ActionScript 3.0 :: Add A Function Of A Button Inside Another Function?
Jan 14, 2012
if I add a button to open a uiloader with a marker google with a xml dataprovider in data grid, how can I set this function?
function completeHandler(event:Event):void { var myLoader:URLLoader = event.currentTarget as URLLoader; var xmlDP:XML = new XML (; XML.ignoreWhitespace = true; dp = new DataProvider(xmlDP); dp.sortOn("name", Array.CASEINSENSITIVE); aDg.dataProvider = dp;
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var intID:Number;
var frame:Number = 0;
function playOn(){
if(frame == 2){
I want my button to clear the function and then stop where it is. Shouldn't this work?
on (release) {
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Sep 21, 2010
I'm working on tabs that display different carousel type galleries with previous and next buttons. So, I've got a function that is being called by these tabs and is passed an array based on which tab is selected. Inside of that function, I'm adding an eventListener to the previous and next buttons and using a callback function that works based on the number of items in the array that was passed through the function call. I was running into some strange happenings and using trace statements. Here's what I find: The first call to the function works and traces correctly. The second call traces 2 trace statements; the 3rd call traces 3 statements and so forth. So, I'm assuming that each call is adding another event listener to the buttons.
Here's a condensed version of the function in question:
Select allfunction loadgallery(picArray){
/* Image Loading code here */
var totalPics = picArray.length;
var picNum = 0;
next_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, nextPic);
function nextPic (e:MouseEvent):void{
/* Tween actions here */
trace("picNum: " + picNum); //this traces 1x first time, 2x second, 3x third, etc.
Do I need to remove the event listener from the next_button? If so, what's the best way to do that? Or does someone see something else that I"m overlooking? I tried removing the event listener at the beginning of the function, but failed.
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Sep 28, 2010
in this case return me root1
i was expecting the name of the function caller witch is a btn dynamicly created on stage (see exemple)
var facebook:SimpleButton = new socialIconFacebook();
facebook.x = 134;
i know i could put the url right there instead but i have a lot of btn who would use that function
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public var vec:Vector.<Array> = new Vector.<Array>();
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and now I'm trying to use array as a friend suggested me.
var play_buttons:Array = new Array("menu_btn", "ok_btn", "back3_btn");
//buttons for menu
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ActionScript Code:
function function1(e:event):void{
Can I somehow, stop the enter frame in function 2 with some code in function3? I know that is not the better practice, but in this case is really needful to have a function inside another.
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Dec 8, 2009
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var iXML:XML = new XML();
iXML.ignoreWhite = true;
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Jun 3, 2010
i dont know why this instruccion works when i write it in this way:
lv = new LoadVars();
lv.sVar1 = "value1";
lv.sVar2 = "value2";
lv.onLoad = onLoadCallBack;
lv.sendAndLoad("http://localhost/tiempo/flash/rsstoflash.php?" + new Date(), lv, "POST");
But if a put this code into a function in this way:
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Aug 6, 2010
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obj.addEventListener( Event.COMPLETE, myFunction );
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Feb 21, 2009
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I am having trouble referencing the same variable while inside a function:
_root.ButtonMovie.onRelease = function() {
I really need to reference the variable while INSIDE the onRelease function, because I need to apply some actions based on how many times the button has been pressed.
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Jul 21, 2011
I have one function "Login" and function "_urlSended" inside of function "Login". So i want that sub function returned value as a parent function. I just want that script to work
function onButton1click():void {
Label1.text = Login('irakli', 'password1');
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