Prototyping In Flash - Using JSON For Web Services?
Mar 19, 2011
I know most people hate 100% flash-based websites, but I was recently forced to use flash for a college assignment. After creating a fully-featured ria in less than 2 weeks with every feature I could imagine, i've regrettably fallen in love with this beast (which I previously refused to touch with a stick) due to the power of AS3 and the ability to sprinkle it everywhere :-
I now want to port a commercial desktop application of mine (which has been largely unsuccesful) to the web and feel flash/flex is an excellent candidate. While creating a html/css/js version would be ideal (working browser shortcuts, for a start), i'm certain it'll take a year to create in cross-browser html/css/js what would take just ~3 months in flash. Obviously as the (paid) desktop product was unsuccessful, i'd want to minimize the risk/investment in the (free) web application.
I plan on using JSON for web services, so it shouldn't be a huge pita to port in the future.Is this a good strategy for launching a web app you're not yet 100% committed to? Or will the fact i'm using flash doom me from the start? Has anybody else done this? If so, how did your userbase respond to the 100% usage of flash, and did you get around to porting it to standard web technologies?
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ActionScript Code:
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JSONParseError: Unexpected < encountered
at com.adobe.serialization.json::JSONTokenizer/parseError()
at com.adobe.serialization.json::JSONTokenizer/getNextToken()
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Oct 7, 2011
When using SOAP web services in Flash Builder, I am able to use the web services tool and test making service calls without any issue.I can pass strings that contain spaces, double and single quotes with great success. when I write code to send a string containing spaces or quotes, the web service doesn't return a success response.If I remove the quotes and/or spaces, success.I've tried wrapping the string in tags, but I don't know what else to do.
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