ActionScript 3.0 :: Controlling Root And Parent From External As File

Dec 4, 2010

I am trying to create a global function to reuse repetitively. It worked until I moved the function to the external .as file. The problem is with MovieClip(root) and MovieClip(parent). They do not work and cause errors.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Parent Root From External Swf?

Jul 23, 2009

I am able to access main root from an external swf by doing this:


but how to avoid getting an error when testing external swf alone? Is there any try catch system I can do to avoid thoses errors?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Reference Parent Without Using Parent Or Root?

Mar 16, 2010

I cannot use the following in my ActionScript due to conflicts with the host application:

_parent references

On a pop-up box I have a close button with an absolute reference: closeBtn.onRelease = function{ unloadMovie("_level0.Page_1.holderBox");} Is there another way to make this work without using _level0 or _parent? I've read that it is possible to use a global variable on the main timeline and ref that, but cannot get that to work.

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IDE :: Loading External SWF As Root File?

Mar 25, 2009

I've been going through online tutorials and so forthand yea I'm still a newb. I have a flash site I'm designing and this is probably a simple answer. I've figured out how to incorporate the external flashes using buttons and loader, please see the script below. The main problem I am having is I want to load my 1.swf file as the main home page. When I load the flash is comes up empty instead of loading the swf file when the flash is first opened. I can use the button to load it back, but how do you get it to appear once the flash is initailly loaded instead of just pulling up a blank page?

on (release) {
//load Movie Behavior
if(this.home == Number(this.home)){


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Does "_root" Reference The Root Of The External Swf Or The Swf That Contains The External File

Mar 3, 2007

If you load an external swf into a movie and this external file references "_root", does "_root" reference the root of the external swf or the swf that contains the external file?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load The External Swf File And Unload The Parent Swf File?

Aug 17, 2011

i have a question. let say i have file1.swf , file2.swf, and file3.swf, how can i link this 3 files together,let say suppose file1.swf is the main content file, but as i load file2.swf, i want the file1.swf get replaced by file2.swf. How could i unload file1.swf at that time, so that my file2.swf will become the main content file?and again, when my current position at file2.swf, and i want it get replaced by file3.swf by clink on a button. so that the i can unload the file2.swf and let the file3.swf become the main content file.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load External Swf To Main Flash File As Root And Level0?

Jan 5, 2012

i have 2 flash file,one is mine (the main container) and one is a external swf.i want to load the external swf to my container swf.i write this code in my as2 container code inside the main timeline flash (mine flash) -----first of all i add a movie clip with instance name mc1 to the first layer

mc1._lockroot = true;
countdown = function(){


i really try to use that code - BUT !!! -> if i use this code the external swf predominant my main swf code and all the rest of my code dosent work (like timer of trace)....

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Actionscript 1.0 :: Load External Swf File To Parent Swf File?

Mar 27, 2011

i'm building a website using flash. i have a external swf file that i want to import into my website. i thought this would be an easy task but for some reason when i load the movie, it flickers. my website (parent swf) was build using 1.0. The external form swf was build using 3.0. My approach:

1.create an empty movie clip called mcForm

2.go to the mc clip page i want to pull the external movie into

3. within my actions layer, I call the following function loadMovie("main.swf", mcForm);

If i write:


then the my main.swf opens correctly but closes the parent swf file. I wan the main.swf file to be embeded within the parent file.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Call Root Level Function And Variables From External Loaded Swf File?

Jul 15, 2010

I have small issue in as3.  I am load "mainmenu.swf" file into "main.swf". through loader class. so now "main.swf" is parent "mainmenu.swf" file children how can call "main.swf " variable & function from "mainmenu.swf" .

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AS2 :: Load External SWF Correctly To Main Flash File As Root And Level0 Using LoadMovie()?

