.net :: Create WCF Services That Can Be Consumed By Flash?
Jul 22, 2010
I'm a beginner in WCF, which I have chosen instead of Web Services because all articles and blogs I've read seem to point out that ASMX is old news.I have read a bit about the differences between old Web Services and WCF, and I got the general idea. I also took the MSDN WCF tutorial which seemed simple enough.My problem is that I want to create WCF services that can be consumed by Flash. I've read that it's doable everywhere, but with no obvious A-Z tutorial on how to proceed with the server-side and client-side...
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Apr 22, 2010
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Mar 19, 2011
I know most people hate 100% flash-based websites, but I was recently forced to use flash for a college assignment. After creating a fully-featured ria in less than 2 weeks with every feature I could imagine, i've regrettably fallen in love with this beast (which I previously refused to touch with a stick) due to the power of AS3 and the ability to sprinkle it everywhere :-
I now want to port a commercial desktop application of mine (which has been largely unsuccesful) to the web and feel flash/flex is an excellent candidate. While creating a html/css/js version would be ideal (working browser shortcuts, for a start), i'm certain it'll take a year to create in cross-browser html/css/js what would take just ~3 months in flash. Obviously as the (paid) desktop product was unsuccessful, i'd want to minimize the risk/investment in the (free) web application.
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Jan 26, 2010
I am using Flex/Flash to build a UI which front-ends my Rails server application. I am using WebORB as the communication mechanism. My question should apply beyond just WebORB, however. (I think).
Specifically, it has to do with the services-config.xml file. I have a local (laptop) dev environment, a remote dev and a remote production environment. I am sick of editing the URL in the services-config.xml file, rebuilding and deploying every time I want to test in a different environment.
By setting the URI="/weborb" and giving it a relative path, I figured it would work. locally--but it doesn't when I deploy it to my remote dev and prod environments (Heroku). Weird.
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Sep 11, 2006
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ActionScript Code:
import mx.data.components.WebServiceConnector;
var webServiceURL:String = "http://myurl.com";
var wSCheckConnection:Object = new Object();
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Nov 12, 2009
Context : I'm working on a Flash application developed with FDT and compiled with Flash CS4 (I need a huge library). It should connect to various Weborb services.Weborb is properly configured. My services are properly executed, and values returned, via the management console. Weborb examples as well as various tests compiled with Flex are fully functionnal.
Problem : when I try to adapt the code to compile with Flash, and setup the remote object like this :
var remoteObject = new RemoteObject();
remoteObject.destination = "GenericDestination";
remoteObject.source = "MyServices.MyService";[code]....
Question: how to properly setup a RemoteObject to connect to a Weborb remoting service from a Flash application compiled with Flash ?
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May 21, 2010
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Dec 25, 2011
I've (actually my classmate) got a problem with loading local ZEND_AMF services on Windows 7 (XAMPP). I can't find any answer on Google or on Stackoverflow. I found one similar topic without any answers: ActionScript 3 AMF Zend fails silentlyLet me describe the problem: I've developed the UI and dataloading for a Memory(matching) Game in FLASH CS5. The games uses data from an ZEND Framework website (you can add levels/cards/images there).[code]Everything works fine on my Macbook Pro (Using MAMP as local server), but a classmate (who's helping with it) of me that is using a Windows 7 laptop with XAMPP doesn't see anything. We're both using Flash CS5.5.For some reason his Flash isn't able to load local services. When he uses the same URL path like me Flash doesn't do anything in the responder. No Error function call and No Complete function call. We've been searching for the cause and tried several things.In a ZEND_AMF tutorial on the Internet we've found an online AMF Service and put that in the code. Of course we're using a nonexisting service function so the responser will call the Error function. And yes, this works. He runs the function returnError(). The cause of this problem is obvious: Flash on my classmates PC (using XAMPP) won't load local services. Allowing swf to correspond with non-local URLs (is an option where you have to add your swf to the Flash settings) => Has happened
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Oct 7, 2011
When using SOAP web services in Flash Builder, I am able to use the web services tool and test making service calls without any issue.I can pass strings that contain spaces, double and single quotes with great success. when I write code to send a string containing spaces or quotes, the web service doesn't return a success response.If I remove the quotes and/or spaces, success.I've tried wrapping the string in tags, but I don't know what else to do.
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May 25, 2011
I've done a fair amount of (web)development in the usual MVC way of thinking and it served me well I think. However, I now have to split my application in a way that my front-end has to access the server-side functions as services. Since I'm the one creating the services, I thought I could think of services as controllers which would, in turn, call the functions in my model. Is that a good way to do it? The server side technology in question is PHP and the client-side is Adobe Flex (ActionScript).
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I am currently connecting to a Web Service (wsdl) with no problems over HTTP.However as soon as I try to connect over HTTPS, my WebSerrvice object queues up the call and sits there forever.What configuration needs to be done in FMS2 to allow outbound WebService calls to be made using SSL?
