ActionScript 3.0 :: Combine/merge Several Movieclips As A Single Movieclip
Aug 12, 2009
How do I combine/merge several movieclips as a single movieclip using actionscript codes.? I tried pushing those movieclips into an array,and addChild the array into an empty movieclip, but fails. Is there any other way?
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myMovieClip._x = 10;
myMovieClip._y = 10;
myMovieClip._alpha = 100;
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package { import flash.display.MovieClip; import; import; import flash.geom.Point; import flash.ui.Mouse; public class Main extends MovieClip // player
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Aug 27, 2010
Here is my code:
var menu = new Menu ();
menu.x = 0;
menu.y = 0;[code]...........
This works, but transparency varies for each element MovieClip separately, but I would like that would have changed the whole MovieClip transparency as a single image.
Menu(); is generated from XML.
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Sep 21, 2009
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The problem is that the textField and the rectangle are firing mouse "over" and "out" events individually. I want the movieClip to function like the old ActionScript 2 movieClips--as one single button.
I tried
ActionScript Code:
mynew_mc.mouseChildren = false;
but then the movieClip did not respond to any mouse events.
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May 9, 2010
I'm new with AS 3 and I'm struggling with this: I have five different movieclips in a single frame and I want to asign the functions "roll over", "roll out" and "press" to every single movieclip. Now, I write all the code in the frame, for the five buttons, but just one works, I don't know what am I doing wrong, here's the code for two of he five buttons, the first works fine, the second doesn't:
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Jul 26, 2004
I want to apply multiple mask in a single movieclip?? how do i do that i tried doesnt work with action script?
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Jul 26, 2009
I am having a killing problem in loading multiple images in single movie clip/sprite using a separate class. Here is the class
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Jun 11, 2010
I have one movieclip inside which I created few movieclips...I applied drag drop functionality to main movieclip with which all movieclips inside of it also get dragged along with it..and I want inside movieclips to act as buttons meaning on clicking perticular movieclip it should perform perticular event assigned to it... How to make movieclips into buttons and the main movieclip containing these buttons with drag drop functionality?
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Jan 20, 2010
I'm pretty new to Flash and seem to be struggling with variable scope, events and where to put code within movieclips/main area etc. What I'm trying to do is produce a Flash movie that will allow the user to click on a tool from a selection, i.e. a circle, then click on another part of the screen to place the centre of the circle, with a second click to set the radius of the circle (an alternative would be a single click and drag to place the circle and drag it out to the desired radius.) Once the mouse if clicked a 2nd time, or the drag operation is completed, the circle will stay at the selected radius.
The code I'm using so far to test out the idea is below:
d = Math.sqrt(Math.abs(_xmouse-this._x)*Math.abs(_xmouse-this._x)+Math.abs(_ymouse-this._y)*Math.abs(_ymouse-this._y));
this._width = d*2;
this._height = d*2;
this._width = 87;
this._height = 87;
This uses a simple circle movieclip, and the above code is placed in Frame 1 of the background as opposed to the movieclip itself. It resizes the circle movieclip ok, but I want to be able to control the resize with the mouse or with a single click/drag.
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