ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Some Web Services To Download Information From SWF?

Jan 22, 2009

I am at a point where I need to access some web services to download information from my SWF using AS 3.0.I have not been able to find any built-in support for web service invocation and consumption of results in AS 3.0. Am I looking in the right places? (note: I am not familiar with Flex and I am not using it).

So what I did was to build my own HTTP/SOAP request and POSTing it using a URLRequest. That works and I got the results back, however, I was just looking at the results and was wondering if there is some library out there that can help me parse the XML results of the web service call.

Is there any built-in support for calling and parsing web service data for AS 3.0? And if not, any useful tools out there that can make this task easier/simpler?

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<mx:Image id="i2" source="images/i2.jpg"/>

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Aug 17, 2009

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


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I'm a beginner in WCF, which I have chosen instead of Web Services because all articles and blogs I've read seem to point out that ASMX is old news.I have read a bit about the differences between old Web Services and WCF, and I got the general idea. I also took the MSDN WCF tutorial which seemed simple enough.My problem is that I want to create WCF services that can be consumed by Flash. I've read that it's doable everywhere, but with no obvious A-Z tutorial on how to proceed with the server-side and client-side...

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Prototyping In Flash - Using JSON For Web Services?

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I know most people hate 100% flash-based websites, but I was recently forced to use flash for a college assignment. After creating a fully-featured ria in less than 2 weeks with every feature I could imagine, i've regrettably fallen in love with this beast (which I previously refused to touch with a stick) due to the power of AS3 and the ability to sprinkle it everywhere :-

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Mar 28, 2012

I have some problem with calling web service from flex. I have service with name UserService with one method string GetData(int i). I want to call this method from flex and get data. My code is here:

protected function application1_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
uService = new UserService();
uService.addEventListener("hello", echoResultHandler);


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