ActionScript 3.0 :: Click Button To Jump To A Specific Frame?

Feb 9, 2010

i see a code back in my old days of flash pro 8.0of gotoAndPlay() and stop(),etc;now its as3.0when i tried my old codes b4 with as3.0 it doesnt work..well my button is named start_btn.. and all my buttons is on the same frame as it is..but i wanted for it jump to the next frame where most of the actions of my flash takes place..can some1 guide me thru this?im jst new to cs4..and lots of things has changed when i jumpd from pro 8.0 to cs4.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Jump To A Specific Frame, When A Button Is Clicked?

Mar 2, 2011

This time, my goal is, I want to jump to a specific frame, when a button is clicked.

For example,

When I push button1, jump to frame 55,

When I push button2, jump to frame 65..

Buttons are designed in one frame, at the beginning, together...

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Jump To Specific Frame On Movie File When Relevant Button Clicked

Aug 26, 2009

I have many buttons in a few movie files, i need to select a few of these buttons and store them in an array so i use....

var twocolourbuttons:Array = ["mybutton1", "mybutton23", "mybutton34"];

I then need to show a movie file if the button that has been clicked on is in the array. so something like...

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i then need to go to a certain frame of the movie, depending upon where the button is found in the array. So if the button is at position three of the array, i need to jump to keyframe 3 of my movie.

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Jump To Specific Frame When Using Loader?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Linking .swf And Jump To Specific Frame?

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loadMovie ("MDsite2.swf", _level0);

This works perfect but the .swf file starts at the first frame. Is it possible to a jump to specific frame within that .swf file so it doesn't start on the first frame?

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Actionscript3 :: Jump To A Specific Frame Avoiding Others Movieclips?

Feb 4, 2012

I have a problem regarding flash, actionscript3 and movieclips.

I have 2 videos(inserted as movieclips, each one in different frames 100 and 102). I want to gotoAndPlay the one on frame 102, but the other in frame 100 always starts at the same time. How do I play just the specific movieclip of frame 102?

P.S. If I order to reproduce the movieclip on 100, it starts as it should.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: LoadMovie() Jump To Specific Frame (another Swf.file)

Jun 19, 2007

My problem is :

A.swf : 5 frame (ie, page1, page2, page3, page4, page5)
B.swf : 2 frame (ie, page6, page7)

When click on back button in the page6(B.swf), wish to jump back to page5(A.swf) instead of page1 as normally

Script using :

back_btn.onRelease = function() {

B.swf jump to A.swf, but go to frame 5 instead of frame 1 in A.swf.

What should i do for the script to achieve what i mentioned above?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get A Loaded Movie Clip To Jump To A Specific Frame?

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basically i have a container which I am loading in swfs, when you click on a specific button I want the loaded swf to jump to a specific frame.

I am using actionscript 2 at the moment this is the code on my buttons...

on (release) {

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ActionScript 2.0 :: 2.0 W/code For Specific Date & Time For A Frame Jump?

Dec 18, 2010

Just when i think I have learned something and can make something work I find out I know less than nothing. its either laugh or tear my hair out (thinks there must be a lot of bald actionscripters) LOL
this is the code i came up with and is not working. I want this on a frame on main timeline and

nyeve.onEnterFrame = function() {
nyeveDate = new Date();
seconds = nyeveDate.getSeconds();
minutes = nyeveDate.getMinutes();
hours = nyeveDate.getHours();


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Sep 6, 2011

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I want this button to go and play the frame number 41 in the main timeline, and then after it stopped at the frame 70 , then jump to frame 73.

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Nov 25, 2009

I am making an online portfolio and I have created the following scenes:homeaboutontactright now, I have three movie clips on the home screen that I have created into buttons.

on (press) {
go to Scene 2, frame 25 ?????????????????????

What I would like to do is after someone clicks on the button, it should then jump to another scene's specific frame number. So for example when you press the "about" button, the playhead goes to the "about" scene to 25th frame. Same thing for each button

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ActionScript 2.0 :: External Swf Interaction - Doesn't Jump Frames When Click The Button

Dec 16, 2011

I have my main swf and another swf in "/tools/FrameJumper.swf" In my main swf I have a movieclip container on the stage "myContainer" and when I click a button it loads that "FrameJumper.swf" into that container. Now in that "FrameJumper.swf" I have a txt box and a button. here is the code on that button


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IDE :: Using Button To Jump To Labeled Frame Within Timeline?

May 22, 2009

I've got a button that I want to use to jump to a labeled frame within the timeline. When I click on the button I can't get my trace statement to work. The error message I get is:
Error 1061: call to a possibly undefined method addEventListener through a reference with a static type flash.display:SimpleButton
BtnDone is the instance of the button on the stage, btn1867 is the frame label I want to jump to once the button is clicked.

Here's the code:
btnDone.addEventListner (MouseEvent.CLICK,clickSection);
function clickSection (evtObj:MouseEvent) {
//trace action - what's happening in output window
trace("The button 1867 was clicked!")

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Home Button(jump To Frame) Not Functioning?

Sep 9, 2010

First off, I am new Second off, I hate action script it's a pain in the ass. Here's what im dealing with: Im making an info point computer program in flash cs3. After making several pages I am forced to make a navigation button to jump to the first frame(home).

At the home page you will be sent to several different pages (these links work just perfect. To create a home button i've made an button with the same code

function homeClick(event:MouseEvent):void{
Unfortunate this does not work, while the links at the home page do work.

I've tried several things to fix it, but it won't do:
- Send to tagged frame "home" instead of frame "1".
- Change the instance name
- Putt the actionscript in the exact same frame.

Weirdly enough the home button does work on the keyframe where it is placed, even though I pushed the frame over all the other pages it wont jump to home.

