ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Old Fashioned Scale In Flash CS4

Sep 7, 2011

we are trying to create an old fashioned scale in Flash CS4. We need to be able to randomly place objects on either side of scale and have scale tip appropriately. Has anyone attempted to create the code for a such a project?Also does anyone have any experience with code that will allow the end user to randomly place/move objects in the SWF file?

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Flash :: Create Animation To Scale To Page

May 19, 2009

I am trying to create my Flash Animation to scale to page, as in this example - [URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Scalable Flash Movie That Doesn't Scale The Contents?

Nov 16, 2009

I've created a flash file which loads an image using loadMovie, this all works fine but what I need to be able to do is load different size images into the swf. I have tried changing the size of the swf in the embed tag and using the 'noscale' option, however the stage appears to be moved to the center (see screenshot), I need it to be at the top left.

I've also tried passing the new width and height to the swf via flashvars and then setting the size of the stage to these values, however this makes no difference to the outcome.

how I can create a flash movie that I can scale using the width and height parameters that doesn't scale the content and keeps the content in the top left corner?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Fullscreen Flash Projector - Create A 1024x768 Flash Movie, Even With 100x100 And "No Scale" Activated?

Oct 17, 2008

I used to make fullscreen Flash websites, using 100x100 width/height and "No Scale" on Publish Settings.Everything is ok on a browser, since I can position elements using relative coordinates for liquid layouts.Now I have to make a fullscreen standalone .exe projector.To get fullscreen I use fscommand("fullscreen", "true") on the first frame and it works.

The problem is:If I create a 1024x768 Flash movie, even with 100x100 and "No Scale" activated, the movie remains at 1024x768.So, if I trace stage.stageWidth and stage.stageHeight, those remain respectively at "1024" and "768", but I need for the movie to get the max width and max height available on the system.

In the browser it happens automatically, but in the Flash projector it doesn't. how can I get the movie to match the exact size of the screen where it runs?I've tried with Capabilities.screenResolutionX and Y but there is no way (and I think it's normal) to set the stage.width and stage.height properties on runtime.

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IDE :: Flash Content To Scale When Scale Browser Window?

Feb 19, 2010

I want my flash content to scale when I scale my browser window.

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Graphics Software - Create A Sliding Scale?

Jun 15, 2009

I want to create some grahics for a website but have no idea on whats best to use. I want to create a sliding scale, that incorporates colour changes as the scale slides. If anyone has any suggestions, preferably freeware as its for a college project.

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Scale A Flash Using Dreamweaver - Can't Get It To Scale

Dec 4, 2009

My Flash image will not scale.if you zoom in, it gets chopped up. if you zoom out, it has a big blank area.What should I change in order to have this Flash image scale just like the rest of the site? [URL]It is the Flash in the center.

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Aug 25, 2010

How do I create a custom color scale ideally in Hex? say from yellow to red, depending on the height of an object? is this a correct way to achieve this or is there a better way without having to convert it at the end?[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create Simulated 3D Rotating Set Of Images - Change Scale, Depth, And _y Based On _x?

Jun 26, 2007

I'm looking to create a rotating set of images, simulated to look 3D... that can rotate either left or right, reactive to someones mouse location.

The path of the images would look like a flat oval, and as the images came to the forefront, they would be at full scale, have the lowest position (high _y), have the highest depth (appear in front of everything else) and be dead center _x.

As they slide left or right, they would reduce everything by a relative 50% to the final shift (scale, _y, and depth) until they got to the end, moving in an upward arc following the oval path. When they got to the end, and kept rotating beyond (move in the opposite _x. but appear to follow the flow of the arc), continuing to decrease in scale, _y, and depth.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Rolledover Clip To Scale Up And All The Others To Scale Down And Blur?

Mar 8, 2007

Scenario: main moveiclip with 4 other clips in it. I want the rolledover clip to scale up and all the others to scale down and blur.

Question: What is the most effiecent way to code this. Would it be a "for in loop"? I am trying to minimize the code and would rather not use a whole bunch of if then statements.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Initialize X Scale And Y Scale Into Percentages?