Jan 5, 2012

I have 2 flash files,one is mine (the main container) and one is a external swf.I want to load the external SWF to my container SWF.I write this code in my AS2 container, inside the main timeline flash (mine flash).In the first method, I add a movie clip with instance name mc1 to the first layer:

mc1._lockroot = true;
countdown = function(){
countdownIt = setInterval(countdown,1000);

This code works fine in most of the cases, but I found many SWFs files that it dosen't work with. These SWFs and work with the following code instead:

countdown = function(){
countdownIt = setInterval(countdown,1000);

I really try to use that code - BUT !!! -> if I use this code the external SWF predominant, my main SWF code and all the rest of my code dosen't work (like the setInterval() timer).... I want to load the SWF like the second example and still run the setInterval() function.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Controlling Button Visibility From An External File?

Oct 23, 2006

how to control the visibility of certain buttons from an external file (like scroll bars). I have been able to do this with button function using a loaded variable and if statements on button release, but I have been unable to replicate this with visibility. I really need the button to be visible or not from the initial load of the .swf file. Any suggestions? I currently have to open flash and change the action script within the flash file and export a new .swf, and I want to be able to do it by changing a .txt file.

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Professional :: Put External SWF File To The Parent One

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I put external SWF file to the parent one. but everythin's working wrong now. How to let it work right. My code:


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IDE :: Controlling Root-level MC With Internal MC?

May 21, 2009

I've reworking a client's site, so I'm somewhat limited on the changes I can make to the overall structure -BUT - here's my quandry: I have a nav system that is on the _root level - the main content of the site exists in one large MC that sits underneath the nav, and moves to different target positions when the nav is clicked (within THIS mc are individual MC's that house the content for each individual page)So the nav doesn't change positions on the timeline at all - once it loads in, it stays constant on one frame, while the main_mc moves positions underneath I need to make the nav change color when that page is activated (when the main_mc moves into certain target positions), and I can't figure out how to communicate w/ it from within these embedded mc's.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Controlling MovieClip On Root Timeline?

Aug 19, 2008

My stage is empty except for an MC with a simple animation and an AS 2 layer. There is not a button or user interaction that engages the MC. I want the MC to play when the timeline reaches the frame with the AS. My MC has an instance name of 'blueMC' and here's the AS I've tried:;
} onClipEvent(load) {
Shouldn't it just be this?:
MCinstanceNmae.gotoAndPlay("Frame# or label");

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading External SWF To Parent Flash File

Jan 29, 2010

So I got two flash movies. A big one and a small one. I want to display the small one into the big one. Additionally I want the ability to resize it, load it at certain frame in the clip and apply some sort of tween/fade in effect to the loaded swf, but first things first.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: External Swf Data Control From Parent File?

Jan 15, 2008

im loading an external swf from my parent swf:loadMovie("external.swf", 4);now, on external.swf i have a dynamic textfiled, which should be updated from the PARENT swf:

this is on PARENT swf file:
this.onRelease = function() {
_level4.mytextfield.htmlText = "some text";


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Controlling Movie Clip Speed From Root?

Mar 2, 2010

In my document I have my actionscript on Layer 1. In this I duplicate an enemy movie clip.The controls for moving the enemy are inside the enemy movie clip, so setting speed, where to start from etc.On the Layer 1, I also run a script which acts as a timer, and when it reaches set values (eg. 10 seconds) it "levels up" (basically just changes background colour). I wand this to increase the speed of the enemy movie clips so that they get faster. I have this code:

Actionscript Code:
for(i=1;i<=enemies;i++){  _root["enemyRight"].duplicateMovieClip("enemyRight"+i,i+1000,enemyRight); 


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Controlling Root Timeline From Movie Clip?

Nov 18, 2008

I'm trying to control the root timeline from a movie clip. On the last frame of the movie clip, I have:

MovieClip(root).gotoAndPlay (10);

which successfully brings me back to frame 10 on the main timeline. However, from here, none of the ActionScript that is on Frame 1 seems to work... the rollovers aren't working, except on those embedded in a separate movie clip.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Controlling Buttons Inside MC's From Root Timeline?

May 8, 2008

I have a Nav Bar on my _root timeline. Inside of which I have buttons and MC's. I want to have all the code for my buttons on the _root timeline. So, I can adjust from there.

