ActionScript 3.0 :: Communicate Functions In Different Classes?

Mar 13, 2009

I have 2 classes

package com.MyClass.basics1
//importing classes to use[code]...

Is there any other way to reference a function ?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Communicate Between 2 Document Classes?

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Here is the code for (the doc class for the container SWF):

Code: Select allpackage
import flash.display.*;


how to get swfNavigation() to run from the other class

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Communicate Between Custom Classes?

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My external classes all work 100% themselves but I cannot get them to communicate with each other, I keep getting compiler errors...A website in which you can't navigate to a different page is basically useless

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Communicate Between Document Classes?

Aug 30, 2010

Let me explain the situation that has been driving me crazy the last couple of hours. I have 2 different swf files with their own separate document classes. My first SWF file is main.swf and it's document class is called (its the main container that loads in external swfs). The file being loaded into main.swf is called step1.swf and it's document class is called I have a next button in step1.swf that when clicked needs to tell the document class controlling my main.swf (ie to load in the next external swf. However I don't know how to call a function in one document class to from another document class. And I don't know if that fact the swf calling the function being loaded into the other makes this situation more complicated. I've looked around but I cant seem to find the answer anywhere. Basically I need these two separate document classes to communicate between one another. Here is the code for (the doc class for the container SWF):


if someone can show me how to get swfNavigation() to run from the other class

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public function doSquareFunction(thisFunction:Function):void{


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One class



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- document class =

- the document class imports a menu item from (import menuItem;)

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// ...
private var testBlock:Sprite;
public function testingINT() {
testBlock = new Sprite();


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import Bus;[code].............

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package com.plaidfox {
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Functions In Other Classes?

Sep 8, 2011

I've been working my way towards better OOP design lately and I've come across a problem with accessing functions in other classes from my Main class. Here is the code:

ActionScript Code:
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, onKeyDown);
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, onKeyUp);
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, fireBullet);

They are listening for functions that are within the class, these functions control the dynamics/movement of the player itelf. But for some reason I'm getting a 1120 error(access of undefined property). Basically how do you listen/access for functions within a different class?

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Sep 10, 2011

asically I have a Player class with methods (i.e. Moving the player) that I want to listen for and implement in the main class. To put it simply, I'm creating the player methods in the player class and then calling them in the Main class. But for some reason I'm having some trouble, I'm still trying to get used to all this OOP design.Here is the (Main) code, it's not alot:

ActionScript Code:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Call Functions From Other Classes?

Mar 12, 2010

in my Main class, i try to call a function from another class, but when i compile i get this error:1136: Incorrect number of arguments. Expected 1.i have seen some fixes involving an event in the OtherClass and (null) when i call it, but it dosent seem tohere is a code that describes my problem, what do i have to do to make this kind of code work?m i doing it wrong, or do i have to do something else?OtherClass

import flash.display.*;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Call Functions And Classes From Variables?

Oct 20, 2009

I was wondering if ActionScript had some way to call functions and classes from variables, like they do in PHP:

function funcname() {
print "Potatoes come from tree";
$function = "funcname";
print $function;   // Prints out "funcname"
$$function();      // Prints out "Potatoes come from tree"

In case you don't know the syntax for PHP, you should know that anything perpended with a $-symbol is a variable.

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Flex :: Add Classes And Functions To Loaded File?

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Xml :: Structure Classes To Avoid Using Static Functions?

Nov 16, 2011

I have a Flash application that creates a sort of powerpoint presentation. All the 'slides' are stored in an XML files which is read and processed.

I'm trying to build the presentation using this XML file. At the moment, my main class has it's initial function main and a static function processXML main initiates my database class with a function called initDB. One of my issues is that initDB forgoes processing because it's dependant on an event listener. On completion of loading the XML files, the event listener initiates my static function on my main to create objects from this file.

The issue is that because the event listener continues the processing (after an indeterminate amount of time), the functions are no longer controlled by the main class.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Functions In Object Oriented Classes

Aug 4, 2009

I'm new to the object oriented stuff and I'm trying to learn how it works. Here's what I've started on - it's led to a few dilemmas. I have one flash file and two .as each with one class. In the timeline of the fla file, it reads:
ActionScript Code:
var FileObject:ScriptFile = new ScriptFile();
function onEnterFrame(){

Call input is a function in "" that calls another function in "";
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class Input{
public function Input(){
} public function keyListener(target:Number):Number{
[Code] .....

In output, when I press Left, it will say -5 over and over again, and I'm trying to add to xpos value but that isn't happening.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Asynch Or Callback Functions Between Classes?

Apr 26, 2009

Im trying to load some data, but I want to outsource the job of data loading to different classes.lets say XMLLoader class will get the url and return an xml file. The problem now is that such procedures are asynchronous, the class has to wait for XML to load and then call back the caller class and return the xml data.One way of doing this, is returning the data with a custom event. once its loaded then dispatch this event with the data in. However, I was wondering, if there is a way to do it with some sort of asynch call, meaning the caller class sends the request, then waits for a such a thing possible? is there a better way or do I need to stick to my custom events?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Constructor Functions Of Multiple Classes?

May 16, 2009

I have a rather general question regarding OOP. How do constructor functions execute with multiple class extensions? I'm making an orbital physics simulation, and every spatial body is of the class SpaceObject, which extends Sprite. Then, I have all earth-type planets be of the class Earth, which extends SpaceObject. There are certain parameters that I'd like to set for every single SpaceObject (like position and size) in the constructor function, and certain parameters (like density and mass) that I'd like to set in the constructor of class Earth.But from the main timeline, when I create an instance of class Earth, I can only enter the parameters of the Earth constructor, ie

var planet1:Earth = new Earth(density, mass)
Or I can create an instance of SpaceObject:


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