Flash 'if Statement' - Getting Errors?

May 18, 2010

Ive been working on a pong game, and its coming alond well, but i have a problem with that if your score is 5, or the AI's score 5, it goes to the 'you lose/win' screen.Well, ive been working with this:

if(bluesco==5) {

bluesco is the enemys score

6 is the lose frame

Ive tried everything i can, ive added _root.'s, changed the equals (to things like '=', '==', '>=4'), and tried things like 'nextFrame' instead of '(6)', ive changed the instances thousands of times, and if it helps:

score = 0;
bluesco = 0;

Ive also put the top code on frames, movieclips, even buttons, but i either get these errors: Nothing happens when the score gets to 5.It goes to frame 6 as soon as the frame is loaded

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ActionScript 2.0 :: First Requirement Of The If Statement When Type In The Proper Input And Go Straight To The Else Statement

May 14, 2009

Having a few problems with what I thought was a simple if statement. Here is the code:


I can't quite figure out the small problem with the code. It seems to just bypass the first requirement of the if statement when I do type in the proper input and go straight to the else statement.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Execute Code In Previous If Statement If Second If Statement Is Executed?

Aug 31, 2011

if (variable == 1){
//Execute this code.
} else if (variable == 2) {

I dont want to copy the code from the first into the second and the first and second into the third.
My mind isn't working and there is probably an extremelly simple way to get this working.
I know I could used functions but for some reason it stops the instance referencing working: _root["bullet"+j] doesnt work in a function.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Data From XMl File And Uses It To Run An If Statement. If Statement Fails?

Oct 10, 2008

The Flash movie contains 2 Text files, one Component button, and 1 component checkbox.The purpose of the application is to load an XML file(works)Populate 2 text fields with information from the XML file(works)Compare the two text fields, if they contain the same information then the checkbox, via AS is told to be selected. (Heres the problem);

Heres the code:

runCode_btn.onPress = function() {
data_xml = new XML();
data_xml.ignoreWhite = true;
data_xml.onLoad = function(success) {


The idea behind this app is that its an electronic form. The user fills it out, the information is then sent to a newly created XML file, months later the open the XML file in flash, and Flash fills out text fields and check and or unchecks Checkboxes based on the XML data.CheckBoxes are mandatory.But I don't see how I'll be able to use them if i can't create and condition statements based on the loaded Data.

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why this code won't work


I'm sure you can put if statements inside other if statements, seriously I can't figure it out

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to which I want it to GENERATE THE FOLLOWING CODE:

}else if(baskets[i].used == false){
baskets[i].used = true;

the problem is obviously that the compiler reads this code rather than understanding I'm trying to regenerate the code within the for loop...does that make sense :S? So basically I need as3 to read the code between the for statement as if it is going to echo that out later. Is this even possible?

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Dec 18, 2011

I have a movieclip on the screen called "mc_bg". Within this movieclip are 7 movieclips called "barrier1" through "barrier7".From main.as I want to be able to do this call:

for (var i: int = 1; i < 3; i++ ){
trace("got here")
trace(mc_bg["mc_barrier" + String(i)])


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Flash Movie In Cs4 - Keep Getting Syntax Errors

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Flash :: XML Gallery Compile Errors

Jan 16, 2012


**I got these errors, and probably more after those:

1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: ProgressBar.

1180: Call to a possibly undefined method ProgressBar.

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Jun 2, 2011

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Professional :: Flash CS5 - Unable To Start And Execute-Flash IK Errors And Cannot Update?

Feb 5, 2011

I download Flash CS5 and I try to execute it without an error message coming in and basically the program does not start.The message goes as follows:

Flash.exe - Entry Point Not Found

The procedure entry point ?ik_treelsActive@CFlashIK@@QAE_NJ@Z could not be located in the dynamic link library FlashIK.dll.So then I tried to install the updates via the website and the AdobePatchInstaller.exe and I get this:

Some updates failed to install.

