ActionScript 3.0 :: After RemoveChild - Object Behave Like Its Still Exists

Jul 6, 2009

I have strange problem. I remove sprite object from container and its not visible anymore but still behaves like its existing. here is how i add object to container:


I think that all listeners and vars has been removed from the object but probably not because GC does not remove the object comepletly. Why object is still at its place ? Is there easy way to check what has to be removed from object so GC can collect it?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Object Still Exists After Removed?

Sep 26, 2009

the example is this, wich i am trying to remove a movieClip wich is 'mc' by clicking button, but after i click it, the object mc is still traced every time the startTrace initiates, that means its still there right? im using flash cs4,


var mcRef;
var mc:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
this.addChild(mc); = 'mc';


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Checking If An Object Exists?

Aug 6, 2010

In my script I create a button that when clicked, creates a blue square. However, I want to remove any blue squares that exist before creating the new square (because as it is a low opacity square creating another one will make it more solid, as well it's just more objects that the system has to keep track of).Here is my

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//importing required classes for this to work


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error 1009 When Object Exists?

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why this does not work? There is an empty Canvas and a Button. When the button is clicked, it creates a new Image and adds it to the Canvas - which happens. But when I click on the Image to drag it, Flex throws this error.1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

import mx.controls.Image;
var layerIDs:uint = 0;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Referencing An Object That Exists Later In The Timeline?

Jul 7, 2010

I'm trying to:Jump from frame 1 to a frame later in the main timeline Reference an object that exists on the stage in that frame, but not in frame 1

Like so:

ActionScript Code:
function endGame():void {
scoreField.visible = false;

A movieclip with the instance name 'scorefield' exists in the "gameOver" frame, yet for some reason, I just get a "Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference." This code is all within a function. By the time the reference to scoreField is executed, the timeline is at the right frame.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Checking If An Unnamed Object Exists?

Feb 10, 2010

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if (sprite) {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Check To See If A Node Exists In An XMLList Object?

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if ( {
//Do this
However, if the object doesn't exist, I get this error, "Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties" - which I understand is because the object doesn't exist. Is there a better way to check to see if an object exists?

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var ok:Boolean = {
return typeof customObject !== 'undefined'


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Checking If Variable Exists In Object

Nov 28, 2011

I'm attempting to make a platform game. Each level is contained within it's own MovieClip, which has it's own class. Each of these classes extend the Level class, which provides basic functionality for all levels.

Each individual level has a numPlatforms variable which stores the number of platforms in that particular level. I currently have a for loop that runs from 1-numPlatforms and sets the level area (the image, more or less) the platform contains:


Is there any way to check if a variable exists within a MoveClip? I've trying comparing it to null and also to undefined, but neither works.

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Oct 19, 2010

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I've tried this, but it did not work:
ob.upleft = Map.baseTileArr[ob.upY][ob.leftX].walkable;


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Actionscript 3 :: Null Object Reference When Attempting To Check If It Exists?

Aug 3, 2011

I have a weird problem. An Object is being passed to my function, and some parameters are optional, so naturally I would check to see if they are there, and if not, do nothing.However, I'm getting a null reference error (#1009) when I'm just checking it. Here's the sample:

public function parseObject(params:Object) {
if (params.optionalParam)
trace("Got Optional Parameter!");


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Refereeing To An Object - AddChild And RemoveChild?

May 4, 2010

I first noticed it when this function started throwing a 1009 error:


were throwing the 1009 error. Which is wierd on two accounts. First, if I remember right, error 1009 comes about when referering to an object that is not on the stage. Which makes NO sence when getting it from an addChild! Second, this error only starts to occur the second time I use the function.


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Actionscript 3 :: RemoveChild() Used To Completely Delete Object?

Feb 9, 2011

All of the bullets are of the "Bullet" class and are stored in an array called "bullets" in the main class. When bullets exit the screen, removeBullet(bulletID) in the main class is called.

private function removeBullet(id:int)

In my Bullet class I have an enterFrame listener that traces "stillHere". So as soon as a bullet is added to the main stage using addChild, "stillHere" starts popping up in my output panel.

My problem is that even after I call the removeBullet, "stillHere" keeps popping up in the output panel, which tells me that the object which I tried to delete is still sticking around somewhere in the memory.

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Flash :: Object Remains On Stage After RemoveChild()?

Nov 21, 2011

I am using removeChild() to remove a MovieClip. And via tests, I can confirm that it's working fine ( stage.contains(mc) returns false ). But the MovieClip still does not seem to be removed, as if the stage is not updated correctly.

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Mar 15, 2009

I'm working on a project which uses timline animation. The animated objects are involved in a collision detection script.

When they collide with other objects, their timelines are told to stop() and they're removed using removeChild. At this point they have a value of null (I've tested this.)

Strangely however, they invisibly re-instantiat themselves when the timeline animation loops back to frame 1. There's no code telling them to play anywhere in the program. They still have null values, but their collsion code still affects other objects.

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Apr 4, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Signal Object That Removed Using RemoveChild Command

Jan 25, 2010

Here's the code I'm having trouble with:
function offNav(e:MouseEvent):void {
if (mouseX >= 0 && mouseY >= 0 && mouseX <= 36.45 && mouseY <= 325) {,.5,{x:0});,.5,{x:15.65});,.5,{x:11.5});
[Code] .....

The problem is with smallImg_mc. Later on when it is clicked, it gets removed using the removeChild(smallImg_mc) command, and my question is how do I signal it through an if statement where it says
if (smallImg_mc.visible !== false) {
It's causing annoying output errors.