Jan 14, 2006

How can I convert the current scale of the instance to 100% so I can easily "visualize" and manage the instance when I modify its scale? Here's the actionscript, it works, but I just want the temp._xscale and temp._yscale to be in percentages, not real numbers.

USflag.onMouseDown = function ()
var temp = USflag;
onEnterFrame = function ()


One last thing, what's the tag you have to put that is designed for boxing actionscripts? I'm suing [ code ][ /code ]

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Can Flash Connect To A USB Or RS232 Scale

Jul 16, 2009

We have a website that a Flash Video records our emplaoyees weighing items on our scales. They then enter in the weight of the scale however we want to see if its possible to have that weight displayed on the Flash Video. Since we know we can display diffrent things on the video like time is it possible to have it connect to a USB or RS232 Port? Flash can easly connect to a webcam via USB as thats how we are recording and we have applications that can transcmit the weight of the scale to the computer. Does anyone know of a website thats done this or is it even possible to grab data off a scale and embed into flash.

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Flash :: Get Scale Of A Matrix Object?

Mar 14, 2011

Most often, questions are asked about how to scale a DisplayObject, and the answer is usually to use a Matrix.

My question is, how to you GET the scale of a Matrix (scaleX and scaleY)?

There's a Matrix.scale method to set the scaleX and scaleY, but it doesn't return a value, and no other properties exist to read it back.

The reason I ask, I'm using object burried deep down into a Display list, and each may be transformed. So I use the child object's sprite.transform.concatenatedMatrix getter, but am stuck at this point on how to read the scale from it.

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Flash :: Changing Y-scale Of A Movieclip?

May 5, 2011

I'm trying to change the y-scale or x-scale of a movieclip. I've tried a few tutorials but they're always talking about "elem._yscale".. However it's no longer supported by AS5.

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Flash 10 :: Scale Down SWF Using Button During Playback

Mar 15, 2011

I'm developing some e-learning content using Captivate and Flash. The .swf is currently opening in a new browser window and playing in almost full screen. Is there a way I can create a button which will toggle the size of the swf from large to small and back again as required during playback. I am not wanting to use the full screen button option to scale up as the resulting resolution at full size is unacceptably poor.

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IDE :: Scale Down Entire Flash Project?

Feb 12, 2009

I have done a search for this but I can't seem to find anything specific to what I am trying to do. I have a Flash CS3 slide presentation which was created at 1024x768 for projection purposes. Now, I have been asked to create a version of the presentation for the web which would need to be much smaller, say 480x360 for example. Changing the document properties is easy enough, but how would I go about scaling all the content down?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Resize Flash Stage On Scale?

Aug 4, 2009

There is a flash with stage size 800 x 600. I need to add a button on the flash. When the user clicks the button one time, it will resize to be 600 x 450 and all MC, texstbox, button insides the flash would be resized on scale.

When the user clicks the button 2nd time, it will resize to be 400 x 300 and all components resize on scale as well.

When the user clicks the button 3rd time, it will resize to 800 x 600 again.

Is there any AS3 source code for it?

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Flash Scaling - Scale The Width To Fit The Browser?

Sep 10, 2009

if i was to make a flash website is there a way that i could have it scale the width to fit the browser, and scale the height so that it keeps the same aspect ratio and doesn't stretch the contents out of proportion?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Scale Up The Player Of The Movie

Mar 12, 2010

I am working on a flash presentation that will be burned onto CDs. I want people to be able to scale up the player of the movie, but have it keep the proper ratio and not show the stuff in the margins of the stage. I found stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_BOARDER, which is close as it does not allow stuff on the margins to show, but I don't like how it will crop the top and bottom. Is there a way to have it force the scale and keep the margins from showing.

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Professional :: Dynamic Scale Of A Flash Content?

Mar 20, 2010

I use Flash CS4 and most of the explanations you find online are for CS3.I used a mechanism once in HTML that set the flash site to 100% width, 100% height, which did scale it but there was no maximum limit and all the content got scaled equally. I would like to do it like in the HP above, where certain elements are differently scaled.

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Flash :: Resize A Movieclip Without Affecting The Scale?

