ActionScript 3.0 :: Difference Between Var A:Number And Var A:int?
May 13, 2009
Suppose I'm building a game where your ship moves with left/right keys.I assign a speed variable which is the number of pixels the ship will move when you press one of the said keys.Currently (on the tutorial I'm following) I have:
static const speed:Number = 150.0
Can't I just replace it:
Quote: var speed:int = 150
Also, what's the difference between var a:Number and var a:int? And is there any important reason to add the .0 in 150.0?
I've created a movieclip spawner class and animator class which animate movieclips along a set of x,y points.I've used Greensock's TweenMax to accomplish the animation and I have set the speed to be 1 second between each point. The issue is that when the distance between two points is small it looks too slow.
What I would like to do is somehow calculate the distance between the two points and output a speed in the range of 0 to 1 seconds so that the speed is to be correct for the shorter distances as well as the longer distances.
I've got a website with three links to three different thumbnail galleries. When I click the link to a gallery that has a lesser number of thumbnails, it fills the difference in numbers in with thumbnails from the previous gallery.
Dear Guys I Want To Generate A Random Number Between 2 Number BUT Without Generating 2 Same Number I Mean If For Example Already Generated Number "2" Next Time Did Not Generate It , Is There Any Solution
I Want To Generate A Random Number Between 2 Number BUT Without Generating 2 Same Number I Mean If For Example Already Generated Number "2" Next Time Did Not Generate It,
Inside my code i have some variables declared as Numbers, and i get some others from an external source; these variables can either be Numbers or String representation of Numbers. Now, i have to implement some equality controls on these variables, and since i don't know in that moment which type are them of, i'm converting all of them to Numbers (i don't need and neither want to compare strings) via the Number() function which accepts either Numbers or Strings as an input. These controls can compare 2 single variables or a variable and a sum (or subtraction) of other variables, for example:
I'm trying to create a shuffle button for my mp3 player. I don't want it to repeat any song in the xml playlist until all the songs are played. Is there to display a random number on the click of a button, without repeating any number in the array until all the numbers in the array are used?
SO, I want to do a very simple program, and I have no clue how to even get started. This is what I need to do. Several Different boxes to put something into. I Have Done That, I can type into them. Their instance names are
Box1 Box2 Box3
Heres what I have no clue on how to do though, completely lost. Box 1 needs to have the value psr.
I would like to know is there any limitations in flash textarea like the number of lines it can have or the number of bytes it can have. iam opening a text file using php in textarea, where all the contents of the files are not getting loaded in the textarea. If it is there then how to increase its size, is it same thing in flex?
I get the right number when I click on only '+' or only on '-'But if I click '-' until 0.7 and '+', it stays at 0.7 The same append when I click '-' until 0.9 when '+', it stay to 0.8. Why? How can I do to increment or decrement a Number by 0.1?
i got a input text , how do i set some number if they input the right one?like i want (2,4,6,8,10) to be true if they input the the same number ,i want boolean to be true how i going to do this?
I have been trying to find some code that lets me round a number to the nearest multiple of another number.So if for example we have number 44 the nearest multiple of seven would be 42.
I want to test if a number is between a low and high number. In my case if it is between 1 and 3. I thought I could do it like this, but seems like this does not work.
Code: cnx.addEventListener(CNXConnection.DIGITAL, onDigital_10); function onDigital_10(e:DigitalEvent) {
While debugging everything works properly if I'm testing that frame.But, pushing a button in another frame, I get the following error:
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference at "frame number:raw number"
I'm quite sure that the problem is that the variable e.Join changes its corresponding e.Value pushing a particular button in another frame (as must be). Any ideas how to link that information to the frame that create the error?
find out if a number, say 20, is within x number of pixels to a second number, say 10? I want to record a mouse up position and if it's within 20 piles of the mouse down, on the y axis, something happens.
generate a number(z) from a given number(x)I want z to be higher the closer x is to any 90 degree angle(90, 180,270, 360)example; If x is 90 then z should be 1. If x is 45 then z should be 0(because 45 is the furtherst you can be from a 90degree angle)