ActionScript 3.0 :: XML Driven ComboBox To Load External Images
Dec 15, 2008
I'm looking for a way to use an XML driven Combobox to load external .JPG's and .swf files into my Flash file. I'm a Graphic Designer (way more of a designer than a coder, so I'm no pro when it comes to Action Script) used to AS2.
well i have a problem to which there are lots of related searches over the net but none could solve it. well the problem is that i have an XML driven carousel menu that needs to be loaded using the preloader. After the load is complete i can find my swf menu's backgound and the static buttons getting loaded but the buttons that should load in the carousel using xml are not present.
I have come across the even ADDED_TO_STAGE to load the swf once it has completed its dynamic loading. But they have used it in the documentation class for thier project. I am not using any separate actionscript file.All my code is written in the 1st frame of my project .... I really need a solution to this problem
I am building an application built by external action script 3.0 files only. I want to load 5 images on a UILoader using the data providers of a combobox, both located in the library.[code]...
I bought a flash site template that loads xml driven swfs inside the main swf as different menu items are clicked. The modules that come with the template work fine, but I don't know how to add a third party xml driven swf, so that it shows up properly. While the third party swf works fine as a standalone, the embedded version loads just an empty movie.
I'm trying to implement this for an instance of ComboBox specifically, which uses a List to display the dropdown menu full of items. Lists can have icons associated with them, as described in the documentation:
var comboBox = addChild(new ComboBox()); comboBox.dataProvider = new DataProvider([{label:'item1',iconClass:IconClass1},{label:'item2',iconClass:IconClass2}]); comboBox.dropdown.iconField = 'iconClass';
... assuming IconClass1 and IconClass2 are valid classnames of symbols in our library, this code works perfectly.
Here's my question - the contents of this ComboBox will be XML-driven, populated dynamically, and I'd really rather include that icon reference as a filename instead of a classname, so that when the whole thing is implemented, the icon can be changed in the XML without opening Flash and adding a new symbol to the library. Clients aren't generally good at that sort of thing.
Ideally, I'd like to be able to find a way to reference the container for the instance of that icon class - the ComboBox.dropdown is obviously keeping a reference to each list item somewhere, and if I can find it, I can load the icon images dynamically, then addChild them to the icon instance.
I want to make a photo uploader and after uploading the photo to the server you can load all the photo's that are in a folder in kind of a library.
I can load one single image because I name it in AS but I want to load the whole "images" folder so I can see all the pictures that are in it.[code]...
I cannot seem to "convert" the loadImage into a dynamic field. I am making an mp3 player and have added a cover art portion, I can only figure out how to call a single static image.However I want to to be able to call from this image from my xml file:items[currentID].artHere is the original single static image loading code.
Actionscript Code: var tSm:String = "easeOutElastic";var tIm:Number = 2; var imageLoader:Loader; function loadImage(Iurl:String):void
The script below works when I test the index.swf file in Flash as well as testing the index.html file in Dreamweaver. When I upload the HTML and SWF file to my webhost (Just Host), however, it doesn't load the images!!! Is there another line(s) of code that needs to be added or is there something wrog with the webhost? to reduce the size of my website which is my ultimate goal.
var my_loader:Loader = new Loader();my_loader.load(new URLRequest(""));container1.addChild(my_loader);
I'm making a highscore table in flash using AS3, I have successfully got working code that displays the names and the scores but also part of my high score table it needs to display the users country flag. The images for the flags are stored on a remote server.
Now I know how to load in a single image and add it to my movie clip but things get very complicated when I want to load in 20+ by iterating through a loop. I've looked at many examples and just cant adopt the sample code to work for me. Anyway without a further a do here is what I have so far.
I keep getting a Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2035: URL Not Found. even though I have quadruple-checked my pathways.I have read through all the posts I could find but still no dice.the problem as 3 is-
var urlRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("general2005.xml"); var urlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(); urlLoader.load(urlRequest);
I am preparing a photo gallery containing over 100 HD images, and I don't want any site visitor to wait the whole gallery to load. So I made them loaded from a folder with the help of an xmlList file. With GoForward and GoBackward buttons, I made every picture to load when requested with "addChild" command after removing the previous one. But if the next image is too big the visitor still have to wait the image to load, and another problem is if the visitor makes a few forward or backward moves he/she still have to wait for the very same image to load which is shown moments ago because the image have been unloaded.
