ActionScript 3.0 :: Cant Get BitmapData Hit Test Working
Oct 6, 2010
I cant get this bitmapData hit test working.I have a btmapdata and i want to test a point (10,10) to see if it lies inside the bitmapdata. Not the rectangle the image is in but if a point lies inside a pixel area (not alpha area)...
Now I confused as I thought the paramater is a bitmapdata, 255,Point type, a point,255
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Oct 6, 2010
I cant get this bitmapData hit test working.I have a btmapdata and i want to test a point (10,10) to see if it lies inside the bitmapdata. Not the rectangle the image is in but if a point lies inside a pixel area (not alpha area).[code]
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Oct 23, 2011
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, Pixel_Perfect);
function Pixel_Perfect(e:Event):void
Enemy1 is a class is that makes a difference
I didn't write this code as i am not this advanced yet but really needed this script, this script normally works but now i am recieving errors
Error: ArgumentError: Error #2015: Invalid BitmapData.
at flash.display::BitmapData/ctor()
at flash.display::BitmapData()
at IceMountain_fla::MainTimeline/Pixel_Perfect()
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Nov 17, 2009
When is a Bitmap not a Bitmap ?I can apply (using Sandy) an image as a texture :
var material:BitmapMaterial = new BitmapMaterial(new myImage(1,1));
myCone.appearance = new Appearance( material );
I can trace an object and form a bitmap :
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Oct 20, 2010
I'm loading thumbnail images from youtube and upon adding them to the stage I have encountered some issues.
If I simply addChild the loader to my parent it all works nice and dandy both locally and uploaded, if I convert it to bitmapdata, it works locally but not uploaded.
Note: The commented section is the one that is working locally but not uploaded.
private function buildThumb() : void {
$loader = new Loader();
$loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete);
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Apr 30, 2009
car_mc.y +=20;
In that trace statement also it is giving false in the output window.. how to make it work??
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May 9, 2010
I've encountered a strange problem with a game I'm making with flash cs4, as3. When I test my game with ctrl+enter within flash, it works fine, but if I try it again, it doesn't load at all. Basically, I open flash, test movie, it works, do absolutely nothing except close the test movie window and test it again, and it doesn't work.
I put a trace as the first line in the constructor function of my document class and that doesn't output anything on the second test. If I close flash and reopen it, it does the same thing; the game will work fine the first test and any tests after do nothing. When it doesn't work, no errors are reported whatsoever.
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Apr 13, 2006
I am trying to load a external swf and then use the BitmapData.draw() method to draw the loaded swf to a bitmap. This does not seem to work. If I draw some lines into the loaded swf using the .lineTo() method and then use BitmapData.draw() i do see the lines that are made by this method, but not the content i put in the swf. Is it just not possible to do this
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Jan 22, 2009
I am trying to develop a billiards game, in which I require hit test for balls. I have developed the code given below for this purpose. However, I find that the hit test is not working properly.
var i=0;
var im=10;
var circle_mc;
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Aug 2, 2010
I created a graphic on one layer in my timeline in FLASH CS4 and then added a new layer above it with text to create a zoom out effect. When I click Control>Play the movie plays fine with the text zooming out as it is supposed to but when I click Control>Test Movie the movie shows white with the text constantly visible and the graphic flickering on (visible) and off (not visible) so fast that it's barely visible.
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Jul 12, 2011
So I've been having an issue with a SWF not work on a page and this is what I can seem to come up with after hours of messing with Dreamweaver and Flash trying to understand why it won't work. When i test the movie from the working Flash file, it works no problem.Something is going wrong when I export or publish the movie and it no longer works. Is this something that happens? .this site needs to go up in the next day or so and the SWF was working and then stopped working and I'm honestly not a Flash gal so I really have no business messing with it, but it was a specific request.
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Jul 22, 2010
I have had an SWF running on a HTML page since early 2008, and this SWF pulls down some images from another server - subseqently displaying them for the user.The SWF uses BitmapData to smoothly display the loaded JPG images.However, since the 10.1 update, this no longer works - everything gets drawn blank (when the bitmapdata's .draw() method is invoked).I must point out that this has been working fine for years before the 10.1 update, and the security setup has also been done correctly (the image server has the crossdomain.xml file, and the local SWF file has the relevant Security.allowDomain settings in place).Has anyone else experienced this, or know of a fix? This is driving me nuts, many of our clients who have this SWF in place on their website can no longer see the images after updating to 10.1.
