IDE :: Difference Between Motion Tweens And Frame By Frame?

Feb 25, 2010

What is the difference between motion tweens and frame by frame. What situations are appropriate for each method?

Using Flash CS4.

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Professional :: Moving A Mask Frame By Frame With Motion Tweens?

Jul 26, 2011

I making an animation for a preloader.In the animation, a 'line' draws a picuture.There are many lines,and I would like a mask to follow the lines so that it appears that they are being drawn.There are so many that it would be difficult to do this manually by moving a mask frame by frame with motion tweens.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Seek Frame-by-frame The MovieClip Timeline And Use The CurrentFrame To Control All Motion Child?

Jul 16, 2010

i'd like to control MovieClip timeline witch contain several DisplayObject (like Sprite, Button, ...) these DisplayObject have Motion (AnimatorFactory). How can i do seek frame-by-frame the MovieClip Timeline and use the currentFrame to control all Motion child.


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Motion Tween That Startes At Frame 5 And Ends At Frame 25?

May 11, 2011

I am a first time flash-maker, and I sure how to get things to work as planned.I have written the following code:

stop();import;Weightlifting_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, CursorClick);function CursorClick(event:MouseEvent):void{gotoAndStop("25");}

But my problem is that i have a motion tween that startes at frame 5 and ends at frame 25. And the code says that at will go to and stop at frame 25.what I really want it to do, is to go to frame 5, play the motion, and stop at frame 25.

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Easiest Way Of Convert Motion Tween To Frame By Frame?

Sep 14, 2009

In the old motion model it was as easy as highlighting all of the frames, converting them to keyframes then removing the tween. But I have no clue how to do it with the new motion model.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tweens Freeze When Using Frame Numbers?

Mar 4, 2009

I have a Sprite that will do nothing more than move from the left side of the screen to the right side (think of a truck in Frogger!).I trigger that tween randomly, so it will get called multiple times. The strange thing happening is that when I do it like this:

var fahren:Tween = new Tween(truck,'x',None.easeNone,-50,600,50);

it tends to get to a point where it just freezes and nothing is happening anymore (although the rest of the app is still running).When I tell the tween to use seconds instead:

var fahren:Tween = new Tween(truck,'x',None.easeNone,-50,600,2,true);

it will work perfectly forever!

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop ENTER-FRAME Event After Two TWEENS?

Apr 21, 2010

How do you stop an ENTER_FRAME event after two tweens have executed?I have an AS3 package-based-classes Flash website loading nicely. The very last effect is the hover or active state for the button for the current page to tell the user what page they're on. I want the button's active state to execute using an ENTER_FRAME event and NOT using a Timer method. Mainly because I'd simply like to know how it's done and also because I've already used several timers to load the API. But, using the code below, I can't stop the ENTER_FRAME precisely after two tweens have fired - the Alpha tween and the Tweener that pulls the a blur effect into focus.[code]

I've tried several IF and ELSE IF conditions to tell Home.removeEventListener(Event. ENTER_ FRAME, OverState); exactly when to occur but the IF conditions either removeEventListener too soon, before the two tweens have fired, or the IF conditions just don't execute at all and the ENTER_FRAME trace continues on ad infinitum. You can use IF conditions that precisely operate on stage X and Y positions. But I can't figure out how to make an IF condition execute precisely after the two Tweens.How do you stop an ENTER_FRAME event PRECISELY after two tweens have executed so that Home.removeEventListener( Event.ENTER_ FRAME,OverState); executes at exactly the right point?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tweens - Get The Previous Image / Piece Of Work To Fade Out Before Jumping To The Selected Key Frame

Oct 19, 2009

I curenttly making a simple online portfolio using flash (as3). Each piece of work i'm displaying resides within a mc on the main time line, and within that each piece of my work lives in its own keyframe, so the site has a basic 'mc.gotoandstop("label")' navigation. I can get my images to fade in using a AS tween, but I want to get the previous image/piece of work to fade out before jumping to the selected key frame and fading in the selected work. Currently, the innards of my button function reads something like:

tween (fadeout)
tween (fade in)

but this clearly not the right way to go about it? Is there a way of putting slight delay after the fade out tween in the function? To let it fully fade out before fading in the new work?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Movie Play Frame X To Frame Y Then Switch To Frame Z?

Nov 21, 2007

I have my flash on multiple scenes, and would like to play an animation when clicking on the navigation button before switching to a different scene.

I'm halfway to accomplishing this.

Here is what i used



The above code is on a blank keyframe. Changepage1 is the start of the animation and Changepage2 is the end of the animation.

