ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Price Strings From Numbers?

Sep 21, 2009

how to create price strings from numbers.E.g. a product could have a price of 25.50. however this will show as 25.5, as it removes the 0.I would like to convert this number (25.5) to a string, and format it as a price, e.g. "25.50"In C#, its easy, you just do .toString("0.00");but i can't find any way of doing it in Actionscript. Is there an easy way or do i have to do some string splitting and such?

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Id | product | price | units | total_price | customer | waiter | printed | paid_cash | paid_card | date

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1)How can I make flex take the price and units and calculate automatically the total_price? In the datagrid and update the database lines when I save.

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private var waveCount:Number = new Number();
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private var waveWord:Sprite = new WaveWord();


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import fl.controls.*;
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In the order listed above, I get the following trace when I export via Flash CS3 (9.0) on my PPC mac:



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public function addListener(handler:String):void {
mc.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, "on" + handler);


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var myArray = new Array();
myArray.push (Snivvle);
myArray.push (Kirupa);
myArray.push (Snivvle);

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this.price=0 ;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Create String With 700 Numbers

Feb 11, 2010

How can I create a string with 700 numbers as follows:
"1,2,3, ...,699,700"

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create Random Neg/pos Numbers?

May 24, 2007

I need some actionscript that will give me a random number between -50 and 50. Been looking at it for a while now.

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Actionscript 3 :: Create Random Numbers Within A Range?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Queue Numbers By Using Keyboard?

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My project is to make a simple flash queue numbers display, For example if you press the number 20 on the keyboard so it will show number 20 on the screen.

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IDE :: Create An Array Of X Random Unique Numbers?

Apr 15, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Form Which People Can Use To Get Price Quotes Immediately

Feb 18, 2010

So i want to make a form which people can use to get price quotes immediately. There will be about 15 fields. I have 'some' clue as to how this 'might' be done. The 'if' statement could be used. But that sounds like a lot of combinations and a lot of scripting. I would also like them to be able to send the form to my email if they want.

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Feb 6, 2009

I need to create a text field where the user can only write numbers from 3.0 up to 12.0 with any decimal. With any number he imputs i need another text field to store the number lowered to its nearest .5 number.

for example

input 3.1 result 3.0
input 3.4 result 3.0
input 3.6 result 3.5
input 4.6 result 4.5

By the way. im using Flash CS3

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