ActionScript 3.0 :: Tweens Freeze When Using Frame Numbers?

Mar 4, 2009

I have a Sprite that will do nothing more than move from the left side of the screen to the right side (think of a truck in Frogger!).I trigger that tween randomly, so it will get called multiple times. The strange thing happening is that when I do it like this:

var fahren:Tween = new Tween(truck,'x',None.easeNone,-50,600,50);

it tends to get to a point where it just freezes and nothing is happening anymore (although the rest of the app is still running).When I tell the tween to use seconds instead:

var fahren:Tween = new Tween(truck,'x',None.easeNone,-50,600,2,true);

it will work perfectly forever!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Frame Labels And Frame Numbers?

Feb 19, 2002

For example if I wanted an action to occur untilt the movie hit the frame label I would ideally be able to do somethign along the lines of:

do {
play ();
} while (_currentFrame != "label name");

This does not seem to work, but I am hoping that this is close to something that willObviously, I can put an action to stop the clip in the labeled frame, but I only want it to stop there under certain conditions . . .

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I am building a large project that could be subject to change during it's construction, I am stressing out a bit because I am relying on the timeline to go foward and backward through the structure, (as well as user having the ability to use a menu to go where ever they want). So apart form the menu that specifies where to go, there is a forward and back button using next and previous frame to go forward and backwards.

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Use Frame Labels Instead Of Frame Numbers?

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..  So, what if after building a large section of this, the client wants to put in an extra page? this will upset all of my navigation (OR if I put the extra page at the end of the timeline the menu will work fine but the forward adn backwards buttons wont work properly)
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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tweens - Get The Previous Image / Piece Of Work To Fade Out Before Jumping To The Selected Key Frame

Oct 19, 2009

I curenttly making a simple online portfolio using flash (as3). Each piece of work i'm displaying resides within a mc on the main time line, and within that each piece of my work lives in its own keyframe, so the site has a basic 'mc.gotoandstop("label")' navigation. I can get my images to fade in using a AS tween, but I want to get the previous image/piece of work to fade out before jumping to the selected key frame and fading in the selected work. Currently, the innards of my button function reads something like:

tween (fadeout)
tween (fade in)

but this clearly not the right way to go about it? Is there a way of putting slight delay after the fade out tween in the function? To let it fully fade out before fading in the new work?

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Nov 5, 2009

i'm just trying to do something really basic and I'm stumped.all i want to do is create a radom number onEnterFrameits to go at the end of a game i've made and the score will be radom at the end screenso far I have this below but it will not stop it just keeps going and going i've put stop(); in but that does not seem to work. I know its simple but I just can't see it.

this.onEnterFrame = function() {
display = Math.round (Math.random (10)*9)+1;

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Oct 21, 2009

I am trying to write a short AS3 script in CS4 that allows me to step backwards and forwards through an animation. I have a stop button a play button, rewind button and a forward button. The buttons work ok apart from when I hit the rewind button sometimes it jumps to the start of the timeline rather than just step back a frame at a time. When I use the stop button and the timeline stops where it is, the rewind button steps back as required.

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var counter = 1;
function setupevents(){
buttonplay.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playbutton);
buttonstop.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, stopbutton);
[Code] .....

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Jul 13, 2010

I'm working on a slide show which includes 3 sections that fade in and out automatically as well as can be navigated via buttons.Everything is working fine until I include a 3d tween animation of a hanging doesn't have any action script - just a 3d tween where the sign swings however once I include it in the slide show, the whole thing goes crazy:The fade in and out of tweens don't work.sometimes the slide show skips and everything start moving very fast as if the timeline was fast forwarded... can someone please helpe me and point me in the right direction of where to even start trouble shooting it?  The problem is that it acts as if there was some kind of script added however there's no action script included in the hanging sign.

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Mar 25, 2009

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(in case it was a string vs number issue.) it just stops - it does not go to frame 30. I need this because I need the file to stay on frame 1 if no variable is passed in. Am I doing something obvious wrong? Is there a better way to do this?

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Mar 5, 2011

I have 40 frames that I want the player/user to go through. The 40 frames shoud be shown in a random order and no frame shown more than once.

How do I go about making the random function discard frame numbers already picked?

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Tweens Affect Other Tweens In CS4?

Jul 13, 2010

I'm working on a slide show which includes 3 sections that fade in and out automatically as well as can be navigated via buttons...

Everything is working fine until I include a 3d tween animation of a hanging sign.. it doesn't have any action script - just a 3d tween where the sign swings... however once I include it in the slide show, the whole thing goes crazy:

The fade in and out of tweens don't work... sometimes the slide show skips and everything start moving very fast as if the timeline was fast forwarded.. The problem is that it acts as if there was some kind of script added.. however there's no action script included in the hanging sign..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Generate A Variable Number Of Random Numbers Less Than 16 With No Duplicate Numbers

Nov 2, 2004

how to do this and not found much, so here goes:

I want to generate a variable number of random numbers less than 16 with no duplicate numbers

Ive posted the fla, and what i'm doing is generating a random number and putting it into an array then using a for loop to cycle through the array for each new random number to check if its already there. if it is, then i want to regenerate that number.

if you test the fla you'll see that all i get in my array is some lovely zero's and i sort of know why this is, but don't know how to stop it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: AIR Handling Large Numbers - Convert A String Having Numbers To An Integer

Feb 18, 2010

I am trying to convert a string having numbers to an integer.

//15 9's are there
var str:String="999999999999999"
var res:Number = new Number(str);

But it is not able to convert correctly as the the var res now has the value 100000000000000000. I know that the number has 52 bits of memory, then why is it not able to do the conversion?

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Generate four random numbers with the total of the four numbers equal to100?[code]...

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In saying that, X will only =2, and =5. So in the first instance, i'll need 2 random numbers from the set above that are not the same numbers, and second instance 5 random numbers from the set above (also no repeats of numbers). Then i need to be able to store those 2 or 5 different random numbers from the set into variables to call them with other functions.

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Screen To Freeze For A Few Seconds?

Jun 4, 2009

I'm making a platform game and i want the screen to freeze for a few seconds when it hits an object (eg, Spikes) the after it has finished freezing i want it to repeat the frame again.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pick 6 Random Numbers From 49 Numbers?

Aug 18, 2010

what is the syntax to pick how can i pick 6 random numbers from 49 numbers

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