ActionScript 3.0 :: XML Slideshow - Getting Runtime Errors
Dec 23, 2009
I've followed an XML slideshow tutorial [URL] and used it in a project. When my movie loads, the slideshow plays, which is fine. When I go to another frame and come back to the slideshow frame, I get the below runtime errors:
RangeError: Error #2006: The supplied index is out of bounds.
at flash.display:isplayObjectContainer/removeChildAt()
at index_fla::MainTimeline/onFadeOut()
at n()
at fl.transitions::Tween/set time()
at fl.transitions::Tween/nextFrame()
at fl.transitions::Tween/fl.transitions:Tween:nEnterFrame()
At the beginning of the slideshow code, I have
ActionScript Code:
var gallery:Boolean = false;
And just after that,
ActionScript Code:
if (gallery && slideShow.parent){slideShow.parent.removeChild(slideShow);}
I also have
ActionScript Code:
gallery = true;
on other frames.
I've tried debugging the movie, and I got the following:
Cannot display source code at this location.
if I put a TLF in my FLA, doesn't matter where, the project compiles but as soon as it runs triggers errors that are not related to TLF at all.It doesn't find a linked class apparently. A class which has nothing to do with TLF. I remove the TLF (in root, anywhere I put it no difference) and the project runs again.
I am developing a Flex + AIR application. While debugging using Flash Builder sometimes I get runtime errors dialog with 'continue' & 'dismiss all' buttons. But when I release a build(.air) & run the application after installing. Then I don't get the same dialog in the release build. I need to track these types of runtime errors for that I am trying to write them to a file as logs. I tried using try catch & writing to file in catch block, but I am not able to get any wayout for unhandled exceptions or runtime errors
I've created an application that includes a number of Modules and uses Parsley framework. Ant is used to build the application.Recently I thought of using Resource Bundles and implemented it in the system by creating a locale/en_US folder under the src. I added a file with all my strings defined.In my modules, I added the metadata
The build works fine and when I deploy the application and open it in my browser, I'm greeted with many errors thrown by the Flash player.But if I dismiss the messages, its working fine. My strings are replaced with the values in the property file, but how do I stop the runtime errors being thrown up?I get the below error.
Error: Unable to load resource module from portal at MethodInfo-637()at at[code].....
I've seen the Loom project, but are there any alternatives that are more mature (and actively developed)? I am looking for something that would allow load-time weaving of pointcuts into existing binary code at runtime with the AVM2 runtime.
I've been into coding for about 5 years now, but I'm a recent convert to Flash development. One of the questions I have at the moment is, considering that SWF files can be run by either Adobe Flash Player OR Adobe AIR, what's the real difference between the two runtime environments? What API's and Objects exist in one environment, but not the other?
Basically what I'm more or less trying to establish is, when would I want to develop an SWF for AIR, and when would I want to develop for Flash Player, considering that Flash Player can also execute locally (providing support for creating "desktop applications")
I have created a pie preloader( which is working fine. Same preloader I am trying to incorporate in a xml based slideshow( to show image loading process but some how I got stuck. I am new to flash. Suggestions are welcome.
1. How to solve the problem of preloader2. Is it possible to integrate everything in a movie clip (including AS). I mean no AS on main time line but inside the movie clip. It would be much easier then to to create multiple slideshows by duplicating mc and changing the xml file.
i have a question about text in a slideshow. i know how to make a basic photo slideshow with external images. but now what i want to do is add 4-5 paragraphs of text next to each photo (with possible scrolling). the text will be different on each photo.
Whenever I link a set of movieclips together with the bone tool which are inside a containing movieclip, and also set the type to "runtime" instead of "authortime", I get this error when published.
"Runtime symbols with skewed matrices should be wrapped in a movie clip" What does it mean? I need the type to be set to runtime so I can use scripting with it..
I'm getting 4 errors in my preloader script.Ive created a bar with bytes loaded and bytes total and a percentage.No text comes up in the dynamic fields and the bar does not progress. But when I test the movie with "simulate download" it seems that some preloading happens but I don't think its working at all really.
1120: Access of undefined property loaderinfo. var toLoad:Number = loaderinfo.bytesTotal; 1120: Access of undefined property loaderinfo. var loaded:Number = loaderinfo.bytesLoaded;
Below is Entire script - on frame 1 of my timeline - the timeline is a total of 390 frames:
stop(); addEventListener(Event,ENTER_FRAME,loaderF); function loaderF(e:Event):void{
I bought flash to create animations. So far they play fine as a swf, but when I export as a .mov file it leaves traces of tweened symbols and looks really ugly!See my test example below, error is about 4 secs in on car and sun. Please tell me what am I doing wrong? I know it works for other people!