Update is not applicable.
So here I am unable to start Flash CS5. Anyone know a way to fix this issue?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash With Compiling No Errors But Flash Won't Execute The Code

Apr 24, 2012

I have an weird issue with a fla file. I've worked on a big project for a long time ago. I use cs4 to compile the fla and Flash Develop for the classes. Yesterday I compiled many times and suddenly CS3 stopped executing actionscript. There is no compile errors, nothing. Just doesn't execute the code. I typed a simple trace in the first frame and deleted the symbols on the stage - it didn't trace nothing.When trying to compile this file I noticed that the size of the compiled swf cut down in the end of compiling - in decreases from 700KB to 300KB. I made a size report - it is strange that action script bytes is only 6, but I have many (about 100) classes:

ActionScript Bytes: 6
Location: ActionScript 3.0 Classes

It doesn't run any action script no matter whether it is in classes or directly in timeline frames.

The problem is not with CS3 because it compiles perfect other flash files. Do you have ideas why it happens? I've never seen such problem before?

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Flash :: Php - Extracting SWF Gives Compiler Errors In Adobe CS4

Apr 24, 2010

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1x < Unexpected 'if' encountered >
2x < Statement block must be terminated by '}' >
1x < Ecpected a field name after '.' operator. >

How can these errors be present, when the original SWF works perfectly??! If I don't manage to solve this, I'll have to find out how to create an .php file the SWF tries to use which can select the proper resources (from a database I guess) to show them (using ?genre=###)

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Flex :: MinimalComps Flash GUI And Transcoding Errors?

Aug 7, 2010

what changes I make to my source, compiling alway yields either a transcoding error, or a missing definition. The stack overflow link I always put in all my source, to look at for encouragement every time I feel like banging my head against the keyboard.

// Main.as
// General imports


Currently when I try to compile I get the following error...

C:Documents and SettingsGekoDesktopFlash estclientsrcMain.as(6): col: 31
Error: Definition com.bit101.components:Label could not be found.

and if I remove the comment from "var myLabel" or "addChild lines" in Main.as, then I get..

C:Documents and SettingsGekoDesktopFlash estclientlibMinimalComps_0_9_5_srccomit101componentsComponent.as(51): col: 4: Error: transcoding parameter 'embedAsCFF' is not supported by 'flex2.compiler.media.FontTranscoder'
C:Documents and SettingsGekoDesktopFlash estclientlibMinimalComps_0_9_5_srccomit101componentsComponent.as(51): col: 4: Error: Unable to transcode /assets/pf_ronda_seven.ttf.

My classpaths are "src", "libMinimalComps_0_9_5_srcassets", and "libMinimalComps_0_9_5_srccomit101components" I'm using Flex SDK on Windows XP with FlashDevelop 3.2.1 RTM why I'm constantly receiving errors each time I try to build the project?

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Actionscript 3 - Font Rendering Errors In Flash CS5?

Apr 3, 2011

i'm suddenly experiencing errors in font rendering in my project.the following image is a square sprite with a texture and 2 dynamic text fields as children.the text itself is correct. the bottom field is a 32-bit hexadecimal color ("H: 0xFFFFF4A1"), but as you can see some of the characters are stretched ("x", "4" and "1"). it's the same in the first text field which lists each color in ARGB format.

the font being used is Myriad Pro Condensed. i was originally using Myriad Pro Bold Condensed, which i was using for months, but suddenly yesterday the font became even crazier than what's visible here so i switched. now this font is being rendered incorrectly also.

i've validated the fonts.
i've deleted my ASO files.

i'm using cacheAsBitmapMatrix on the parent sprite object, but cacheAsBitmapMatrix is suppose to only affect mobile devices so i'm not sure why it would be rendering the font like this (if it's the problem) while running under ADL on my desktop.

newSwatch.cacheAsBitmapMatrix = new Matrix();
newSwatch.cacheAsBitmap = true;

this is how i'm calling the font, which is embedded in my library.

//Create Text Field
private function swatchTextField():TextField
var myFont:Font = new MyFont();


UPDATE:this error was indeed not a problem with Flash but a bug Apple introduced in Mac OS X 10.6.7 that affected the display and printing of some open-type fonts. [URL]

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Flex - Errors Not Being Detected In Flash Builder 4

Jul 19, 2011

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I can type any old garbage and hit save, which forces the build (I have build automatically selected) and no error shows on the line, or in the Problems panel.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash Event Errors On IIS7+?

Oct 6, 2011

Flash app I've built works fine on desktop and on IIS6, but when I upload to IIS7+ it breaks.Most of the app appears to work as expected but a crucial test fails. I think it's a custom event that is failing, but I've no idea why when it works perfectly everywhere else.My app is built with Flash CS5 and AS3 for Flash player 10.BTW it's not a MIME type issue.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cs4 - Flash Compiles Fla But Broke With No Errors?