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Jun 29, 2011
I have a component that contains 4 layers: (in ascending depth order) bgImage:Sprite, dropZone:Sprite, dropMask:Sprite and line:Sprite. The bgImage is at 0,0, and the other objects are placed at various positive coordinates. dropMask is masking dropZone.At the point of bitmap capture I want to only draw from the dropZone and dropMask layers, so I'm trying this:
var bmd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(dropMask.width,dropMask.height,true,0);
Despite the dropMask being located at 50,60 the capture always starts from 0,0. I've also tried getting the boundary rectangle and forcing the x,y, but it makes no difference. should I just forget clipRect and use a matrix instead?
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Feb 15, 2010
I am starting to develop an AIR application. After doing some code, I am able to test the AIR file from within Flash CS4. I then close the Movie Test and made some additional changes. I performed another Test Movie however nothing happens. If I restart Flash CS4, I am able to test the AIR file but not a second time.
OS: Windows 7 64
Flash CS4
I have performed the following troubleshooting steps:
1. Reset the configuration folder -> same issue
2. Reset the Registry Key -> same issue
3. Tested on Windows XP 32 (Same machine [dual-boot]) -> works
4. Tested with a brand new FLA AIR file -> same issue
5. If I convert the AIR file to a standard AS3 document -> able to to test with no issue
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Dec 10, 2009
I need to embed a SWF on a website. The swf is this interactive map at [URL](where it says select your region). So I found the SWF file and I tried to embed it on a test page, and its not working correctly. [URL] I don't know anything about flash, but the code I used was this:
<embed src=" [URL] The map is showing up, but the continents regions are not click-able, and the drop down text is not showing the continents.
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Apr 4, 2012
I download "scrollbar_vfinal_2004 from this site and use it my own movie but when I test the movie, the text is not showing. Without text lay mask, the scrollbar works.
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Jan 31, 2007
I'm using Flash 8, with this code in the first frame:
import flash.display.BitmapData;
When I publish the file, I'm getting the following error message in the Output panel:
**Error** Scene=Scene 1, layer=Layer 2, frame=1:Line 7: The class or interface 'BitmapData.loadBitmap' could not be loaded.
var plaid:BitmapData.loadBitmap("plaid");
Total ActionScript Errors: 1 Reported Errors: 1
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Oct 14, 2009
I am trying to use the reflect class from " .html" but I keep getting this error:
ArgumentError: Error #2015: Invalid BitmapData.
at flash.display::BitmapData()
at Reflect()
at Site_fla::GalleryPage_29/loadThumbs()
at Site_fla::GalleryPage_29/sortXML()
btw, first I used assigned thumbContainer as the mc argument (outside the loadThumbs() function) and it worked but not exactly what I wanted... because I thought it is supposed to update when the movieclip is animated but it actually didn't... when I use a scroller, only the thumbs that are first loaded to the stage get the reflection..
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Dec 29, 2011
I've been using BitmapData.copyPixels() to draw graphics onto a canvas (Bitmap).I need to rotate the resulting graphics without the use of draw() because it's vastly slower.How can I rotate the target graphic? I'm assuming that there might be a formula or library that I can use which will first reorganize the pixels that make up a graphic based on an origin (point) and radians.I'm pretty certain that I'm not capable of creating such logic, so if there are any known libraries that do this, that would be awesome.I'd like to achieve something similar to XNA's SpriteBatch.Draw() method, which accepts rotation as its 5th argument.
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Sep 1, 2011
how to use the bitmapData collision method. Now I'm trying to figure out if there is a way to see at what angle or coordinate of the bitmapData the collision happens? I need it in order to figure the accurate bounce angle after the collision occurs.
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Sep 17, 2011
I'm trying to test a custom Flex 4 skinnable component, using the FlexUnit UIImpersonator class. If I run my tests from a FlashBuilder Spark only project everything works fine. If I try to test from a project with the mx component set on the classpath I get a "getElementIndex not available in non Flex 4 projects" error.Can I unit test spark components in FlexUnits visual test environment while still having the mx component set on the classpath?