I created a class based on a great tutorial. It works and all that. Then I learned from another tutorial and that works great. The problem is that I'm trying to fuse them together and am just under the comprehension level for this. Could someone take a look and help me out, preferably explaining why I keep getting this error? I'll try and be as clear as possible about my needs and I'll show the code:
Needs: I want to create a button using AS3 that goes into a folder and grabs an image. I want to be able to use this over and over again so I can have, for example, three buttons that are different sizes with different images in them on the stage at the same time. I created (or learned to create) this class called Image in order to do so.
i am using the menu sample for some project. I have tried to add more e.g. menu 4 without the drop down, however, i am facing a lot errors with AS when i add it
Ive been working on a pong game, and its coming alond well, but i have a problem with that if your score is 5, or the AI's score 5, it goes to the 'you lose/win' screen.Well, ive been working with this:
if(bluesco==5) { gotoAndStop(6); }
bluesco is the enemys score
6 is the lose frame
Ive tried everything i can, ive added _root.'s, changed the equals (to things like '=', '==', '>=4'), and tried things like 'nextFrame' instead of '(6)', ive changed the instances thousands of times, and if it helps:
score = 0; bluesco = 0;
Ive also put the top code on frames, movieclips, even buttons, but i either get these errors: Nothing happens when the score gets to 5.It goes to frame 6 as soon as the frame is loaded
When using flash remoting with amfphp, what can I write in php that will trigger the 'status' method that I set up in my Responder in Flash? Or more generally, how can I determine if the service call has failed? The ideal solution for me would be to throw some exception in php serverside, and catch that exception in flash clientside... How do other people handle server errors with flash remoting?
I've imported the correct folder in my Edit->Prefences->ActionScript 3.0 settings. I've instantiated an object and it compiles, and I'm not getting any errors but, nothing shows up on the screen.
Is it possible to log any and all errors in Flash? The debug player definitely has access to the information when a bug is encounted, is there a way to get that info and send it off in the background?
I have a MC export as Hero which I recently changed to Racer, no problems so far, then I created my own and once I added the sourcepath to reach that class, and hence using my own constructor instead of the default one, now I get 2 errors which doesn`t make any sense:
1046 Type was not found ColorTransform 1180 Call to a possibly undefined method ColorTransform
I used ColorTransform to add blinking eyes in the MovieClip but that worked perfectly before I add the sourcepath for my class.
The class is almost empty but all which is needed is there so I guess it is related to adding the sourcepath after everything else but I cannot figure out to fix this.
package { import flash.display.MovieClip; public class Racer extends MovieClip
I'm making a typing game that focuses on developing typing speed and accuracy. In part of this game, the user has to type a given word in a certain amount of time. If the user types the whole word within the time limit, the timer stops and it results in 100% accuracy for that word. However, if the user does not type the word within the time limit, I want to compare the typed word to the given word and find out how many errors they made.
I found this to be a lot more complicated that I had expected it to be. Fore example, if a letter was accidentally skipped or an extra letter was added, it will make all following characters seem wrong, even though the user only made one mistake.
Is there a way to retrieve the debug information for all unhandled errors and perhaps output that error to a web script (php etc)? I was looking for a listener which could listen for any error which is thrown. Otherwise how would you ever know what errors happen in the public? People need to be running the debug flash player to see errors. So assume there would be a way to record them also.
I am trying to create a hidden, rollup/rolldown menu, that once rolled on animates up and then exposes thumbnails that will be wired in a gallery type setting. I have hit a roadblock and farily new to As3. I'm pretty sure I'm doing something simple wrong, but I can't for the life of me figure it out. Can anyone please shed some light? I feel like there needs to be a course just in flash output errors! I'm thinking the problem is with my addThumbs(); function, but before this mass of errors, my Sprite was the source of new errors - I thought that it would be an easier option to place all of my thumbnails inside a container and then manipulate that containers alpha or presence than indiviudal items.[code]
Here's are the errors: VerifyError: Error #1053: Illegal override of allowInsecureDomain in _SwdModule_mx_core_FlexModuleFactory. ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable _SwdModule_mx_core_FlexModuleFactory is not defined.
SwdModule is a module used within the organization and there's an application that loads this (and various other modules) at run time. I've read on other stack overflow and various web site that this error was caused because the modules and the main app. were compiled using different Flex SDKs. I verified and checked up on this, but all of my SWFs are compiling using 3.5.
Can anyone think of anything else why this error would be occuring?
I've been away from Flash as3 for a while, but today I need to write a map link application using it and i'm pulling my hair out with an annoying problem!
I just want an overlay to appear when a map movieclip is clicked and fade out when somebody then clicks the map. The fade in works fine, but the fade out doesn't do anything!?[code]...
I am using swf object to embed a swf into a html page. When I compile the swf there are no errors yet when I embed it into a web page i keep getting thrown either one of these two errors the first time the page loads in Safari and Chrome TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference at tracks/loadFlashvars()[code]In firefox I get thrown the same errors everytime the page loads. My swf loads other swfs and and they have XML loaders I thought maybe it could be something to do with the base swf not being fully loaded before the code is run so I have been playing around with setTimeout(); to try and make a work around but I am unsure if this is correct or if my embed code is wrong, which you can see below.URL...