Below is an example of what I'm trying to do from the _root timeline Actions Layer:

// ------ NAV BAR ON MAIN STAGE -----------------------------------
// ------ Instance Name = NavBar ------------------------------------
// ------ Button inside of "NavBar" = MyButton ----------------------


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Controlling Loader On 'root' From Movie Clip

Nov 4, 2009

I have on my main timeline a movie clip (emptyMC) that I am loading my external SWFs into and I need to be able to access this loader movie clip from my menu, which is it's own movie clip. As it stands, when I have my buttons on the main timeline I have no issue. But once I put these same buttons into the menu MC I am lost as to how to "get back" to the loader on the main timeline to load and unload the external SWFs.Here is my current code that allows for me to load and unload with buttons on the main timeline. Is there away to modify this same code for my purposes?[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use Stage SubClass As Root / Parent

Dec 19, 2010

Is there a way to tell flash to instantiate a Stage subclass called "TheStage" instead of the default Stage class as root/parent of my document class?
public class TheStage extends Stage{

Then when I do "DisplayObject.stage" I want it to return the instance of TheStage instead of the default Stage insteance. I want to do this so that I can override the addEventListener method of the Stage class. So if I call DisplayObject.stage.addEventListener I can execute my own code routine. Is that possible and how?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Real Difference Between Root And Parent

Feb 14, 2005

So What is the Real difference between .root and . parent??? I need to know the difference between the two are.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preload Multiple External Swf Files Into Specific Frames Of Parent File?

Dec 15, 2009

I am trying to eliminate the Loader component from a project. Run locally, the Loader is sufficient to load-up the voiceover swf files that exist on many of the frames in the parent file. On the web, the short download delays at runtime due to the Loader are causing timing issues. I'm not sure if there is a way to preload multiple swfs into specific frames of a parent file so that they are available before runtime.

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Actionscript :: Retrieve An Xml Nodes Root / Top Level Parent?

Jan 3, 2012

how do i retrieve the top level parent of an xml node in actionscript please?

<company id="1" name="boo" level="1">
<company id="2" name="hoo" level="2">[code]......

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Targeting Buttons Parent Versus Root?

Feb 19, 2010

I have a main flash movie that loads three external movies, the external movie buttons don't work when loaded onto the stage.
In each external swf thats loaded, the button actionscript is in this form:

HTML Code:
on(release) {

And this works when each swf is loaded stand-alone. But not when loaded as an external swf.With the numbers ranging from 1-19 as far as pages. How should I edit the code so that these buttons work when loaded externally?

on(release) {


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Flex :: Load An External Mxml File Into A Parent Mxml File?

Mar 9, 2012

This is a project I'm working on for a simple demo tutorial application in Flex. I am using mxml pages. You can see to the left that I will have my main application and then other mxml files (In the Examples Package) as the examples that will be loaded into the main application mxml. How can I dynamically pull the value from the object in the list to load the child mxml file into the container that I have further down in the application?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Nested Child Calling Root Parent Function ?

Jul 18, 2010

I'm switching from as2 to as3 and everything was going swimmingly with my new site until i tried to use a _root call to a function on the main timeline by a loaded movieClip that is loaded nested into 2 other movieclips. the movieClip needs to tell the _root when it's done playing so the root knows to load the next one in line through a php call. Everything works except for the _root call. In as3 there's no such thing as root anymore so I figured no big deal, i'll just find out what the new thing is and holy crap wtf! I can't figure this out!! I've read from doing stuff like custom eventLisnters (which i am trying now) and casting the root as a movieClip and then I read this whole crazy tutorial on building an event structure and the proper MVC way of coding and blah blah blah ALL I WANT TO DO is tell the _root that the loaded MC has reached the end of its timeline. Basically if it were as2 i could just go _root.loadNext(); and it would to make a loaded MC talk to the _root timeline and call a funciton from there?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Root And Document Class For Child SWF Loaded By Parent SWF?

Feb 12, 2011

I'm using a PreLoader as a parent SWF that loads the actual website as a child SWF. In the website SWF, the child SWF, will MovieClip(root) still work and refer to it's own root, or the PreLoader's root? And would I still access the websitite's document class (the child's document class), through MovieClip(root)? What if both files have a document class?So my main question is how do document classes and MovieClip(root) behave in the scenario when you have:

Parent SWF - document class, MovieClip(root)
Child SWF (loaded by parent) - document class, MovieClip(root)

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