UIImpersonator delegates it's method calls to a "testEnvironment".The implementation used for this "testEnvironment" is decided by the VisualTest EnvironmentBuilder class and the FlexEnvironmentBuilder class. If the FlexEnvironmentBuilder class can find the "mx.core.Container" on the classpath it returns a MX environment, else a Spark environment. Only the spark environment has valid implementations for Flex 4 relevant method calls on the UIImpersonator - like the addElement method.
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Aug 4, 2011
My buttons only work when I click on them on the stage while having the "enable simple buttons" option on. They do not work if I try to "test movie," "test scene" and publish it to a SWF. Nothing responds whenever I am in these modes. I am using Adobe Flash Professional CS5 Actionscript 2.0.
This is the code that I put in for the buttons:
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Aug 30, 2009
i have a movie that has worked fine in past during Html test but ive been doing some dubugging using the flash test latly and it runs fine here but when i go back and try to test in Html mode no errors come just the movie never fully starts (starts up about as much as if there was an error).
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Jul 15, 2009
I'm currently working on a flash game and I need to know how to addChild a BitmapData or draw a BitmapData to screen. If I can't than how can I give a DisplayObject my BitmapData?
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Mar 19, 2009
I have two scenes in my flash file and in scene 1, first button takes you to frame 2 where movie clip is -works
on (release) {
second button takes you to frame 3
but on scene 2 that performs same function as scene 1, the first button
instead of going to frame 2 goes to frame 3. and the second button goes correctly to frame 3.that happens when i test scene! when i test movie all buttons work properly.
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Dec 22, 2011
I've made a mobile version of my software, with low-res images and such, and I can now fully buffer all my content (including a 360 frame animation which is buffered to memory). Problem is, that everytime I update the view, more memory is used.When I write image = new BitmapData();, does it store the previously created BitmapData's in memory? Do I have to flush the memory somehow before I draw my second picture in BitmapData?Example:
ActionScript Code:
// In this example I draw using the same bitmapData several times, also
//overwriting the first image. Do I have to somehow delete the data first, to
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Jan 21, 2010
In FlexUnit 1 it is possible to access the name of the currently-running test using the TestCase.getName() method because all tests subclass TestCase. In FlexUnit 4, however, there's no base class for tests; the tests are identified by annotations. So, how can I replicate the getName() functionality in FlexUnit 4?
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Jan 9, 2012
I am having an issue with using BitmapData.draw(stage). I am getting the following error:
SecurityError: Error #2123: Security sandbox violation: BitmapData.draw: file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/bla...bla...bla.swf cannot access null. No policy files granted access. Here is a portion of my code:
var bd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(2800, 2100); bd.draw(stage);//this is where the error happens All of the files referenced (.xml/.jpg/.swf) are located in the same local folder as the main .swf. How do I get around this error? The main objective is to print the stage using PrintJob(). I am using Flash Professional CS5.5 and publishing to Flash 10.0/10.1. Let me know if I need to supply any more info.
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Feb 22, 2012
Does any one have a idea about how to do a packet loss test like in ping test from flash technologies (Flash or Flex)?
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Dec 29, 2009
The title might be a little misleading. Look at my code and I will explain
public static function loadTile(tileDir:String = "empty"):void
if(tileDir != "empty")
tPoint = new Point(0,0);
tRect = new Rectangle(0,0,30,30);
I am trying to do tiling with sprites. I want my tiles to be interactive, so that is why I am using the sprite object instead of using regular bitMaps to represent my tiles. You might be wondering why I wouldnt just use graphics.beginBitmapFill(tImage); and graphics.drawRect(0, 0,tWidth ,tHeight ); to pick out the tiles I want to use. Well reason being is because it turns out that drawRect() first and second parameters actually alter the location of where the actual sprite sits at.
So if I set the x and y properties of the sprite to x = 20, and y = 20. then I set my drawRect(20,20). it actually adds an extra 20 pixels to my x and y coords of my sprite. And I know the reason why, I just need to know a better way.
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