ActionScript 3.0 :: Create A Color Object From A Uint?

Dec 3, 2010

I have a uint that i'd like to create a Color object out of so I can manipulate the tint as desired.

public static const red_dark:uint = 0xe80505;

How can I create a Color object out of the above uint?


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but it will always return 0.

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I am making a movie that has to be published to Flash Player 6 and want to set a bunch of movie clips to have the same color. Here is my function:[code]My problem is that I get the error message:"Hexadecimal digits expected after 0x" referring to the 4th line of my function.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Color Object- Get Color Name?

Aug 7, 2005

I made a color picker and I was wondering if the color object had any way of grabbing the actual color name?

I know I could put all the colors into an array and call them up as needed... I've done the same thing in C#... and the color object in C# has a color name feature, I was wondering if Flash's color object had the same deal.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Uint Can't Be Null Or NaN?

Jan 15, 2011

i want my uint to be 0,1, or null.

it appears i cannot assign NaN to a uint, but i can with a number. why is that?

var num:Number;
trace (num) //NaN
var u:uint;
trace (u); //0

I want an undefined place holder for the uint. In my case i suppose I'll use the number 2 and try to remember it means NaN to me.

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But i keep getting an error stating that there is a mismatch in variable types or i get a value of '65280' when I trace myUint.I understand that uint is a positive integer but i need to accept a string for the colour value and need to convert it to a string for use.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Convert String To A Uint ?

Apr 29, 2009

I've imported a color value via XML. Now I would like to convert that String to a uint

PHP Code:
var color1:String = "0x00FF00";
var color2:uint = uint(color1);
trace(color2); // outputs 65280 

How do i convert this string into a uint

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Actionscript :: Flex Converting # Colors To Uint

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May 9, 2011

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Here is the code:
private function m_encodeValue(key:String, Ctrl:Boolean = true, Alt:Boolean = true, Shift:Boolean = false):uint {
var encodedValue:uint;
encodedValue = uint(Shift) << 2 | uint(Alt) << 1 | uint(Ctrl);
encodedValue = encodedValue | (uint(key.toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0)) << 24);
return encodedValue;

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Sep 7, 2010

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ActionScript 3 :: Function To Perform Circular Bitshift On Uint?

Feb 2, 2011

I am new to the concept of Bitwise operations, and was messing around with some examples today. Everything seemed clear up until the point I tried to make a function to perform a circular bitshift on a uint:

private function rotateLeft(value : uint, shift : int) : uint {
if ((shift &= 31) == 0)
return value;
return (value << shift) | (value >> (32 - shift));

I was trying to shift a colour value (e.g. 0xFF0000) and expecting something along the lines of 0x0000FF, when in actual fact I was getting 0xFF000000 (which is correct, due to the length of a uint) - the most significant bytes are for the alpha value.

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Apr 1, 2009

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Flash :: Using HitTestPoint With Stage Object To Create Object Boundaries

Dec 15, 2011

I'm trying to create a boundary for a player object, controlled with arrow keys, in my game using the main stage's height and width. For example, one test point is at the top edge of the player object's bounding box so that when the player object's head touches the stage's top edge, the player can't move anymore to the north. The player object is manually instantiated to the center of the stage by using the Flash stage editor so it will start at the center before the program starts.The problem is that right at the start of the program, I can no longer move the player object up or down with the arrow keys but I can still move it left or right. The intention is to allow the player to move north until the player object's head touches the top edge of the main stage.[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create An Xml Object (or Any Object In Fact) Named After A Variable

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get(!) Color Of An Object?

Jul 6, 2009

Maybe I'm missing something really obvious but does anyone have a way of getting (not setting!) an object's color? I have no problem setting the color and animating it (with caurina Tweener). Here's an excerpt of what I'd like to do:

import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.geom.ColorTransform;
import caurina.transitions.Tweener;


As you can see from the trace(_btnColor.color), the following if-statement will not work. What gets returned, looks like a number that gets thrown when something is out of bounds or not the right type. It's weird because you can SET the color like this:

_btnColor.color = 0xCC0000;

but you cannot GET the color the same way. Where's the logic/consistency here? Has anyone an idea of how to get a (hex) color of an object?

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Create An Object Panorama, Emphasis On The Object Version?

Oct 16, 2009

Iv been having some real trouble lately attempting to create an object panorama, emphasis on the object version, iv found plenty of tutorials on how to do regular panoramas (ie, from one spot looking outwards, i want to make one of something looking inwards orbiting it) iv used flash quite loosely before in the past and have come to the conclusion from various articles on the internet it is capable and probably the best way to make a small file size.
basically what i wanted was to have it so that when u click and drag side to side it would show around the object, im not too worried about how fast around it goes or if it accelerates the further away from the centre its dragged, just the main control im looking for. at the moment i have 180 odd pictures of my model im looking to orbit, or less or more depending on what people think is better (its a 3d render i made so i can choose how many pictures it has) or iv already got it stitched together into a video.
the ideas id already had were that it would load each picture into an empty movie clip based on the frame number, ie it would load model001.jpg on frame 1, model020.jpg on frame 20 etc etc, but that didnt work as i suspected and it seems to flicker which i probably should expect as it has to load each picture each time. my other idea was that if its possible to make a movie scrubber, and load the video of the orbiting object in, then just use a scrubber to control moving it around but i couldnt find anything (that wasnt to buy) on how to do that.

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Object :: Video - Create An Actionscript Object In Haxe?

Mar 26, 2012

I am creating an actionscript video player in Haxe and to avoid the asyncError I am trying to create a custom Object. How do I do this is Haxe? The client property specifies the object on which callback methods are invoked. The default object is the NetStream object being created. If you set the client property to another object, callback methods will be invoked on that other object. Here is my code.

public function new()


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create Dynamic Color Picker?

Feb 23, 2007

I have read all threads on color picker keyword on this site.Some of them includes links to components and some of them does not contain useful information.

Does anyone here had an experince on creating dynamic color picker?I need key points and design issues to consider to program colorpicker class with AS 2.0.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create Color Objects With A For Loop?

Apr 29, 2010

I have this code to change the colors of some movie clips[code]...

Since I have lots of buttons, I wanted to consolidate this code into a For loop.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create An Analog Clock That Changes Color When Its PM?

Oct 28, 2010

I'm trying to create an analog clock that changes color when its PM. The only thing is that the variable won't update. I made the code a function and put it in a code block that runs every second. To make it clear: The function DOES work, it just doesn't update the variable ampm which means when the clock passes 12, it won't change color. The function only gets the variable once from what I can tell. I traced the variable ampm when the local time was 3 PM but even if I changed the time to 3 AM, the variable didn't change. So it'll change color correctly when the flash file is first run but if the time goes from AM to PM while it's running it will not change color.

Here is my function code:

function color():void
/* AM PM, if hours is greater than 11, that is 12 and 12 is PM */
if (hours<12)


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Color Fade Effect?

Oct 16, 2003

i am looking to create a COLOR FADE effect similar to the one on the Diesel site

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A 'color Scheme' Option?

Apr 15, 2005

I am creating a portfolio site and I am trying to create a 'color scheme' option. This would allow the user to pick a color and all of the mcs and the rollover text would change to that color, or a shade of that color.

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Mar 21, 2009

Is there a way of finding out the color of a graphic? For example if i have an array of rectangles, each with a different color set using graphics.beginFill(), can I then do something like:

color = rectangleArray[i].getColor();

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Random Color Changing Object?

Sep 17, 2009

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