Is there a way to load all the external images into library but make them wait in the swf cache until the associated button is clicked. so this way no image will be load twice nor the visitor should have wait.
I am finally getting the hang of AS3, especially when I discovered how much easier it is to control information from XML.So I am creating a sort of photo album, but my problem is next button triggers the next image, but the previous image is still there. I discovered it is because I have called a load method but haven't unloaded it...
ActionScript Code: function loadImage(url:String):void { imageLoader = new Loader(); imageLoader.load(new URLRequest(url));
Where P is a variable I carry to count which image to load from the xml, IMG is the variable carrying the URL from the xml file.
What I would like to achieve is to load an external image into a movieclip. Then load another external image to blend over it after about a 3 second delay. I would like to load approximately 8 images in total. There are no buttons at this stage which why I am really struggling.
There is probably a simple way to do this but I have started to approach by loading an image from an array into a movieclip. Save the bitmap data into a movieclip underneath. Remove the top image ready to replace. I was planning on using labels to navigate to but I can't work out how incorporate a statement to change the imported image in conjunction with the labels.
Here is the code I have used so far.
stop(); var library:Array = new Array("images/WS.jpg", "images/NY.jpg", "images/SP.jpg", "images/AQ.jpg", "images/AWI.jpg", "images/MS.jpg" ); var fileChosen = library[0]
I got 30 movieclips which i need to react like buttons for 30 external images. In a way that if i press one of buttons flash would define which one of buttons was pressed and load associated image on stage (preferably centered onstage and on some imageholder movieclip) What is the best way to do this? I guess using vars and xml path to images...But everything i was trying to make based on tutorials for image galleryes haven't worked yet. My knowing of flash syntax is really weak especially in vars and loading xml fields.
I am trying to write a small flash app which will load and display images provided as a query. My flash app works fine when I provide the image path directly in the browser address bar, but it is not working when I do the same using html. Here is the direct link to the flash app: [URL]
Here is the link to the html with which I am trying to invoke the app. [URL]
I know my app is getting invoked and it appears to work fine when I hardcode the image url into the flash app. But the query method just does not seem to be working!
I have 6 frame labels on my stage and on each one I have a mask animation, it's the same animation but on each frame label loads a different image, basicaly the image just fade's into the mask. I was hoping to try and do this with actionscript, just not sure how. Would also like to load the images externally too if possible.
I purchased this template, and it was supposed to be as simple as creating a new folder containing the images I want and uploading it, but I can't get the movie to load it.[code]...
If you load say 3 external images in AS3 and want to run a function "useImages()" only once all three images have loaded what is the best way of listening for them to complete loading.
I have two images that are externally loaded through an imageLoader I made. What I want is to have both those images loaded into a sprite (like a container) so that when I animate them, they move as one, but I'm not sure how to go about doing this...
I know how to load external images using xml but the problem is if I have a lot of images to load then animate it after being loaded. I know theres a work-around with this problem but still I did'nt figure it out.
I'm trying to load a bunch (about 100) of images into memory, so I can display them at various times. Originally I had simply embedded them, but that of course resulted in the swf file being larger than I wanted. So now I'm trying to change it to load them in the background because they aren't needed immediately.There are probably plenty of problems with this. The current on is that I'm getting an error that says 'TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert "foo.jpg" to Class.'
I've been googling this awhile, assuming loading an external image is a common thing. That's where I got the Loader and URLRequest code, but I'm clearly missing something. Maybe it's due to my goofy looping logic.Here's the class so far
public class CardImages2 { public static var fooImage1:Class;[code]....
I have a Flash projector (.exe) file which load some images from local hard drive and move them. This application is called by a VB app at the startup (so it runs when you turn on the system). Everything works fine but there is a terrible issue. Randomly it DOES NOT load all images. I try to figure it out with disabling "Hardware acceleration" in flash [URL] and also disable "fullscreen", but it happen randomly again!!
I'm not quite conversant with classes and loading external pictures so be patient My intention is the following: a sort of slide show which dynamically loads all pictures of a certain directory and displays them one after the other. To do so I want to get the number of images of a certain diretory (img) by using a PHP script (done), then the PHP-Script sends the data to the Flash file (done) which stores it in a variable (done). I've created a class called PHPLoading for doing this (finally it creates an array which stores the links dynamically created (pictures are named 0.jpg, 1.jpg, [code]...