var xml:XML=<tt xml:lang="en" xmlns="" xmlns:tts=""/>;
but when I traced it out, it showed this
i found out that iused delete.this.onRollOver, insteadof delete this.onRollOver.i found out that the panel is as good asawesome, but how do i make it that when i roll over one of the thmbnails a lager image shows up?here's the code
ActionScript Code: //create a roll over function for our panel panel.onRollOver = panelOver;[code]....
I have had Flash CS5 since it came out, I have updated the program regularly.When I open Flash it gives me the Unexpected File Format Error. Even though I am not opening any files.
I receive a error when loading a .fla file from a flash template downloaded from net.nexpected file format - yet adobe flash 5.5 recognizes the file and tries to load. I'm new to adobe flash.
I'm suddenly getting an "Unexpected file format" error on virtually every Flash CS4 file that I try to open. These are files that I created and I'm trying to open tham on the same computer on which they were created. The only thing that I can think of that has changed is that I installed some new fonts, so I deleted those, but that hasn't helped.I've tried retrieving files that I had backed up to a server, and those give me the same error. The only files that I AM able to open are 1) a test file that I created in CS4, saved, closed and reopened, and 2) files that had been created in CS3.
I fell on an unexpected comportment with AS3 class definitions this morning. To tell it quickly, I cannot create an instance of a class inside the same class methods.
Here is an exemple :
package { import flash.display.MovieClip; import; public class Test extends MovieClip {
I would like to understand the sub-process that prevents to do that.
The symbols appear properly in the library. To edit the circle, I double click it on the stage.It appears to open for editing - the status bar above the stage says SCENE 1 -- SYMBOL 1 - but the square symbol on the stage DOES NOT gray out to indicate I am editing the circle I make changes to the circle and click out of editing mode, and yes, the changes have been made to the symbol in the library. So the editing process appears to have worked.
I overlook the square not graying out and begin writing my ActionScript, a simple script that changes the color of the circle or square in response to mouse overs. When I test the movie, the circle works perfectly but the square is unresponsive. It seems like Flash does not realize the square is on the stage.his exercise comes from the Missing Manual Flash CS5 book.When I download the completed exercise from their website and double click THEIR circle for editing, the remaining symbol DOES turn gray on my stage to indicate it is not being edited.My code appears to be identical to theirs. I have started over from scratch over a dozen times now, but I seem to keep making the same mistake.
Today I was working on a project in Flash, I restarted my computer because when I was pasting sth. It was pasting "Hello!". After the restart, I opened Flash, It said that the "Essentials xml" couldn't be opened. So it said to go to Window>Essentials reset. I did and I was able to edit again. But before doing that, I tried to open that project, and it Said that it couldn't be found. I opened it manually but still the same. Then I closed Flash and opened it again. And when I opened the project I got : "Unexpected file format".
I was recently working on a project in Flash CS5.5 for school, last thing i did was save the project and close the program. Next time I try to open it I get an error saying "Unexpected File Format", and the application closes itself out. I can open Flash by itself and work on anything else, but when I try to open my class project it repeats the same thing "Unexpected File Format" and closes. The file was originally started IN Flash CS5.5, and has not moved to any other program since then.
I have been working on a flash movie all day.I shutdown my computer and rebooted it.Now when I go to open my .fla it says "unexpected file format". I stupidly wrote all actionscript on the timeline.
I have a page with multiple YouTube embedded players that I need to listen for events on. I am trying to use the solution posted as the answer to Using Youtube's javascript API with jQuery, but I am getting a strange error: (in Chrome 18.0.1025.137 beta-m)Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token %That is the extent of the error, including stacktrace. My code is like this:
var onYouTubePlayerReady = function (id) { var evt = '(function(){})'; alert(eval(evt)); //just to verify that the snippet is syntactically correct
We are using a Origin/Edge configuration for massive video delivery, and we are experiencing problems with huge audiences. Basically, when the edge server reaches thousands of users watching (6000) a live video in a single application, this instance is unloaded by the server with the following error:
==> edge.00.log <==2010-06-1115:51:1018614(i)2701054Virtual host Disconnecting unresponsive core live/stream (28860) after 30 seconds is not available.-==> core.00.log <==2010-06-1115:51:1028860(i)2581233Core (28860) disconnecting from admin: 200.-==> master.00.log <==2010-06-1115:51:1018593(w)2581257Core (28860) _defaultRoot_:_defaultVHost_:::_0 is not responding and is being restarted!-2010-06-[code]......
