ActionScript 3.0 :: ApplicationStorageDirectory - Stop The Folder Being Created On My Desktop?
Oct 13, 2011
When it initially runs,I want it to copy an xml preferences type file from the applicationDirectory to the applicationStorageDirectory,so that the file can be written to as the user changes prefs.The following code works fine - nameStyle.xml gets written to the Local Store folder on my Windows machine.However, a folder called 'applicationStorageDirectory' also gets created on my desktop, and is populated with the file nameStyle.xml...
var nameStyleFileSrc:File = File.applicationDirectory.resolvePath("nameStyle.xml");
var nameStyleFileCopy:File = File.applicationStorageDirectory.resolvePath("nameStyle.xml");
nameStyleFileSrc.copyTo(nameStyleFileCopy, true);
So I have two questions: do I stop the folder being created on my desktop?
2. is there a way to have files placed in the Local Store folder (or whatever folder depending on the platform) during installation, rather than copying files from the app directory when it first runs?
I'm hoping to produce a CD of Captivate lessons to be accessed via a Flash menu. (Using Flash CS4, but with ActionScript 2). I can get the files to work from the disc, but as they are large files, they take less time to open if downloaded onto the user's machine first.
Is it possible to use some ActionScript to take the folder of files and copy them onto the desktop so that I can then point the menu items to the newly copied folder? I've seen that there is a download option in ActionScript but this seems to bring up a dialogue box and allows the user to place the files wherever they want. Ideally I'd like the process to be automatic.
I have installed Adobe FMS 3.5 on an server and inside "applications" folder I have created a new folder say "abc" and restart the FMS service, now when I try to connect to it from Flash using nectconnection it does not get connected and in netstatus event handler there are 2 messages: NetConnection.Connect.Rejected NetConnection.Connect.Closed Although Flash is connecting to 2 folders "live" and "vod" which were created there by default with installation on FMS. I am not able to figure out why it is happening.
Problem1 The ***.stream file is not being created in the folder> :FMSHOMEapplicationslivepkgrevents\_definst_liveeventBUTI can see the F4F, F4X, control, meta, and bootstrap files being created in the folder>C:FMSHOMEapplicationslivepkgrstreams\_definst_livestreamAny ideas on what may be causing this and how to resolve it?Problem2Sometimes if I send multiple bitrates like livestream1, liverstream2, livestream3 I'll only see the livestream3 stream files created inthe folder C:FMSHOMEapplicationslivepkgrstreams\_definst_livestream3. No livestream1 orlivestream2 stream folder/files are created. And again the .stream file is not being
I have this Load Manager Package class file now for a while and I would like to make changes to it e.g. 1st step.How to read the Xml/Text file. The first part is the original code.[code]The second part is in a way how I would like to do the same as above, but loading/reading it from the 'applicationStorageDirectory'. I have left two lines in there which are not used just for testing things. The App works as is eliminating all Errors, but of course with nothing showing of the text file.[code]
I was trying to save an imagefile to a directory in applicationStorageDirectory of my air project. Created the directory first.[code]Is there a way that i can store the image in my "vispics" directory?
I have an Air application that lets users import jpg, png and swf files and use them as the source to an Image which they can drag around a Canvas.he import function copies the selected file to an images directory inside ApplicationStorageDirectory.When I click on an Image that has an swf as its source, I get a Security Sandbox Violation (eg. SecurityDomain 'app-storage:/Project1/images/menuBarBkgd.swf' tried to access incompatible context 'app:/Main.swf'). My mouseDown handler doesn't get called so I can't select it and allow it to be dragged.
i am trying to create a flash movie for my browser page. i am able to import and export the movie just fine, the problem comes after i export the movie. As long as i leave the flash file in the folder it was created in things work great. If i try to move the folder or rename the folder it stops working. It acts like it cant find the flv file i created the flash with. if i rename or move the folder back where it was created things work fine.
i have situation in which i have some library projects, say
, included in my lets say "MainProject" (a web project) placed on directory
, when i build the project it automatically place all the libs .swf in its "E:in-debug" folder, but when i debug or run the project it it gives loading error that
I am creating an autorun exe file. Basically the CD is filled with markering materials. What I need to know is how to get Flash to open a folder on the CD so the viewer can pick from what is in side the folder.
I AM USING AIR FOR ANDROID. I want to get all the jpg's (or Mp3's) in a folder of an external folder ... that will be stored on the users PHONE with included in the APP.
