Actionscript 3 :: Create A Custom Color Scale Ideally In Hex?
Aug 25, 2010
How do I create a custom color scale ideally in Hex? say from yellow to red, depending on the height of an object? is this a correct way to achieve this or is there a better way without having to convert it at the end?[code]...
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into String("#nnnnnn") regardless of empty spaces.Color names are the current standard 147 CSS color names, as listed in here.This class can be used by its single static method to 'normalize' colors in an html if an appropriate replace pattern is used. The method works for a single color. This, in fact, might be used while parsing an html data into a text field in flash, for example. Additionally you can input an optional second 'default color' parameter in the method.
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Mar 8, 2007
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Jan 14, 2006
How can I convert the current scale of the instance to 100% so I can easily "visualize" and manage the instance when I modify its scale? Here's the actionscript, it works, but I just want the temp._xscale and temp._yscale to be in percentages, not real numbers.
USflag.onMouseDown = function ()
var temp = USflag;
onEnterFrame = function ()
One last thing, what's the tag you have to put that is designed for boxing actionscripts? I'm suing [ code ][ /code ]
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Feb 23, 2007
I have read all threads on color picker keyword on this site.Some of them includes links to components and some of them does not contain useful information.
Does anyone here had an experince on creating dynamic color picker?I need key points and design issues to consider to program colorpicker class with AS 2.0.
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Apr 29, 2010
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Since I have lots of buttons, I wanted to consolidate this code into a For loop.
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Dec 3, 2010
I have a uint that i'd like to create a Color object out of so I can manipulate the tint as desired.
public static const red_dark:uint = 0xe80505;
How can I create a Color object out of the above uint?
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Oct 28, 2010
I'm trying to create an analog clock that changes color when its PM. The only thing is that the variable won't update. I made the code a function and put it in a code block that runs every second. To make it clear: The function DOES work, it just doesn't update the variable ampm which means when the clock passes 12, it won't change color. The function only gets the variable once from what I can tell. I traced the variable ampm when the local time was 3 PM but even if I changed the time to 3 AM, the variable didn't change. So it'll change color correctly when the flash file is first run but if the time goes from AM to PM while it's running it will not change color.
Here is my function code:
function color():void
/* AM PM, if hours is greater than 11, that is 12 and 12 is PM */
if (hours<12)
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