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Professional :: Does RemoveChild Remove The Object's Event Listeners

Nov 30, 2010

If you dynamically create a parent movieclip, and dynamically add a color picker to each clip, and add an event listener for each color picker, does a removeChild on the parent movieClip remove event listeners belonging to any of it's children?

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ActionScript 3 :: RemoveChild Error - Null Object Reference

Jun 25, 2011

Here are my classes
Main - creates preloader
Preloader - createas Website
Website - creates MainMenu

When a button in the main menu is clicked, it creates an object. And when another one is clicked, that object needs to be removed. The removing part got a little bit messy.
package src {
import com.greensock.TweenLite;
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.geom.Point;
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: RemoveChild Removes Object From The Stage And Null

Aug 26, 2011

I have a removeChild and null question. I know removeChild removes my object from the stage but stays in memory until I call null on it. My question is, if I set the object to null, do I have to removeChild it at all? For example, I have a movieclip where I addChild lots of objects to it. So If I want to completely remove all traces of said movieclip and all its children, can I just set movieClip = null, or do I have to removeChild all its children and the movieclip itself beforehand.

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Actionscript 3 :: Error #1006 RemoveChild Is Not A Function. Timer Delay RemoveChild

Mar 29, 2010

I'm trying to build a conditional statement that will addChild and removeChild at different Timer Delays. Before I go any further, I thought, I should mention that I'm usinig TweenMax to ease the alpha of ease Child from 1 to 0 and back during the process to imitate a fade-in/out.

I'm getting issue with only one line - inside a conditional statement.It's running "OK". The movie runs as I want it, but the remove/addChild transitions are not at the speed I want it at. I am getting an error message in the output, but other than that, the movie runs fine.

import com.greensock.*;
import com.greensock.easing.*;
import com.greensock.plugins.*;


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Flex :: Get A Datagrid To Behave Like The Ctrl Key Is Active?

Feb 26, 2010

I want my data grid to behave by default as if the user is holding the control key down. So when an item is clicked, then another item they are both part of the selection, clicking them again removes them from the selection. I already have allowMultipleSelection = true but I can't seem to find any setting that does this. I'm working on the itemclick event in the meantime, but it seems like there might be an easy to use setting I'm missing.

View 3 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Simulate Registration Point To Behave As (0,0)?

Mar 21, 2011

There is a movie clip MyRectangle and it is being moved by a different class Test around the stage.Class Test has no idea where the registration point is of MyRectangle is, it assumes it is always at top left corner.Class MyRectangle sometimes logically changes its registration point during runtime according to some algorithm. By this I mean it changes the position of all its children, the same way as we would do it in Flash IDE. So logically, the registration point can be e.g. in the midle.The point is to write the MyRectangle class to behave correctly at all times, so that other classes, although unaware where the registration point really is (they assume it is in top left corner), are still capable to position the rectangle exactly where they want.[code]But it will not work if MyRectangle changed its registration point by moving all children by (-50,-50). In this case, only bottom right quarter of the rectangle will be visible.

I have no clue how to solve it. Tried to write setters and getters of x and y, but it doesn't work. I adjusted the registration point of MyRectangle in Flash IDE instead of doing it programatically, but the result would be the same.Also to make it easier I assume the registration point is in the middle. Once I know how to solve this problem, I'll know how to solve it for registration point anywhere.[code]But only the bottom right quarter of the rectangle is visible, despite of any assignments of x or y in class Test.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Array Deletion - Removing An Object From The Display List (via RemoveChild)

May 9, 2010

When I'm removing an object from the display list (via removeChild), I'm performing a splice on all of the arrays that the object has:


My thinking was that this frees up some memory similar to disposing a bitmapdata. Does this even do anything? Or, will arrays be cleared and the memory usage restored when the object is removeChilded?

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Flash :: Gridview - Making Video Behave Nicely In IE?

Dec 15, 2009

So I'm trying to make Flash video work at [URL].. Things are going swimmingly in Safari and Firefox. Not so in IE.

I completely expect this is due to my Flash incompetence. where things are going wrong? I'm attempting different methods to input my video in each of these cases:


I know I'm missing something fundamental here, as all three examples are broken. I'm not necessarily just looking for the fix for each of these three. I'd like for your help understanding what I don't understand it, and how to understand it.

Eventually, I'd like to build a template where the client could throw either an .flv or .mpeg4 or .mov at it, and voilĂ , but is something like this even possible, given I correct my current, idiotic Flash principles?

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Actionscript 3 :: Sort On Vector Doesn't Behave As Expected

Jul 5, 2011

I have a vector of fixed length 9 with some objects. each object has a variable value:Point and the vector shall be sorted such that objects with a higher value.x appear first - and if theyr value.x is the same, then the one with the smaller value.y shall be first. this is my compare function:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: RemoveChild() - Error #1009: Cannot Access A Property Or Method Of A Null Object Reference?

Jan 19, 2012

I'm trying to remove a movieclip that I added in the same class but keep getting this error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.Here's my code:

public function wallDown():void
_asTrans = new ASTrans();[code].....

I also tried to use _gameModel.screen.removeChild(_asTrans); as I said above but with the same results.

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Flash :: Can't "removeChild" After Referencing The Object Earlier

Oct 29, 2010

Basically, I have two routines: One is a CDK collision check, and the other is a generic verification of an array. They're both inside the same Timer Event. There are two arrays - the collisionList and the MasterArray, and the object is in both of them.

First, the collision routine:

var collisions:Array = collisionList.checkCollisions();
for(var i:uint = 0; i < collisions.length; i++)
{ var firstShape:Sprite = collisions[i].object1;


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