ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating A Button Component?

Sep 22, 2010

I am creating a button component in AS3, the idea of this button is that you can set its parameters to the name of movie clips you want to use as its images (mouse up/over/down etc).So basically it's a button that you can easily change the appearance of, and this would be reflected in the preview on the stage. I made this component in AS2 and it worked very well and was very useful.
However there is a problem with this component in AS3 - When I create an instance of my button component and try to set images for it (remember these are the names of movie clips in the library which have been exported for actionscript), the preview of the button component does not show the images. When I compile the SWF the button component does show the images ok though.
When my button component redraws itself, it looks at it's parameters and calls getDefinitionByName to create an instance of the correct movieclip. I am guessing that the problem occurs because the movieclip I am trying to instantiate is not in the component's library, it is in the library of the project I am using the button in, so maybe the component doesnt know what that movieclip is?
But it's odd because when I compile/publish the SWF it works, like I said, it's just the preview of the component that doesnt work, and that's kind of the point, being able to get a preview of the button so it can be positioned and sized correctly.
I know I could get it to work by putting the movieclips I want to use for the button into the button component's library, but that again defeats the purpose of this component.

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var  play_btn_Tween:TweenMax = TweenMax.from(play_btn, .5, {alpha:0});
play_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick_Play);
function onClick_Play(event:MouseEvent) :void {


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<mx:Canvas xmlns:mx="">
<mx:Panel width="200" height="200" title="hello"


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var newFont:Font = "Arial";
[Inspectable(name="Font name", type = Font, defaultValue = "Arial")]  public function set corPreloader(fonte:Font) {   newFont = fonte;  }  public function get corPreloader():uint {   return newFont;  }

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<node label = "Sports Club">
<node label = "Ball Games">
<node label = "Tennis" />
<node label = "Soccer"/>
<node label = "Bassball"/>
[Code] .....

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Actions = Object();
Actions.loadGallery = function(xml, name) {
_root.transfer = new Object();
_root.transfer.galleryData = xml;
_root.transfer.galleryLabel = name;
[Code] .....

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The component extends List, or at least acts similarly. variableRowHeight and wordWrap both equal to true. The height of the list cannot be less than minHeight (roughly 32px for scrollbar arrows). The height of the list cannot be greater than the height of the parent container .

Note that the parent container can be resized dynamically.

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var list:ArrayCollection<ClassA>;
init_Comp(list, "ClassA");

If it is possible, I can read it like this,
var newDynamicInstatnce: typeOf("ClassA") = list.getItemAt(0) as typeOf("ClassA");

Finally I have a Dynamic Instance type of that I pass. Is this possible in Flex or Is there a better way?

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I'm creating a new Color object in CS5. Essentially I'm using a component slider and linking the value to 360 hue and converting that value to color hex to pass into a color object which will be assigned to an object (in this text case a standard square movieclip). However, when compiling I keep getting the error 1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type flash.display:MovieClip to an unrelated type Number.

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Flex :: Creating Custom Component With A Drawing For Hero Mobile?

Dec 30, 2010

I'm trying to create a custom component which displays a red rectangle in the middle with the following Flex Mobile project for Android (in Flash Builder 4.5 Burrito) -

MyComp.mxml (has no errors):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


even though I have added c:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Flash Builder Burritosdks4.5.0frameworkslibsmxmx.swc to Flex Build Path (by clicking "Add SWC" button in the project properties dialog).

PS: Power Stackoverflow-users, consider adding a tag for Android-AIR or Flex-Hero or maybe Flex-Mobile

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Nov 11, 2011

i have to generate a button dynamically... and have to keep a click handler for the same how to write script for clicking buttonim using following code for creating button dynamically

var btn:Button = new Button;
btn.label = "Print";

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Feb 23, 2011

I'm trying to create a simple "universal" media player which presents the same user interface (or as similar as possible) for video and audio playback. Unfortunately, FLVPlayback seems not to be able to handle audio files as far as I can tell, so I'm using a Sound and SoundChannel.

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The standard PlayPauseButton is a MovieClip with two layers, one containing the Play button (and with the instance name play_mc) and the containing the Pause button (pause_mc). Inside one of these is a movie with some code like this:

this.upLinkageID = "PauseButtonNormal";
this.overLinkageID = "PauseButtonOver";
this.downLinkageID = "PauseButtonDown";


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating A Button Dynamically But Could Not Get The ID Of The Button

Jan 2, 2009

I am creating a button dynamically, but i could not get the ID of the button.

PHP Code:

b1.label = "Close";
b1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, closePopUp);
b2.label="Other Information";"stateBut1";


It says that acesss to undefined property stateBut1. Now how should i call the id in my function.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Button Class Not Creating A Button?

Jan 9, 2009

I have some AS3 code which I was hoping would create a re-usable button class but it does not. I just get a blank canvas. I am not getting any errors. Code is attached. Anyone see what is wrong?

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Professional :: Toggle Button Via The Button Component?

Oct 18, 2010

I'd like to learn how to use Components in Flash, and the documentation and tutorials I find are beyond my comprehension. I usually go to FlashKit and just rehash someone's code... but again, I'd love to learn how to use Flash Components.So I did a tutorial on the toggle button, but it was:1. Click button, and a window pops up at different location on canvas2. Click button again, and the same window dissapears.This is for a videogame, and I'd like a button to be click and that same button be populated with a new graphic. What I mean is, the graphic is a skull, and I'd like to have it start as a dark skull (as if a negative value) and when you click it the skull appears... click it again and it's gone (or that negative or dark skull representing it's off).So this differs from the tutorial I did because the pop-up window is the button itself, and the window that pops up would obstruct me from click it again.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Creating Simple Component - Can't Get The Default Parameters "loaded" In The Class ?

Mar 18, 2010

I want to create a simple component in as3, cs4. There are 2 problems I cant solve:

1.)I can't get the default parameters "loaded" in the class for the component so lets say if I have w = 10 in the parameters how can I refer to it in the code?

2.) How can I get the tool with which I can set which corner of the component should stay the same : it looks like this in the default

flash button component
theLinesTool.png (11.82 KiB) Viewed 290 times

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Creating An Animated Button?

Jun 5, 2009

i am trying to create an animated button, using a Movie Clip.

1. I create a Rectangle with a fill.

2. I convert it to a Symbol (Movie)3. Double Click on the graphic to create it's on Timeline.4. Why do i then need to convert to a symbol again?It will not animate unless i convert that timeline button again.

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Creating A Simple Button?

Oct 11, 2009

Draw a rectangle using the rectangle tool; select the text tool and create a text box inside of the rectangle, and type in BEGIN; make sure it fits inside the rectangle; select entire image by left clicking then dragging over it; convert to symbol button.
Then, I add in the code of going to keyframe 4 when released (which works fine). But when I test it out and mouse over the button, I can still select the text which gives me like barely any space where I can click the button to go to keyframe 4. This is reeaaallly annoying me. How can I fix this?

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Creating A Replay Button?

Dec 10, 2009

I've created a simple animation (falling snowflakes with some text that pops in and out) and I wanted to create a button that would replay it at the user's command. I've searched everywhere for the code or how to do this, but I've found nothing of relevance.

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