swf takes some params from html

5: Since b.swf now loads a.swf,how can I set loaderinfo params of a.swf from b.swf?

So is there any way I can set loaderinfo params from loading swf to the loaded swf.

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