How can I do that from FLASH using Action-script 3?[code]...
I have a db file Resided in Flex Air Bindebug Folder,Here i want to Move/save this db File at another location let say In mydocument/or any Folder, I am not able to do it's programatically.
I am using Flash CS3 and Actionscript 2.0.I want to make a photo.jpg that is in my images folder load into a swf that is in a swf folder. It works fine when I have the photo.jpg in the same folder as the swf. But it does not work when I have the photo.jpg in a different folder. What must I do to the AS2 to make this happen? Here is the path: mcLoader.loadClip("swf/images/photo1.jpg",mcHolder);
How do I import a class that resides outside the root folder of a fla file?
From root I should go back two folders to get the classes I want, which by the way is TweenMax. I don't want to copy these classes to every website's folder.
Is it possible to loadMovie into the main movie when the swf is not located in the same folder that the main swf is locatedThis is the script that works when I am loading the swf from the same folder as the main swf,
I'm trying to get the folder name (xml.folder.@name) based on the imagem variable content with the command: example: folderfile = beach.jpg (dir should be vacation) Quote: dir = xml.folder.(xml.folder.files.imagem == folderfile).@name;
1) Is it better to pre=render things say in photoshop or have flash render them?
2) if I have a field of stars that drift along; is it better to create that Star Field in photoshop as a single picture (say a .png) or to create a star in my library and add it to a movie clip and then have that drift along?
Lets say I have a blur effect on my stars and have an equivalent on the photoshop.
3) I have heard (and experienced) adding effects like blur takes a fair amount of CPU and memory so was wondering if I created the effect in photoshop and then imported the 'blurred' object into my flash if I could cut down on system resources?
Create a new folder named AudioStreams at C:Program FilesAdobeFlash Media Server 4.5applications. Open the AudioStreams folder and add a new folder named streams. Inside this folder place a new folder named _definst_ and copy the four audio files in the Exercise to the _definst_ folder. I am confused when should we create definst folder and when C:Program FilesAdobeFlash Media Server 4.5applicationslivemedia folder?
I thought I had a handle on the timer class (even just a beginners understanding), but I'm having trouble with it.I have an event listener for the timer and it starts fine i get a delay, then a tween,but when I place a myTimer.stop();in the fuction the listener called (to stop it) it dosent will repeat placing the first image, and then call the first function again
......Wait its placing the first image in (a couple of lines before the start), so Its restarting the whole movie, not just the function?
myTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, tweenone) myTimer.start(); function tweenone (event:Event):void[code]...........
When an instance variable is constructed by a constructor method, why do you need to refer to the current instance variable being created when its the only one being created? I understand assigning an expression to it but why name it "this." when it is the only object that the constructor is building? Does it have some hing to do with being able to naming that object in the Local Variable? In other words am I creating a generic object that will be named in another class?
When I publish the swf file with html, it works fine on my computer. If I send it to my old computer with Win XP and for most other people it works fine. But there are some who just get a black screen when it plays or a "get flashplayer" symbol. They update and it still doesn't work. They do not have a company setting that does not allow them to play the file and I have walked them through the browser settings so that anything should play. But still, no luck.
i'm new to creating desktop applications. I've a working site in php with mysql support. I want to convert this site into a desktop application. Is Adobe AIR or Adobe Flex better?can i use php as such in both AIR and Flex? or should i convert them to xml or something which it uses?
Suppose I develop an application with the logic as a CLI program that can be compiled to various platforms. To add a GUI, I could develop native versions separately for each platform or I could use a cross-platform tool like Tcl/Tk, wxLua, or PyGTK. Some people, like Bruce Eckel and James Ward, promote Flash/Flex on Adobe AIR for this.[code]...
I want to have site visitors be able to put a link to a website on their desktop. Asking them to click on a link, bookmark it, and then save the link to their desktop is too involved. A one click solution is what I'm hoping for, but something like dragging an icon off the .swf to the desktop would be okay.
This post might belong to the As3 forum, but i think i might fit in here too..I am trying to get 2 "windows" or swf to to connect together (one sending event and the other receiving them, one way.) for a desktop application offline. First i thought I should use the localConnection, but it doesnt really work offline, i get errors and sandbox violations Now i am considering the nativewindow with a AIR app. All this using Flash CS5 (not flex). What is the best way to proceed?