ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Similar Application Using Flash?

Jun 15, 2010

Does anyone knows how to create similar application using flash?

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var myStr:String = new String( "i wish i were an oscar meyer weiner" );
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Feb 15, 2010

A while ago, we created a replacement shell to run as a front end for a cybercafe. It was nothing fancy; just a flash movie that had button links to IE and a few trusted applications.

I'm trying to develop it further now and am wondering two things:

1. Is it possible to send an application to a frame within a movie? For example, have a static movie at the top with links, then when a button is pressed, the menu remains but the application opens below without overlapping. I know I can use HTML and frames but really want to keep it all in one movie/swf.

2. Is it possible to build on the above and have some sort of application lister that will allow you to switch between the two applications you have running. For example, a user may opem IE, the open Word. Word has now replaced IE and I want the user to have a simple click button to go back to an existing window rather than open another instance from the menu.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create A Localizable Application In Flash?

Jan 21, 2011

I've been struggling my mind for two days and I can't still find an easy way to localize a Flash movie. Well, *tons* of flash movies... Previously (AS2) I was using the old trick of using variables in textfields. So if you used as var name "_root.text057" and you did something as "_root.text057='blah'", the text field was automatically updated.

What would be the more fast and efficient way to create a localizable application in Flash/AS3? I'm under the assumption that the programmer doesn't know exactly what is going to be loaded in his movie (how many text fields and so on) but he must still provide a mechanism as automagic as possible in order to redirect those pesky strings in a XML doc into the textfield where they should reside.


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Professional :: Create An Application Frame In A Flash Movie?

Feb 15, 2010

A while ago, I created a replacement shell to run as a front end for a cybercafe. It was nothing fancy; just a flash movie that had button links to IE and a few trusted applications.

I'm trying to develop it further now and am wondering two things:
1. Is it possible to send an application to a frame within a movie? For example, have a static movie at the top with links, then when a button is pressed, the menu remains but the application opens below without overlapping. I know I can use HTML and frames but really want to keep it all in one movie/swf.
2. Is it possible to build on the above and have some sort of application lister that will allow you to switch between the two applications you have running. For example, a user may open IE, then open Word. Word has now replaced IE and I want the user to have a simple click button to go back to an existing window rather than open another instance from the menu.

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Flash :: Create Picture Of Application Hosted By ASP Page?

Sep 1, 2011

How can I programatically make a picture of a flash application in an ASP.NET/C# page which is hosting the flash application?

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Flash :: Create A Custom Scroll Bar In FLEX 3.0 Application

Jan 25, 2012

I want to create a Custom Scroll bar in my FLEX 3.0 application. Which should enable to use Text instead of |||| that shows in ScrollThumb... I have used mx_internal for changing the style of that but still facing the problem that text is not displayed. here is the code that i have created.


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Actionscript 3 :: Create Exit Button In Flash Application?

Jan 26, 2012

I'm creating a Flash Application that will be exported in exe format and it's not going to run in browser. I want to add an exit button inside stage but I don't know how to do that with ActionScript 3.

I remember that it was possible with fscommand in ActionScript 2 but it's not working in AS3.

I've searched everywhere but everyone is trying to close a popup or tab or window all in browser environment not a Flash app.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Hit Counter In The Background Of A Flash Application?

Apr 29, 2005

i am trying to create a hit counter in the background of a flash application. However, i can't seeem to get the code in flash correct to access the php script.

Flash Code:

function check() {


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Flash :: Create A Video Conferencing Application Finally In Flash Using RED5

Feb 15, 2010

I am planning to create a video conferencing application finally in flash using RED5. But i don't know flash. Is there any readymade free video conference program available that i can directly integrate in my website? If not, then can anybody point me to from where should i start? Because gaining microphone and webcam access programmatically seems very daunting to me.

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