ActionScript 3.0 :: Add Code To Main.swf That Is Calling Swfs With Three Players Correct?

Nov 20, 2010

I need to use the unload and stop method.But my actionscript code calls individual swf files which contain 1 video player each. How would I add the unloadandstop methods into the existing actionscript?First question, add this code to the main.swf that is calling the swfs with thre players correct?So far I would I add a second set of event listeners for this function, like this?[code]

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Media Server :: Are Players All SWFs That Are Embedded In Page?

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function myFunction():void{
//do stuff


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Php :: Dispaying Top 10 Players And Monthly Top 10 Players Using Mysql

Aug 5, 2010

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$game_name = "test";
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Flash :: Relationship Of Code On First Frame Of Main Time Line To Class Code And Library Objects?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Calling The Random SWFs?

Feb 12, 2009

I have a Master SWF file that needs to load one of five different content SWFs on a random basis. In other words, I would like the visitor to see a different one of five content animations each time he/she visits the page. Is there a way to just call one of five different URLs on a random basis? Here's my code so far:

var swfLoader:Loader = new Loader();
swfLoader.x = 12;
var swfURL:String = "b2bAnim1.swf"


I would like to randomly differ the URL variable (swfURL) to select one of the following five URLs:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Returning Correct Name From A Code Created Movie Clip

Jan 24, 2011

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Now all this works fine, it creates the map and assigns the correct picture and places them in the correct X,Y position and it is the correct grid of 27x27 squares. The problem is with the name, when I click on the movie clip, it returns "Instance2" or "Instance5" or whatever. It starts with 2 and then increases each number by 3 for each clip, so the first one is 2, then 5 then 8 and so on. This is no good. I need it to return the name that I assigned it. If I put the code in trace(MapSquare[1]) it will return the name "MapSquare1" so I know the name was assigned, but it isnt returning.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding A Variable To A GetURL Line (correct Way To Code It)?

Jun 13, 2006

all I want to do is add a variable to a getURL line of code.EG:getURL("/index.asp", "_self");I need to add a variable (_root.myvariable) to the end of the link so that it goes to:index.asp?myvar=thevalueofmyvariable

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Professional :: Calling Functions Within SWFs In TileList?

Jul 14, 2010

I've used the code below to load swfs into my tileList and set their colors using setData() within each swf. Everything seems to work except "source:e.currentTarget.content". The swfs seem to be mixed up randomly each time it runs. Their colors are set correctly and all the other tilelist info is correct. What have I done wrong with "source:e.currentTarget.content"? I can swap "source:e.currentTarget.content" with "source:myXMLList[loadPosition].source" which gives me the correct swf but then the colors aren't set.

for(var f:int = 0; f<myXMLList.length(); f++){
var ldr:Loader = new Loader();
ldr.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, function(e:Event):void{
Object(e.currentTarget.content).setData(myXMLList[loadPosition].param eter[0], myXMLList[loadPosition].parameter[1]);
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash On Cd Calling External Swfs Preloading?

Apr 27, 2005

i've created a project that i'm putting on cd-rom. this project calls some externals swf files. everything was working lovely until i tried it from the cd. all the called swf files are running way slow and it's just a i'm trying to figure out preloading to see if that will help. i used some script i found in a thread by Scotty, and looks like the external swfs preloaded okay. and i put a stop() on the first frame of each of the external swfs so they will not play immediately. but now i'm trying to call the swfs when i need them by using a gotoAndPlay(frame) and don't know what i'm doing wrong. i need to have these swfs not play on preload but when i call them, either by EnterFrame or onPress.[code]as an aside to this, some of the forums i've been reading say it's just bad to try doing all this with flash on a cd, that i should try rolling it into director. yowza, haven't touched director in a few years..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash On Cd, Calling External Swfs, Preloading?

Apr 27, 2005

i've created a project that i'm putting on cd-rom. this project calls some externals swf files. everything was working lovely until i tried it from the cd. all the called swf files are running way slow and it's just a mess.used some script i found in a thread by Scotty, and looks like the external swfs preloaded okay. and i put a stop() on the first frame of each of the external swfs so they will not play immediately. but now i'm trying to call the swfs when i need them by using a gotoAndPlay(frame) and don't know what i'm doing wrong. i need to have these swfs not play on preload but when i call them, either by EnterFrame or onPress.

movieArray = new Array("clientsatprinciple.swf", "ccmvie.swf");


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Build A Presentation By Calling External .swfs Inside The .fla Document?

Feb 24, 2005

loadMovieNum("icon1.swf", target1_mc);

I am trying to build a presentation by calling external .swfs inside the .fla document.

By clicking a button I want to load an .swf (800 x 600) from the desktop into a target_mc inside a new flash document.

The problem is that once I press the button to load the .swf, instead of loading it into the target_mc, Internet Explorer pos up with a statement saying " To help protect your security, Internet Explorer has restricted this file from showing active content that could access your computer. Click here for options..." Once I click the options link, a new link appears "Allow Blocked Content". once I press it the .swf file loads into the Internet Explorer window full screen.

I want the .swf to load into the mc I am specifying INSIDE the flash document, not on the browser.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Calling Function From

Sep 1, 2008

I have a buttons class I would like to access but not sure of proceedure. Here is the

and here is the button class

this is actions layer:

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Professional :: Why Code Is Calling Same Url

Feb 16, 2010

im creating a web page in flash and im using this code for the navigation buttons:[code]The problem is that when i publish this and place it in Dreamweaver all three buttons link to "bio.html".

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Actionscript 3 :: Calling Functions In Main From A Another Class?

Feb 17, 2011

Even I am programmer I am very, very, new to as3.

