ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating Custom Color Palette On Paint Project

Feb 9, 2009

I want to make a custom color palette on my paint project that I am developing. Also need 'paint bucket tool ' functionality.

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var currentDepth:Number = 0;
var startDrawing:Boolean = false;
var brushSelect:Boolean = true;


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It'll show up as the shape I want, and not just a square box the size of my shape?

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1. I want a gallery to appear in the box showing my work

2. My buttons are named "Photoshop", "Illustrator", and "Indesign", i would like to have it so when you click on each button a new window gallery will appear in the box to show my work for each pogram

3. How do i insert my images? Do i just place them in my library in Flash? Do i use dreamweaver?
thats pretty much it.Unfortunately my teacher is refusing to teach coding.

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EDIT: The Kernel is a class that is being linked to the swf. Weve been asked to find out how the Kernel can effect and interact with the application. This is the class thats been created:

public class kernel extends MovieClip
public function kernel()


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Apr 27, 2010

I'm a pixel artist struggling with AS3.I want to load a sprite sheet from file, actionscript through the five rows of colors in the upper left to identify the five palattes (by default, the sprite sheet is colored using the first palette), then recolor the entire sprite sheet according the one of the five palettes, setting magenta to transparent. The end result being the ability to do this...

I can do loops and arrays, but I don't know how to actually cycle through the PNG identifying and replacing colors. I've loaded the sprite sheet and scrolled the palette out of view using scrollRect, but nothing else.

//Scale the screen x3


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Aug 26, 2009

I'm doing some GUI screens for sci fi / fantasy displays in Flash 8 and i really need some better color libraries, anyone know where i can find some irridescent / electric color pallets that will really stand out on the screen?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Custom Resize Event As Part Of Larger Project To Create Flexible Liquid Layout Class

Dec 16, 2009

I am trying to create a custom resize event as part of a larger project to create a flexible liquid layout class.Basically, i want an object to listen for the stage.RESIZE event. If i can listen for this event from multiple objects, it solves my event firing problem.[code]

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Creating Loop To Set Color Objects?

May 8, 2009

I'm trying to create a for loop to set the color objects outlineColor1...100 to the value defined in variable _root.outlineCol. Everything works fine when I set the color to these objects via 100 lines of code but I'd like to replace them with a for loop of course. I suspect the syntax in the first part of the second line is incorrect but I'm not sure.

for (var i:Number = 1; i <= 100; i++) {

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating A New Instance And Color?

Oct 14, 2010

I'm currently working on a little practice .fla file I've been working on. What I have now is an altered version a 'game' I made recently. I wanted to see if it was possible to create a new instance and color by having the user drag the object into the black (target) area. In short I want the user to drag one of my shapes (movieclips) and while keeping the original shape in place, move the copy version into the target and have the copy change to a different random color. Attached is a copy of my file.

Here is code I have thus far, I have tried a few options but they seem to throw off my application.

var counter:Number = 0;
square.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, moveObject);
square.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP,releas eObject);
circle.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN,move Object);


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Nov 29, 2011

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