Explanation (edited prt scrn):

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Play Button Jump To A Certain Frame?

Sep 20, 2010

I have a button that when clicked,i want it to play an animation from frame let say 3.

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Flash :: Goto A Specific Frame On Click Event?

Oct 21, 2011

I have created a flash with five movie clips. I want when I press each of them to go and play specific frames on the main timeline? How can I do that?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Click Two Specific Buttons Then GotoAndPlay New Frame

Nov 7, 2011

I want the user to click two specific buttons (order doesn't matter), then gotoAndPlay a new frame. In other words, the user must click two buttons before going to the next frame. I've been trying different methods, but I am honestly not brilliant with conditional statements or booleans.
Button1 then Button2 = next Frame

This is what I've got so far...
about_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickAbout);
home_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickMain);
if (function clickMain(event) && function clickAbout(event)) {
trace ("holy cow!");

View 4 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Play MovieClip On User Click And Stop At Specific Frame?

Sep 16, 2009

I'm using Flash CS4 with AS3. I'm building a website for a friend the problem I have. When a user clicks on a button I want it to play a movie clip then stop at a specfic frame. I want all the buttons to play the same movieclip but go to a different frame.

The current actionscript I am using is located on frame 1 is:
home_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, homebuttonClicked);
function homebuttonClicked(event:MouseEvent):void{
}about_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, aboutbuttonClicked);
function aboutbuttonClicked(event:MouseEvent):void {
[Code] .....

This allows me to navigate to the right frame but does not play for obvious reasons, if I use the gotoAndPlay function its carries on playing to the end of the movie.

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Part Of The Animation To Be Skipped When I Click One Specific Button?

Jun 29, 2009

I have a swf file "home" that has a series of animations that are button controled.I want part of the animation to be skipped when I click one specific button, for instance.Most of the time I want frame label:"1 out" to play all the way through to the last frame (20) and on frame (20) there is an action sending it back to frame 1and stopping, but I need to have a button that when hit plays frame label 1: "1 out" and continues to frame (19) and does not utilize the action on frame (20) sending it back to frame (1), or in other words playing through "1 out" and then playing "2 out" which occurs on frame 21 without returning to frame (1).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Specific Image From Xml On Button Click

Oct 1, 2010

How to load specific image from xml file on button click?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: When Click The Shift Button,it Shows The First Frame Static Of The Movie Clip In Frame 3?

Feb 23, 2010

I have a character, And in its movieclip I`ve got 3 frames (first has an idle pose, second a walking pose and third a running pose), each with a movieclip with an action in it.Well, what I wanted is that when I am walking with this character, and press the SHIFT key he runs.And I`ve got the following code

if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT))[code]....

But when I click the shift button, he shows the first frame static of the movie clip in frame 3 (running frame).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Target Path - Go To Frame 2 When Click On Button On 1st Frame

May 25, 2009

there is a button on 1st frame. there is a movie clip on frame 2. I named the movie clip as "ball_mc" I want to go to frame 2 when I click on button on 1st frame. I know that the code "gotoAndPlay(2);" on button will work. But for some reasons, i want to try another way.... i tried several codes:

1. this.ball_mc.gotoAndPlay();
2. _level.ball_mc.gotoAndPlay();
3. _global.ball_mc.gotoAndPlay();
4. _root.ball_mc.gotoandPlay();

However these codes dun work. Is there other way to resolve this besides this code "gotoAndPlay(2)"?

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Frame Jumping - Click On Button 1 > Plays Frames 10 - 15 > Goes To Frame 20?

Oct 11, 2010

I have 5 different buttons for the navigation on my flash website.The first page is on frame one.When you click on any of the 5 buttons I want it to play frames 10 - 15 before moving to which ever frame the button 1-5 corresponds to. So:

Click on button 1 > plays frames 10 - 15 > Goes to frame 20
Click on button 2 > plays frames 10 - 15 > Goes to frame 30
Click on button 3 > plays frames 10 - 15 > Goes to frame 40 etc

How do I make this work?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: From Button Click Event - Play To Certain Frame Then Go To Another Frame

May 25, 2011

I have a small flash site made up of a number of pages all on the one timeline.

The query is this. When i release a button i want the timeline to roll on for x frames (fading components out) before going to the frame that button links to (The beginning of the new page).

I have no idea what AS to use for this.

No matter where in the timeline you are, the button should fade out that area and then skip to a new one.

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Code A Button To Got To A Specific Frame In Another Mc?

Jun 3, 2009

im trying to code a btn to got to a specific frame in another mc

my code is


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IDE :: When Button Is Pressed It Goes To Specific Frame?

Dec 10, 2009

So I have 13 buttons and each of these load the same movieclip. Now how do I make an if statement so that depending on what button is pressed it goes to a specific frame in this loaded movieclip?

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Professional :: Making A Button Go To A Specific Frame?

Aug 30, 2010

I have a button on frame #1.  On that frame, I used the following code I found on the web (which I tried using both AS2 and AS3):

stop();function buttonClick(event:MouseEvent);void{gotoAndPlay(2);

I get errors of varying sorts. What should I use?  AS2 or AS3? And what code should I assign to the button (or that button's frame?) to get it to go to frame 2 once clicked?

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Making A Button Go To A Specific Frame On Release?

May 30, 2010

Im creating a simple flash presentation and i have created four buttons, what i want to now do is make each button go to a differant frame on the timeline, im guessing this is go to and stop? But i cant figure it out [URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Jump To A Specific Spot In XML File?

Mar 7, 2007

I want to jump to a specific spot in my XML file - when I click a button, it should jump to picture number 10.

#include ""
Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";


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