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Dec 2, 2010
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Feb 23, 2012
I have a Java-based server side and a flex client side using Spring BlazeDS Integration. It works fine, but I want to get sound from server side recently. I followed this BlazeDS mapping doc, it says when Java return a Byte[], it will be converted to ByteArray which I want. So I handle the MP3 file by ByteArrayOutputStream, convert it to Byte[] and return it back to front-end, but the value that Actionscript gets turns to be null value.
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Aug 17, 2009
We have Flex applications that connect to our ASP.NET 3.5 Web Applications and usually download lot of data. Now considering XML as transport, for every item, it transmits meta data twice for example.. instead of transferring int value as <Customer CustomerID=23/> it transmits <Customer><CustomerID>23</CustomerID></Customer> .. now here is where bandwidth conservation becomes an issue.
FLEX Can not read GZip and DEFLATE compressed HTTP Response ( So cant use any of them )I heard of some WSCompression but it requires WSE 3.0 now I am skeptical to introduce too many dependency in my hosting environment which requires too much management and overheads. Is WSE 3.0 only dll library which requires no installation on production server? Does it require rewriting all WebService attribute? Or is it simple one time configuration and more or less, anyone knows does it work with Flex ? Flex dynamically generates web services, and we use lot of its auto generated code, now if we want to support compression then do we need to rewrite lot of code?
Simplest solution I can think of is, reduce unnecessary XML tags and reduce them down to attributes to save bandwidth. Is there an easy way to achieve it, our classes has more then 50-70 properties, I understand it will be nightmare to add attributes to each property but we dont know how to do it in case of SOAP.
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Dec 23, 2009
I'd like to learn how to create a java web service that can be consumed by a web tier, which is constituted of java and flex. What books can help me learn how to create a java web service and consume it via java & flex?Should I look to build a web service from scratch or from frameworks like: XFire, Axis, CXF, Spring Web Services, etc.?If using a framework is recommended, which of the above or any others makes the most sense to learn/use?
EDIT:Both the java AND flex components of the web tier need to independently access the web service. For example, the flex component helps the user create & save a spreadsheet; the java component retrieves the spreadsheet data and displays it accordingly.
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May 29, 2010
Although iPhone support JSON natively, AMF is a binary protocol and it supposes to use much less bandwidth. Do you think using AMF is a good idea?Just found this AMF library in cocoa (Objective-C):Here's the famous benchmark that shows AMF is smaller and faster than JSON + gzip in Flex:
View 5 Replies
Jun 22, 2010
Today I tried to connect to other domain.I changed url of endpoint, but it looks like flex just ignores my changes.I am sure that an old url doesn't exist in any file in src directory,I even renamed services-config.xml to services-config2.xml, cleaned and rebuilded project many times, even made a release build, but it still connects to the same domain.I have tested flex application in localhost and in the same domain, that has AMF services, but it works in the same way.My services-config.xml is:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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Sep 22, 2011
We are planning to use flex and Java Web Services, what is the best practice to consume web service from flex is it better to directly call the web service from Action scripts or to use remoting where java client will call the web services and later flex using remoting will the java client?
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Mar 28, 2012
I have some problem with calling web service from flex. I have service with name UserService with one method string GetData(int i). I want to call this method from flex and get data. My code is here:
protected function application1_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
uService = new UserService();
uService.addEventListener("hello", echoResultHandler);
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Sep 18, 2008
I'm having a very strange problem around a few services I developed for AMFPHP that worked fine over HTTP but once over HTTPS gone completely wrong. When testing right on export flash IDE the connection goes fine but when online and on the browser it doesn't. On connecting, Flash returns a security sandbox violation like this:
"Error #2048: Security sandbox violation:[URL] cannot load data from [URL]. I know that I'm missing the "www" subdomain on the gateway secure address but this is has another purpose for domain configuration. What's most weird is that even the Service Browser went completely wrong since it tries to open the gateway through the HTTP version of the address instead of the HTTPS one. Upon opening the browser I get a "NetConnection.Call.Failed: HTTP: Failed" error. It also tells me that it's trying to connect to [URL] instead of [URL].
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Jul 1, 2011
Installed fms4 x64 on windows server 2008 to try it out. When I open up task manager to check processes running, FMSCore process does not run [URL] found this in the knowledge base but step3 "Run this program As Administrator" checkbox is greyed out so I cannot do anything. I have stopped and restarted service so many time, rebooted server at least twice. Even the video that's supposed to play when you click the start screen is not playing.
Set the Flash Media Server services to Run as AdministratorComplete the following steps for each of the following files located in the Flash Media Server root installation folder (C:/Program Files/Adobe/Flash Media Server, by default):
FMSAdmin.exeFMSCore.exeFMSMaster.exeFMSEdge.exeRight-click the file and chooseProperties.
Select the Compatibility tab and click Change Settings For All Users.
Select Run This Program As Administrator.
Click Apply, and then click OK.
Complete these steps for each Flash Media Server service.
Restart the computer.
Flash Media Server starts when the computer starts.
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