ActionScript 3.0 :: Twitter XML Path To Pull A Feed Via HASH TAG Instead Of Account?

Nov 2, 2010

I built out a Twitter Application that pulls in a feed. It works. Found out from the client today they want it to display the feed based on a specific HASH TAG .... not just their account.

ActionScript Code:
function loadXML():void {
xmlholder.load(new URLRequest("


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pull Twitter Updates Into Flash?

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We have a couple of tutorials at Untold Entertainment to help you marry Twitter with Flash. Here's how to get Twitter updates into Flash:


And here's how to cache the data using Flash cookies to get aroudn Twitter's 100 pings-per-hour policy:


Share and enjoy.If there are any topics you'd like us to cover, drop me a line using "info" at our domain name.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pull Twitter Updates Into Flash

May 14, 2009

We have a couple of tutorials at Untold Entertainment to help you marry Twitter with Flash.

Here's how to get Twitter updates into Flash:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Twitter Feed Not Exactly Appearing In .swf?

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* @return string
* @param string $url


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import flash.display.Sprite;

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Flex :: Flash - Converting IDs To Account Name

Nov 23, 2010

I am using Adobe Air to get data from SalesForce, and present it in a datagrid. I am using a query to get the data, and then put it into an arraycollection that is bound to the datagrid, this works correctly and the data is displayed. The problem is that I want to convert the Account Id in the Event to show the account Name. To do this I am using the following code:-

_serviceWrapper.query( "Select * From Event order by StartDateTime asc", new mx.rpc.Responder( eventQueryHandler, faultHandler ))}
protected function eventQueryHandler(qr:ArrayCollection):void {
var acctIdss:String = "";
for each(var contact:DynamicEntity in qr) {
[Code] .....

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<base href="[URL]" />
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Lorem ipsum dolor #sit_amet, consetetur
sadipscing, sed #diam-nonumy
eirmod tempor #invidunt ut labore #et

What's a good method to do this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: SelectionBeginIndex Not Taking Into Account Linebreaks?

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I've got a TextArea with some text in it. Sometimes there are linebreaks.

I'm using SelectionBeginIndex and SelectionEndIndex, along with substring() to get the current selection.

The only problem I'm running into is that if that selection includes any line breaks, it doesn't understand.

For example, if the text was:

This is my first line of text.

Let's say I selected from the first letter all the way to, and including, B.

The output of the substring() with the begin and end selection, because of the linebreaks, would be:

This is my first line of text.ABCD

Here's the AS Code I used to illustrate the problem.

ActionScript Code:
checkButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, checkSelection);
myText.alwaysShowSelection = true;
myText.textField.alwaysShowSelection = true;


How can I capture those linebreaks? htmltext isn't an option, because there's no selectionBeginIndex and selectionEndIndex for htmltext...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: PHP Mail Form - Email Account

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[URL]. I can't seem to get an email to go to my account. I have the php form adjusted with my information (and in the same folder as my swf file). I've checked with readyhosting, my site host, and it says that it supports php. Am I placing the script in the wrong place (folder)?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash - Link To Paypal Account?

Jun 25, 2005

I have an animated flash banner on a small Flash site that I would like to link to the clients Paypal merchant page. What is the best way to go about doing this?

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Flash :: IDE - Send Emails Using Gmail Account?

May 24, 2009

how to send emails from flash using gmail account?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader Doesn't Seem To Take This Audio Into Account

Jun 3, 2011

I am having a pretty irritating problem with the audio I am using for a Flash game which I am making using Flash 8 and Actionscript 2.0. The game itself is near complete and is already hosted online, it is a simple 2d shooter game where enemies go from one side of the screen to the other and you shoot them. I have built a preloader which works well however I have just added audio to the game, and I am finding that the preloader doesn't seem to take this audio into account. The game itself loads up and is ready to play, however it could be another 30 seconds or so before the audio will kick in.

I have a main song loop which plays in the background (triggered once the start game button is pressed). A bullet shot sound when the mouse is clicked (triggered through code), and various sound effects that are played on the timelines of the enemy movie clips characters. Part of my problem is that im implementing the audio in so many different ways and I am confused by the complexities of using audio in Flash. Should I build a separate preloader for the audio? Or am I simply doing something wrong in Flash itself when it comes to including the audio?

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Database :: Hash Encryption Key Is Returned Is The Same String Every Time?

Dec 6, 2011

I'm trying to use the Simple Encryption Key Generator Class found here - http:[url]..........Everything seems to working properly except the hash encryption key that is returned is the same string every time (as mentioned in the the comments of the link above). locate an updated version of this class.

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Flash :: Adding Hash Variables To ClickTAG In AdWords?

Jan 16, 2012

I'm building a Flash banner (as3) for AdWords, but I can't find in their documentation whether it is possible to add hash or querystring variables to appear in the eventual target url when u are using a clickTAG. Ideally I would like to use both. For example, my banner has four input fields and I would like to build my target url thusly:

var base:String= "";
var qs:String= "?one=" + input1.text + "&two=" + input2.text;
var hs:String= "#three=" + input3.text + "&four=" + input4.text;
var targetUrl:String= base + qs + hs; URLRequest(targetUrl), "_blank");

Is this possible with AdWords while using clickTAG?

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