Nov 11, 2009

I have a movie clip object with a width of 306 and height of 194. I need to change the dimensions of the movie clip and still have the x and y scale set at 100. Currently when I change the movie clip width to 352.8, the x scale increases to 115.3%. I have to have the scale reset to 100% after I've adjusted the movie clip's width. Is there a way to do this in CS3? (this is all in design mode, not run time). Do I need to delete the movie clip and recreate it?

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Flash :: Repositioning Objects Based On A Scale?

Jan 19, 2010

I have airplanes that are flying past the screen from a top down view. when the air planes crash, I scale them down to make it appear as if they are falling closer to the ground and farther away from the screen. I have turrets on these crafts as well. they are seperate objects from the air plan. I scale them down as well. The only problem is they dont reposition correctly. they stay in their x and y positions even though they are being scaled it looks as if they are being pulled away from the air plane. is it possible to reposition them correctly based on the size on the object they sit on (i.e. the air planes)

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Javascript :: Scale Embed Flash To Browser?

Oct 30, 2010

I'm using an embed flash player in a web page and I want to scale it to browser window.hen I put "height: 100%" in the flash parameters, I get a blank page.This is the code of the page :

target: "slideshow",
xmlFilePath: "galeries/images.php?album=1",


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Flash :: Scale An Embedded Video And Not Crop It?

Oct 30, 2010

I have embedded a flash video on my website. [URL]...I am having the problem that it seems to rescale fine in Firefox on the Mac, but in Firefox in Windows it just crops the video.

Here it my HTML
<object width="650" height="500">
<param name="movie" value="How To Add A Location">
<embed src=""


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Flash :: Swf - Scale Any Object Using HTML Or Flashvars?

Nov 10, 2010

I tried many Flash .swf before and they all can be scaled freely -- by using a width and height in the HTML, and sometimes in the URL params or flashvars. But is it true that all Flash object can be scaled? For example, can some Flash objects using absolute coordinates to plot graph so that every 10 pixels it marks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and no matter what is done at the HTML or any where else, it just won't scale and the browser can't do anything about it either? Is there a way to scale it to half the size for that graph? (that is, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 is separated by 5 pixels instead of 10 pixels)

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Browser - YouTube API Flash Player Scale?

Jun 9, 2011

I have a swf file which loads the YouTube API player at 640px by 400px:

function onPlayerReady(event:Event):void {
trace("player ready:", Object(event).data);
player = loader.content;
player.cueVideoById( t***Path , "0" , "medium");
player.setSize(640 , 360 );


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Actionscript 2 :: Flash - Scale A MC From Center Position?

Nov 25, 2011

I am using AS2 and I'm looking for a way to scale an MC from the center meaning that the width will expand equally on both sides.For example .. If the movie clips needs to expand +10 then it would be +5 on the left and +5 on the right.So, in order to simulate the movie clip going forward the position on the left would offset -5 then scale.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Scale MovieClip In Liquid Flash

Jan 19, 2010

I have a movieclip (tester) that I am locating on the stage via the following code:
ActionScript Code:
var stageListener:Object = new Object();
stageListener.onResize = function() {
[Code] .....

What I want to have happen is have it start in the defined location but when you drag the browser window open the "tester" movieclip scales up in size but stays centered on those cooridinates - basically as the window gets bigger I want it to stay in the same place but get bigger and be able to control ( by percentage) how big the movie clip grows as the window opens.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash AS3 Scale Tween Stops In Between

Jul 4, 2011

I have created a movie clip loader in my main movie and once I click on the button in main movie it loads external swf files accordingly.I have also added script so that the external swf will be scaled from "0" to "1" on both the X and Y axis. it works sometimes.But sometimes it scales movie not upto 100% it scales it around 20 to 30 %.I am not getting why? My code is correct or what?


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Flash :: BitmapData - Scale And Select Area In One Matrix?

Jun 29, 2011

I'm using a transform matrix as part of a bitmap draw to select an area of my target rather than drawing from 0,0:

var bmd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(target.width,target.height,true,0);
var mat:Matrix = new Matrix(1,0,0,1,-target.x,-target.y);


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