In this situation, the CPU usage is something around 30%, the memory is almost unused, and the load average is very low. We are using FMIS 3.5.3 854a running in the CentOS.
Am using Date.getTime to sort playlists by modified date. First am converting a saved "display date" (string) to a new date object like so:
The bottom two playlists are the most recently modified, yet the getTime() value suggests that the date is BEFORE 1970, despite Date.toDateString() correctly evaluating the year as 2010. If the date apparently knows the fullYear value is 2010, how the hell is it concluding that's before 1970?!?! Is this a bug or have I monumentally blundered somewhere obvious....?
I'm working on a project where I have many layers containing many graphics distributed to frames (like a character dress-up).
Frame1: Shoe Frame2: T-shirt
What I'm trying to do is to colorize those objects using colorTransform.Now the following happens: When I apply a colorTransform on the objects contained in Frame1 (using getChildAt(...) and setting colorTransform), the object gets colored correctly like expected.BUT when I move to the next frame with gotoAndStop(2); the colorized objects are still there, overlapping the contents of the next frame.The only way to get rid of that is to move the playHead back and forth again.
For some reason I can't debug my actionscript application in IntelliJ. I keep getting this error in the console: Unexpected debugged player communication problem. holds my code, and starts with "@estr = function ()" When I go to export movie, I get ", Line 1 unexpected '@' encountered" Why do I get this message?
We recently upgraded to Windows 7 64Bit from Windows XP here at work, and since the upgrade i've discovered a very scary issue with Flash.When going to save one of my large projects, often Adobe simply crashes outright, freezing up and displaying a standard error message."Adobe Flash CS5 has stopped working. A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available." - with an option for "Close program"I hit close program, and Flash disappears. If I try and open that same FLA file again, I get the error messageUnfortunately it seems since Flash is crashing in the middle of saving, it is corrupting my FLA file. This is extremely worrying, since it corrupts my entire source file.Here's the details of my computer:OS: Windows 7 - Recently upgraded from 32bit Windows XPThe Flash CS5 version is FLA in question is 10MB, and contains some large map files (gifs), lots of small JPG's as well as a fair chunk of code as well as importing of external classes. I've tried replicating the issue on smaller files, and haven't been able to do so.
I tried to execute the following actionscript3 program and I am surprised of the result of the call to f() function. I was expecting that the result of f() was "1" or at least "undefined" but the "0" value does not makes any sense for me. I will be pleased to have a good explanation of this behavior if you have one, or to know if you consider this behavior as "normal". I want to precise that I'm studying the behavior of Action Script programs in order to understand how the AVM2 really works and therefore I am not asking equivalent code to do the same thing. As a consequence if you have other tricky examples I am also interested.
i'm trying to make a craps game in flash.The program starts with a login screen which takes you to a menu, then you get the choice of 3 games. I'm on my second game so far which i'm having trouble with.So far i've managed to get 2 spinners with numbers 1-6 on each, which will spin, give you the values in 2 separate text boxes then add the value together in another text box.The trouble i am having is the winning and lossing condions, where i have no idea where to start.
Rulse are if your value equals 7 or 11 you win
if your value equals 2,3 or 12, yoo lose and
if your value is anothing else then user gets another go and has to get the same value again or get a 7 and lose.
i need to create another function or create if statements within existing functions.I tried creating another function afte the bottom function but got a lot of time constant errors and unexpected else statements whihc i didn't understand.
In the following code (thoroughly debugged) the first case (1) in the switch is met and a new instance of BannerSingle is assigned to retVal (the return value). Unfortunately, while the second case (2) is never met, the assignment therein to retVal takes place and I can't compile. When I comment out the assignment to retVal for "case 2:" everything works fine.
I've tried using an if/else instead and I still get the same odd behavior. Also tried a number of solutions involving separate variables, etc.
check out: [URL] The typewriter effect here is very fast, much faster than when I use onenterframe to produce the effect. Does anyone know how this is done?