Problem: I have define a classA in aA.sp file.

import flash.display.Sprite

When test on cs4 (contol>enter) I get following error 1061: Call to a possibly undefined method playVideo through a reference with static type flash.display:Sprite

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Calling Function From Main Timeline

Oct 13, 2008

I decided to rewrite my question from an earlier post...I'm using the TextMetric class: URL...The code below currently resides on the attachedMC timeline, and is written twice with different variables for each time called for each dynamicText.[code]What i am trying to do (emphasis on trying) is write the code on the main timeline, so that it can be called from any attached MC, a sort of global function if you will. Another thing to note is that there are multiple dynamic Texts using the function at the same time.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Calling Main.function Does Not Work

Mar 15, 2009

I can't seem to access functions (methods) of my document class from any other class in the same package. What i need to do is create some global functions like menu reset, title change, etc. Maybe i'm not fully understanding the OOP concept, because this seems simple and it should totally work, but it doesn't and no documentation has been able to tell me why.

I have a document class called like this:

import flash.display.Sprite;


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Professional :: Switching Between External .swfs To The Main One?

Jan 11, 2010

I have a project where I am externally loading .swfs into my main scene.  However at the end of my external .swfs I want it to go back to the first frame of my main .swf.  I have used this code MovieClip(root).gotoAndPlay("start"); but I get this error
ArgumentError: Error #2109: Frame label start not found in scene Scene 1.
and I understand why I get the error because the frame label start isn't in that external flash file it is in the main one. However, I just don't know the correct AS3 to get this to work properly.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Imported Swfs Getting Data From Main Swf?

Sep 15, 2011

I'm struggling shaking my old school AS2 mindset here. I've got a main swf which loads a bunch of subordinate swfs. I need my loaded swfs to see some variables in the main. For instance (example simplified for conversational purposes), let's say I've got a swf loading (we'll say littleSwf), which needs to set its rotation based on a variable (we'll say swfRotation) in the main. The rotation code is inside of the little swf. How does that little swf get told / find out what its rotation number is?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Multiple Swfs Into A Main Swf?

Oct 26, 2011

I intend to load multiple swfs (each contains information that loaded from xml) into a main swf, but it still ticking "Error # 2044: uncontrolled ioError: text = Error # 2032: sequence error. URL: .... .. at inicio_fla:: rests.fla_20: Frame1 ()

when I play the files individually play well but when I load into the main one, is when it show me this mistake.I check the route: First I have in a folder inside this main SWF. in a second folder named "swfs" inside "rests.swf" so my route will be ..."swfs/rests.swf"

View 15 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: Load A Number Of Swfs Into A Main SWF?

Jan 25, 2007

how to load a number of swfs into a main SWF

need obviously controller function as well

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Code For Calling Rtmp?

May 4, 2007

I want a song to accompany a Flash slide show; but placing the song in the .swf makes the file load too slowly, even over a good DSL connection. So I thought, since it's just non-synched background music, streaming the audio would speed things up.

I uploaded the song as a sound file in the form of an .flv to my favorite streaming video server site. (I tested it beforehand and it worked great.)A techie at the server company suggested I use their rtmp code to load it into my slide show file. Their rtmp code looks something like this:

/* wonderfulworldaudiortmp:// */

(I've replaced the real numbers with zeros.)I guess I need some actionscript to call this but can't find the right combo on the internet.

I've tried things like:

/*var videoInstance:Video = WonderfulWorldAudio;
var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
var connected:Boolean = nc.connect("rtmp:/");


But haven't hit the number yet.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Optimize Code For 100 Swfs Or More?

Jan 13, 2011

How can I make this code smaller adding 100 swfs or more.

var seccion:String="home";
var loader:Loader = new Loader();
function loadSection():void {


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Flex :: Share Code Between Swfs?

Sep 24, 2009

Lets say I have two swfs A and B, and at runtime, swf A loads swf B, and I wish to share code between them, to minimize file size and download times.

If swf B has some code (say. com.blah.HelloWorld), I tell the compiler to have swf B's source in swf A's classpath, but only do a compile-time link and not actually compile com.blah.HelloWorld into swf A

This works, and I have tried it, using a the -includes and -externs compiler options.

However, My problem is that I wish to do this the other way. i.e. swf A and B (and potentially swf C) all need com.blah.HelloWorld, but I want com.blah.HelloWorld to be compiled into just swf A, have it as an external reference in swf B ( and potentially C as well.)

I tried doing this using the externs and includes, but I get ReferenceErrors when I do this.

I want to do this without a having a separate rsl, so I can reduce the number of http requests.

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Flex :: Sharing Code Between Swfs?

Jun 4, 2011

Lets say I have two swfs A and B, and at runtime, swf A loads swf B, and I wish to share code between them, to minimize file size and download times.If swf B has some code (say. com.blah.HelloWorld), I tell the compiler to have swf B's source in swf A's classpath, but only do a compile-time link and not actually compile com.blah.HelloWorld into swfThis works, and I have tried it, using a the -includes and -externs compiler options.However, My problem is that I wish to do this the other way. i.e. swf A and B (and potentially swf C) all need com.blah.HelloWorld, but I want com.blah.HelloWorld to be compiled into just swf A, have it as an external reference in swf B ( and potentially C as well.)I tried doing this using the externs and includes, but I get ReferenceErrors when I do this.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Transistions Between .swfs Code?

Apr 3, 2004

This is the code I am using for a transistion from a .swf file when you click the button "contact":

on (release) {
if (_root.currMovie == undefined) {
_root.currMovie = "contact";
} else if (_root.currMovie != "contact") {
if (container._currentframe >= container.midframe) {


Alright this works fine but the problem is, when you click this button, it works, but then you click any other button and it brings up the contact swf file again. Is there any way I can fix or change this code so it will work?

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