ActionScript 3.0 :: When Sendind Data From Flash To Php, Get URL Error In Firefox?

Mar 3, 2010

sending some data to a php file, in order to save in DB. The data is being saved, but when I click in OK at the form button, I get the following error:Error: Error #2101: A String passada para URLVariables.decode() deve ser uma string de consulta codificada em URL que cont�m pares de nome/valor.

at Error$/throwError()

You can see the error at the site online

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request.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
request.contentType = "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + UploadPostHelper.getBoundary();


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[Code] .....

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btn_north.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, eventLink_btn_north);
function eventLink_btn_north(event:MouseEvent):void {
var url:String = "/THAI TEXTS-108-0-region-3.html";


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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML Image Load Returning NaN% Error In Firefox But Not IE

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btnx.enabled = true;
btnx._visible = true;
btnx.useHandCursor = false;


The weirdest thing is that it loads perfectly in Internet Explorer which is horrible, I need it to work in Firefox.

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TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties.
at movie_fla::MainTimeline/initmcPlayer()
at movie_fla::MainTimeline/movie_fla::frame1()

HTML Code:
// vars
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[Code] .....

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enter_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, sendData);
function sendData(evtObj:MouseEvent):void{const SCRIPT_URL:String = ""; var request:URLRequest = new


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Data Integration :: Firefox 2.x Sending Variables To PHP Scripts With The LoadVars.send / POST Method

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The same problem doesn't occur in IE or Opera. <br>See this url for example to try in both FF and IE/Opera: here. <br>The source files are here

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Some Embedded Data Contains Invalid Data (Related To Error #2136)

Dec 16, 2009

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Attached is a .zip of a few files:
library_tester.fla - contains the code for testing the library
Assets/GridGame/grid_Library.fla - contains the library


Right now, the code in library_tester hits the error when it attempts to create Logo after creating two other variables set onto the stage.

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Sql :: Casue Of SQLite Error: 'Error #3132: Data Type Mismatch' In Adobe AIR

Oct 20, 2011

"SELECT * FROM locations JOIN section_has_location ON locations.location_id = section_has_location.location_id WHERE section_has_location.chapter_id =2 AND section_has_location.section_id=2"

I get the error:

SQLError: 'Error #3132: Data type mismatch.', details:'could not convert text value to numeric value.', operation:'execute', detailID:'2300'


How do I fix the query as to not cause the error? update: I exported all the data, and imported into a new clean database. This seems to have solved that error.

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I receive the following error:

1172: Definition could not be found.

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Nov 29, 2009

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Error: Error #2101: The String passed to URLVariables.decode() must be a URL-encoded query string containing name/value pairs.
at Error$/throwError()


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ActionScript 3.0 :: AIR+SQLite3 And Error ''SQLError: 'Error #3132: Data Type Mismatch',details:'',operation:'execute'"?

Feb 15, 2011

SQLError: 'Error #3132: Data type mismatch',details:'',operation:'execute'this only happens in certain situations, this is how you can reproduce it:CREATE TABLE [table_a] ([id] INTEGER  NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,[name] VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL,[address_id] INTEGER DEFAULT '-1' NULL);CREATE TABLE [table_b] ([id] INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,[town] VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL);CREATE TABLE [table_c] ([id] INTEGE  NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,[phone_number] VARCHAR(256) DEFAULT 'Not Set' NOT NULL,[person_id] INTEGER DEFAULT '-1' NOT NULL);

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AS3 :: Xml - Loading Images And Data Into Flash Via XML - Catching Type Error

Apr 25, 2011

I am loading images and data into flash via XML. Some bits of data are missing an image or just don't have one for various reasons. When the image URL is null flash returns the message TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter url must be non-null. I have been trying to catch this error using IO error event but I am unsure if this is the the correct method for doing this as I can't seem to get it working. This is causing a problem for me because when I add the items to the stage the data doesn't match the images and what I would like to do once I am able to capture this error is push a default image into the _trackArray which i will then use to add items to the stage.


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Flash :: #3115 Error When Retrieving Data From SQLite Database

Oct 4, 2011

I have this little piece of code to retrieve data from a local SQLite database (to an AIR app):

import flash.filesystem.File;


It is only a "proof of concept" piece of code and it "lives" in the first frame of the timeline of the Flash IDE. What happens? When I compile my SWF (AIR for iPhone), I get this error:

SQLError: 'Error #3115: SQL Error.', details:'no such table: 'background'', operation:'execute', detailID:'2013'

I created a basic db with a Firefox extension (SQLiteManager). What can cause this error? The table exists!

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Flash :: Error Writing Data To A Native Process From An Air Application

Nov 16, 2011

I am writing an AIR application through which I want to open a native process 'wordpad.exe' and write data generated in the AIR application to a document.

My code is as follows:

import flash.desktop.*;
import flash.errors.*;


The wordpad application opens with a blank document but it generates an error Error#2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:.text=Error #3128: Error while writing data to NativeProcess.standardInput.

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Actionscript 3 :: VerifyError: Error #1107: The ABC Data Is Corrupt - Attempt To Read Out Of Bounds - Flash CS5

Jan 26, 2011

I tested this flash application in Flash IDE, it never through this error. But When I uploaded in server, got this error. Why we getting this VerifyError? It is a flash application loads all the library assets through bulk loader, later it will get assets from bulkloader to display in the main page. Assets includes swf,xml etc.

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Jul 15, 2011

"Error #1069: Property data not found on flash.display.Sprite and there is no default flashhaupt01_fla::GalleryData01_1/imagepress()" error in as3.I am trying to get the url from xml into as3, but not getting how to do itI need to demo this within 1 hourhere is my code

var xmlReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest("XML/ImagesData01.xml"); // rename to your file!!!
var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
//xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, xmlLoader); // event listener b4 load!!!


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Flash Error "Error #2044: Unhandled IoError:. Text=Error #2032: Stream Error. URL: Images.xml"?

Jul 15, 2010

which everything seems fine, but when i implement a slider on a page inside a folder in the root (i.e. aboutus/index.aspx) i get that error when the slider is trying to call the images.I have similar slider animations in pages located in the root folder and in those i get no problem at all, seems it only happens when the page is located inside a folder.The website is done using main.master on asp, maybe the cache or rendering of the website is missing something, hope someone has had something similar or know how to get around this.

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Flash :: Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. Text=Error #2032: Stream Error?

Apr 1, 2011

I have this error in my output screen, what it means?

Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2032: Stream Error.
at soundboard_fla::MainTimeline/frame40()
at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndStop()


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