Upon clicking the navigation button it plays the above scenes.

However it doesn't change scenes to scene "Home2".

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Can't Create A Motion Tween When I Insert Keyframe In Frame 28

Jun 12, 2009

How do you create a motion tween when I insert keyframe in frame 28 then I click on the object and create motion tween but when i click in 60 to insert keyframe I get opition of position, scale, skew, rotate ect. I just want to insert keyframe. What am I doing wrong?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reverse Tween Motion From Last Active Frame

Mar 29, 2009

I have a Fade-in/ Fade-out movie that works with the 'alpha'. It begins on a Mouse_Over and works its way toward 0, but stops and reverses from where ever it is at on a Mouse_Out and works it's way back towards 100. I pretty sure someone here showed it to me -- and it has been the cats' meow. I'm wondering if Flash will let you do the same thing with a motion. I played around a little and replaced the 'alpha' call in the function with 'motion' and the code stayed blue (which I'm assuming means that it is acceptable). This would make a really great function, assuming that it is possible. I've enclosed the 'alpha' code so that you can see what I am referring to.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Controlling Motion Tween Frame Rate?

Jan 5, 2006

I have a movie running @ 24 fps. I particularly need to control a motion tween to run slower than the movie fps. How do i control frame rate of a particular motion tween.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Rewind To First Frame On Entering Certain Frame / Stopping In Frame?

Mar 4, 2009

What command do I enter for the movie to rewind to first frame on entering a certain frame / stopping in a frame?It's my first time using Flash, and I'm working on a double menu (second menu has a "close" button, where I want to get back to the first menu).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Fast Projectile Motion Without Increasing Frame Rate

Oct 9, 2011

I have a projectile that generated by this code:
//initial code
bullet1.x = bullet1.x + (cur_speed_x / 10);
bullet1.y = bullet1.y - (cur_speed_y / 10);
cur_speed_y = cur_speed_y - g / 50;
[Code] .....
I want the projectile to keep the same path but just move faster without having to increase the frame rate of the movie. Where I should increase the motion in the above formulas to get that to happen?

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Jul 13, 2006

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Set Frames To Play Frame 1, Frame 3, Frame 5

Mar 13, 2011

I hope I can ask this correctly. I'll paraphrase.
press_mc.onRelease = function(){};
This is a snippet of some code I'm working on. Currently I have a mc that you press that plays another mc. That mc that reacts has 5 frames, each frame with stop(); on each frame. I do a normal play code because it lets me play through and cycle back to frame 1 after frame 5 (so if I click the mc it eventually cycles back to the first frame and starts the process over again). If I do a nextframe it stops at frame 5, so that's why I use play.
press_mc click on it and it tells mover2_mc to advance a frame and recycles back to frame one to redo the process.Can I tell press_mc to play and skip a frame or to have it play a list of frames that I tell? I can't do a _currentframe +2 because it'll halt at frame 5.

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CS4 / New Tweens / Motion Editor

Apr 28, 2010

I'm struggling through trying to learn the new tween system. Is it just me or did they completely NUKE workflow with this new system? Is there any way to copy and paste the property keyframes?I often have animations where things loop, so the last frame of the motion tween needs to be the same as the first frame. In the old days I would just select and copy multiple keyframes from frame 1 and paste them at the end. Done in 5 seconds. The only way I can find to do this now is to hand set every freaking property on every freaking keyframe of every freaking object.

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Cs4 :: Add A Pause Between Motion Tweens?

Nov 12, 2009

I have scoured the web reading tutorials and lots of them discuss getting an object from point a to b.I simply want to move an object from left to right (no problem) pause for 20 frames, and then drop down.

I can accomplish it a few ways but it seems to involve way too many cryptic steps. One solution is fairly easy to implement but the resulting timeline visualization is really poor.[code]...

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IDE :: Motion Tweens Look So Jagged?

Apr 15, 2009

I have been working on this banner ad using motion tweens (with scaling) for four objects, three road signs and a background. Sometimes it runs very smoothly, but most of the time, the four objects run in a very jagged way? Does it have to do with four motion tweens happening at the same time?

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IDE :: Bug In Editing Motion Tweens?

Mar 16, 2010

I'm brand new to Flash (started last week). Playing with motion tween editing and thought I understood the difference between using the selection versus sub-selection tools.BUT...... Under certain circumstances (and I haven't been able to get a "handle" on what those circumstances might be), I seem to get a control point on EVERY frame, whether a key-frame exists at that point or NOT on the TL (also, whether I got the sel or sub-sel tool selected makes no difference).

