ActionScript 3.0 :: Using A String To Call A STATIC Variable?

Sep 26, 2010

It is possible to call variables using this[ "stringname" ] for instance, to refer to a variable called "stringname".

However, when referencing a static variable by the name "stringname", the "this" attribute no longer works if applied.

Is it possible to use this technique with statics?

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The Idea is i want to make avariable that stores his value after i close the swf and open ti again,

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A String Variable...and Then Use The Value Of That Variable To Declare Another Variable?

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f you know PHP...then you know that you can create a string variable...and then use the value of that variable to declare another variable. like this:

PHP Code:

<?php$foo = "haha";$i{$foo} = "success";print $i{haha};?>

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var dg2CSV:DataGrid2CSV = new DataGrid2CSV();


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if (c.can_build(this, qualifier)) {return true;}
return false;

When I do this, Flash CS4 AS3 tells me

1180: Call to a possibly undefined method can_build.

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ref[varNameAsString] = newValue;

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function testing(msg) {
var test1 = msg;[code].........

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var button1:CustomButton = new CustomButton();

I get:

1061: Call to a possibly undefined method setLabel through a reference with static type CustomButton.

My Class:

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import flash.text.TextField;


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Nov 24, 2010

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As3.0 :: Append A String To A Variable So Flash Reads It As A Variable?

Sep 27, 2010

i'm getting a value from a class that gives me e.g "icon1" as data. i want to use this within a function to control the visibility of an item nested in a movieclip on the stage. the nested movie has the same name as the data being sent.

// here's what i want it to do:
mymenu.icon1.visible = true;
// but i cant append the 2 together as flash will see it as a string not read it as path.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change String Variable To A MovieClip Variable?

Oct 10, 2008

I have been banging my head against a brick wall regarding the following problem which must be very simple to fix, just can't see the answer.I have a class assigned to a movieclip called canvas. The class is called drawClass. I have called the instance of canvas on the stage 'drawingCanvas'.When I trace "drawingCanvas" I get object drawClass] which is fine. Tracing gets me the instance name 'drawingCanvas'.This is a String variable.Basically what I am trying to do is pass the MovieClip name to another class. In my example the class 'toolBar', which can then interact with the MovieClip.

The problem is passing '' results in a String, so I get an error saying :TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert "canvasArea" to flash.display.MovieClip.I can't for love or money find a way to convert a String variable to a MovieClip variable! I have the name of the MovieClip, I just need to tell the toolbar class. But I can't find a way of doing this as the instance on stage is an object of drawingClass, not a MovieClip (unless MovieClips with attached classes are not treated as standard MovieClips?).

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