ActionScript 3.0 :: Design A Flash Site With A Menu ?

Feb 16, 2009

I am really new to flash and my first project is to design a flash site with a menu like http:[url]..... I really love the way this menu works as you know where you are at all times. Can anybody point me in the right direction of where to start? I have made all the graphics in flash and now I just need to start actionscripting.

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I am developing a flash based website using mxml. My monitor's resolution is 1280x768 and is widescreen. The problem is while it appears properly in my screen it doesn't appear properly in others.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Submenu Design Different To Main Menu?

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url...I don't really know actionscript and I have two issues.Firstly, and most importantly, how can I make the submenu design different to the main menu? Specifically, I need the submenu items to have different y spacing, width, font heights & background. No probs doing a separate movieclip, but how do I assign a certain movieclip depending on whether it's a main menu or submenu item? Secondly, when the cursor moves off the movie, the last open submenu stays open! This happens in this site's example as well. It only closes when the cursor hits another main menu.

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.htaccess - Flash Menu Preventing Site Navigation When Accessing Url With Out Www

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Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine on


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Doing Interaction Design With Flash

Feb 28, 2011

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1. get the background jpg to stick to the stage. it apparently has to be either a symbol or a layer?

2. make transparent buttons. in flash catalyst I can just set the opacity to 0, but I'm not sure how to do this in flash pro.

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UI Design In Flash Games?

Mar 21, 2010

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Nov 18, 2009

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Professional :: Statistics On The Use Of Flash In Web Design?

Jul 27, 2010

I am doing some academic research on Flash and I would like to find what is Flash the most used for, or what it is the best at, in designing web sites. I would need some quantitative figures, charts, stats to illustrate this research. I have found many websites presenting the Flash player penetration but I am looking at the actual use of Flash (in video, animation, User Interaction, ...). For example, "96% of the video on the web is displayed with Flash (3% JS, 1% HTML5 video tag, ...)" ; or "vector graphics are mostly created with Flash, rather with SVG or JS".

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Flash :: Migration From Design To Programming?

Mar 11, 2010

I've got in over my head trying to learn programming, but love it.How would you teach a designer to migrate from design to object oriented programming?

My interest is AS3 in Flash IDE, but any advice is welcome. Looking for a full explanation.

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