ActionScript 3.0 :: Change Width Of ComboBox Instance
Jun 25, 2008
I am trying to change width of ComboBox instance. I want to change width of the original box, not the list. List width can be changed with inst.dropdownWidth=myWidth; ComboBox width can be changed by free transforming in Flash IDE, but that is not exactly ideal. There should be a code solution for this (I hope). Anyone know or know where to find out? I could not find it in the documentation strangely enough (or maybe I just missed smtg obvious).
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Sep 15, 2009
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<mx:ComboBox id="comboBox" dataProvider="{_choices}" />
<mx:Script> <![CDATA[
import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
// etc...
public function get choices():ArrayCollection { return _choices; }
[Code] .....
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myComponentId.choices.addItem({data: "NY", label: "New York"});
myComponentId.choices.addItem({data: "CA", label: "California"});
// etc...
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myCombobox.textField.setStyle("textFormat", myStyle);myCombobox.dropdown.setRendererStyle("textFormat", myStyle); where myCombobox is the combobox instance and myStyle is textFormat object. but when i disable the component. i.e, myCombobox.enabled = false; The combobox textField loses its style and resets to its defualt style, though the dropdown style remains( myStyle ). What is the reasons for this behaviour. How can i change the style for the disabled state of the component.
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Jan 8, 2010
I am currently using colorTransform to color a ComboBox:
//_cb is the combo box
setColor(_cb, t_uintBgColor); //t_uintBgColor is a hexadecimal, ie. 0xFF0000
setColor(_cb.dropdown, t_uintBgColor, -150);
This works, and the combo box and its drop down get tinted.....EXCEPT when t_uintBgColor is white - 0xFFFFFF. What happens then is the combo box is just its default gray color.
And what is the best solution for coloring the background of a ComboBox?
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Feb 12, 2009
I've got this weird problem with Flash in a embed browser in an ASP.NET Windows Application. I've got this Flash Movie that runs in the Windows application and has got a couple of comboboxes. I've added an eventlistener to such a box, but his change event isn't triggerd on some computers. When I click on the combobox it opens up, but when I click on an item in the combobox it closes before he could trigger the change event.
The weird part is that this occurs on some computers, on others it works as it should. And when I load the swf directly in the browser the comboboxes work all the time. So it has something to do with the Windows Application and Flash. All the tested computers have the Flash plugin version 9 and higher (needed for my movie) installed.
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Sep 27, 2004
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on (change) {
if (myCombo.getSelectedItem() == "Garamond") {
user_output.setStyle("fontFamily", "Garamond");
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Feb 7, 2009
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to white. I have found multiple posted answers online, but none has worked.
Here what I have tried:
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Nov 23, 2009
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var textFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
textFormat.font = "Trebuchet MS";
textFormat.size = 26;
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Aug 11, 2010
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May 2, 2009
I have a comboBox component with a CHANGE event listener on it:
dd_chapter.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, changeFunction);
function changeFunction(event:Event):void {
I want to trigger that event programmatically when the comboBox first gets loaded with data. In AS 2, the syntax would be something like "dd_chapter.onChange();". How do I do it in AS 3?
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Dec 13, 2010
I am doing a simple combobox example. Now my requirement was, i want to differentiate the combobox values with some colors. I dont know how to do this. can you guys pls help me out on this. Suppose for ex: if my combobox data value exceeds 200 i want to display the items in "red" else i want to display in "green".
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Simple example to demonstrate the Halo ComboBox control. -->
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""
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Jun 1, 2010
I have one xml file like below
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Jun 14, 2010
how do i change the item selected in a combobox selection based on a selection of a datagrid object?
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Mar 18, 2011
I have a prompt string to be displayed in my combobox - this needs to be displayed in italics. When user makes any selection from the list - i need to change the style of the displayed content.
My css file:
fontStyle: italic;[code].....
I am able to see the style change happening because the color changes; but the change specific to textInputStyleName does not get applied.
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Feb 13, 2006
I have tried changing all the styles associated with the combobox (borderColor, etc), and set borderStyle to none (which made the border go away around the dropdown menu) but I can't for the life of me get the border that's around the main part of the combobox to go away or change color. I skinned the button to get it to be red, but I just can't figure out how to change that last detail.
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Dec 5, 2009
i have online game and i have to know how to do this easy thing i have inventory and under things like first aid is number of objects and its combobox and after change i want to change variable kolko[i] to equals combobox name : "co"+i and that selecteditem data , i have this
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Jun 2, 2010
When I set style color, it changes both the text color for the selected item/component label and the text in the dropdown menu.
Type: uint Format: Color CSS Inheritance: yes
Color of text in the component, including the component label. The default value is 0x0B333C.
I would really like the label to be white and the text to be black.
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