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Fascinating Discovery The New Motion Tweens?

Aug 20, 2009

When I first started playing with the new motion tweens I realized that you cannot copy keyframe "properties" on multiple layers at once. You have to copy them one at a time. But I just found out that if you select the multiple property keyframes you can hold Alt and drag to duplicate them all at once.

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Motion Tweens And Changing Color?

Dec 12, 2009

so i watched the tut on motion tweens on how to change the color of stuff, but i guess im doing something wrong because its not working.are there  step by step directions i can follow? also how would one change the color of a gradiant over time?

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Morphing From One Symbol To The Another Using Motion Tweens?

Dec 18, 2009

I am fairly new to flash and I'm currently using CS4 to create shape tweens that morph from a shape (in my case an astroid, not to be confused with an asteroid) to text that I have broken apart into individual shapes.  This works very well with the shape tweens; however, I would like to use symbols instead of shapes for my tween.
Naturally, I converted my shape and my broken apart text to symbols and then set up a motion tween.  My research has told me that you cannot morph from one symbol to another using ANY tween, but this would not make sense to me.
Am I missing how to actually do this? If it is true that you cannot morph between symbols, then why on earth hasn't Adobe made a way to do this.  If I need to substitute one shape for another in a flash video, and I have this shape in 100s of frames in the video, there is NO way to quickly find and replace those shapes, especially if you've duplicated the the several (20) times in each frame.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using Multiple Motion Tweens?

May 10, 2011

I have a problem, which I couldn't solve. I made three motion tweens. One is the background, which slides in from left. Another one, is a car, which goes in the scene from right. The two visible wheels of this car are spinning too using a motion tween. The problem is that all these motion tweens keep looping. I would like to let the background and the wheels of the car loop forever, but I want the car to come in from right and stop on the left. When I tried to stop it, it stopped the car, but unfotunately it stopped the background too. How could I manage to let the background and the wheels of the car loop, but stop the car in a position?[URL]

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IDE :: Targeting Motion Tweens Under Masks?

Apr 3, 2009

I am trying in CS4 to change visibility of some motion tweens using AS2 _visible=true and _visible=false ( I need to stick to AS2)I am able to successfully target the motion tweens that are not masked, but I can not target the motion tweens that ARE masked. The masks lie directly over the tweens within the same movie clip as the other tweens.

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IDE :: Create 2 Separate Motion Tweens?

Sep 5, 2009

I'm trying to create 2 separate motion tweens - between frame 1 to frame 35 and frame 36 to 65 but it just won't work.

From frame 1 I want a motion tween to frame 35. We shall call the graphic in frame 1, graphic 1 and frame 35 graphic 2.

Graphic 3 represents frame 35 and graphic 4, frame 36.

When I make a motion tween from frame 1 to 35, it overwrites graphic 3 and 4 with Graphic 1. It will not allow me to put graphic 3 into frame 35, only graphic 1. If i put it in, it will automatically swap.

When I make a motion tween from frame 36 to 65, it works. But then when I try to make the motion tween from frame 1 to 35, it swaps it over.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Liquid Flash Layout - Place A Keyframe On Frame 10 In The Background Layer And Make A Motion Tween?

Mar 10, 2008

I used the liquid Flash layout file from this site , but i got one problem.I placed the script in a layer called actionscript and on frame 1, under it there is a other layer called background. I placed in just a square with a gradient color and made it a movieclip. I also placed this on frame 1. Everything is working perfect from this point but when i want to place a keyframe on frame 10 in the background layer and make a motion tween so that the background fades in from 0 opacity to 100, it doesn't work.

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Motion Tweens - Any Way To Make Layer Into Movie?

May 25, 2010

I have a shape on a layer and I have used a bunch of motion tweens on it. I need to dynamically move that shape but I can not figure out a way to accomplish this. Have I painted myself into a corner with this one?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Targeting Multiple Motion Tweens CS4?

Apr 2, 2009

having a problem with targeting multiple motion tweensin Flash CS4. I am using AS2 and attempting to change thevisibility of eight separate motion tweens (visible false and thentrue). I want to be able to affect each tween separately. I amlooking to activate visibility as follows:

if (triggerclip._currentframe == 2) {


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Dropdown Menu And Motion Tweens

Apr 18, 2009

I'm making a dropdown menu (first time) and the motion tweens are... well they're being weird. There is not arrow on the frames where the motion tween is. And the drop down menu is not appearing... However, there is definitely a motion tween on those frames, but no motion is occurring...

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