Dec 19, 2008

I'm using Flash CS4 and flash player 10,0,12,36. My fla compiles completely when i "Test Movie" but it loops as if it didn't compile correctly- AND it gives no output or error messages. I have no idea what could've caused this. If i change the code to intentionally produce an error, it will then display an error message. My app has an external swf file that it imports if that matters. But like i said it all worked fine just 2 days ago, and i don't think my cat jumped on the keyboard -accidentally deleting anything since there are no error messages.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Length And Return A Value Errors?

Jan 8, 2011

Other errors just came up

var minNum:Number=0;
var maxNum:Number=7;
var minother:Number=8;


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Firefox Displays Flash Errors Ever Since Installed Flash Cs4

May 7, 2009

I installed flash cs4 the other day and ever since firefox will popup annoying errors. Its probably some debugger, but i want it disabled cause it comes up 5-6 times in a row when i browse the internet, (usually will happen on facebook or some youtube vids in blogs). the error starts like this: TypeError #1009 I will paste the whole thing in this thread the next time it happens, but i'm pretty sure the error itself doesn't matter, i think some debugger was installed in firefox when i installed flash cs4.

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Jan 4, 2010

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2 Errors After Test Movie From A Mx 2004 File With Flash Pro 8?

Jul 21, 2009

I have 2 errors after test movie from a mx 2004 file with Flash Pro 8. Errors : as follows :

"Error" :Symbol=PuzzlePiece, layer=Layer 1; frame=1, Line 1: The class or interface 'PuzzlePiece' could not be loaded.

"Error": Symbol=DropZone,layer=Layer 1:The class or interface 'DropZone' could not be loaded.What cause the errors ?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Opening PDF Inside Flash Compile Errors

Oct 15, 2009

I'm trying to open a pdf inside flash. I followed a tutorial online but I'm have issues with the compiler. Here's my code:

import flash.html.HTMLLoader;
import flash.html.HTMLPDFCapability;
import flash.html.HTMLWindowCreateOptions;
if( HTMLLoader.pdfCapability == HTMLPDFCapability.STATUS_OK ){
[Code] .....

It results in these errors:
1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: UIComponent.
1180: Call to a possibly undefined method UIComponent.
I've tried to import fl.core.UIComponents in the beginning but that resulted in this error: 1172: Definition fl.core:UIComponent could not be found.

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Importing SWF Into CS4 Flash Stage Results In Text Errors?

Dec 28, 2009

I have a inDesign CS4 (.4 update) exported SWF that behaves badly when it is imported into Flash Pro CS4 (.2 update). Hyphens in the text on word breaks are being changed into question marks. Font used is Arial. The SWF ( attached) views fine in Flash Player 10, but produces the errors when imported to the stage. I have tried all settings (Text to Vector Paths, Text to Flash text) but the result is the same. Rasterizing the text is unacceptable because text quality is severely reduced on zooming the Flash document.
If you try importing the attached SWF to a blank file stage, you will see the errors on page 3.So far, the only fix I have is creating all text in flash.

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Professional :: Flash CS5.5 BUG - Put A TLF Anywhere In FLA And It Triggers Random Runtime Errors

Jun 8, 2011

if I put a TLF in my FLA, doesn't matter where, the project compiles but as soon as it runs triggers errors that are not related to TLF at all.It doesn't find a linked class apparently. A class which has nothing to do with TLF. I remove the TLF (in root, anywhere I put it no difference) and the project runs again.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Not Recognizing AddChild Command, Errors Not Going Away?

Aug 13, 2011

package{  import flash.display.MovieClip;public class Main extends MovieClip  { var startPage:StartPage public function Main() { startPage = new


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Flash - Errors 1119 1120 On Button Scripting?

Feb 4, 2010

I'm am super new at this, and this is my first time ever using Adobe. I get the "joy" of doing a project in my school using The CS4 Suite. I was playing around and using this book to help me get a button to start an action. I have tried many different codings, but this one gets me the least amount of errors. This is what I have so far:


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Flash Develop - Build Halted With Errors (FCSH) Why?

May 22, 2010

I try to recompile a flash package from somebody who has left the company and I have some difficulty to understand why I can't. There are only warnings of type "variable 'x' has no type declaration" when building so why does it halt ?

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