ActionScript 3.0 :: Different Page On The Website Exists At A Different Position On The Timeline?

Aug 6, 2009

This must have been done before and be really easy but I am a newbie so just keep coming up with compiler errors. I have built a website in flash cs4 using as3. I have set up the time line so that each different page on the website exists at a different position on the timeline. Sections have been labeled so that I can jump to that section upon button click.

What happens is when the link to the page/section is clicked the timeline jumps to that section and plays an animation that animates the page onto the stage then stops.("in animation") When you click another link the page should animate off of the stage ("out animation")and the next one animates in.

(I have set the time line up so that after each "in" animation there is a stop and after each "out" animation there is a stop.) This is where i'm having the problem.

I have set up event listeners for the button clicks But i can only get them to either play the "out" animation then that stops, using this code:


What i would like to know is how to add the two together so that when a button is clicked the information about what was clicked is added to a variable. The function plays the out animation then when that is complete checks the variable where the page clicked information is then jumps to that section on the timeline and plays it's "in" animation

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function endGame():void {
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if (_root._currentframe == "red") {
mark_red_btn._visible = true;

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May 21, 2007

Does anyone know how to control an mc's timeline with the mouse position? So, when you click and drag right it plays the timeline forward and vice versa? I know how to do it with a slider, but I'm stuck on replacing the slider position with the coordinate where you click your mouse...if that makes any sense.

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Oct 2, 2004

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does not seem to work either

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how to controll the timeline via moving the moiuse in x (left to right ).basicly i wsant to shocase a sculpture of mine in a seemingly quicktime vr fasion. so i will take lots of images of the sculpture in difrent agles to get the 360 degreemovie. then import intoflash timeline. Then somehow i need a script to control the scrub the timeline images (to create the quicktime vr look )

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May 15, 2005

i want to know if anyone can tell me how to controll the timeline via moving the moiuse in x (left to right basicly i wsant to shocase a sculpture of mine in a seemingly quicktime vr fasion. so i will take lots of images of the sculpture in difrent agles to get the 360 degreemovie. then import intoflash timeline. Then somehow i need a script to control the scrub the timeline images (to create the quicktime vr look )

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Resume Website Timeline After Intro Plays?

Jul 1, 2009

I made an intro animation for a website. Packaged it up into a movie clip, selected "Export for ActionScript", dragged it into my timeline, and gave it an instance name (myIntro_mc).

This is not an exported swf... it only exists in my library as a symbol (and what ever folder of classes it goes to when you export for action script).

The intro plays some animation, has a button to continue to the site, plays some more animation and then stops.

The movie clip is in its own layer and has 4 frames of the main timeline.

If I don't tell the main timeline to stop in frame 1, the intro never shows up... playback goes directly to frame 5 (which is the home page).

If I put a stop(); in the first frame the intro plays and stops and the main timeline never resumes.

I can't sort out how to tell the movie clip to play the parent timeline when it reaches the end... nor can I figure out how to wait in the main timeline for the intro to finish playing before resuming the main timeline.

I've been gnawing at this an embarrassing amount of time and have tried all sorts of bad code in both the main timeline and in the child movie clip.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Structure A Full Flash Website Without The Timeline?

Sep 28, 2009

how to build and structure a full flash website using the OOP approach. I have an idea of how to structure an application using the MVC design pattern, but I cannot put things together in order to structure a whole website.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Versus Timeline For Full Flash Website?

Jan 30, 2007

I have a question on Flash structure "best practices". I am wondering which is the best way to go about designing a full website in Flash.I have seen the tutorials provided by Kirupa and others, but nothing answers the question I have. My question is this: How do I combine what I can do in actionscript and use the Flash timeline also? Or should I even try to combine both?

Ideally, I know we should use actionscript to design Flash pages, using CreateEmptyMovieClip, etc. That way the pages are truly dynamic using external images and xml files, and the entire Flash movie is only 4-5 keyframes. However, I cannot accomplish all the tasks in actionscript.I can do many things using Actionscript, write functions, tweens, filters, etc. But obviously I cannot do everything. Many things I want to do are easier using the Flash timeline. For example, a navigation bar which slides in from the outside once the entire page loads. I know the AS to make the nav bar slide in and out, but I cannot use AS to draw the nav bar in the way I want it (two layers of buttons with a line in the middle).

What is the best way to go about designing a site in this manner? Should I use the first few keyframes for the things I can do in AS, such as loading global variables, loading external data, etc. Then use regular Flash animation tools (keyframes & timelines) for the rest?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Website Timeline And Buttons Can't Be Aimed At The Content.

Sep 27, 2009

so I'm having an issue with my website design and as I'm relatively new to flash I can't seem to fix it on my own. I know what I'm supposed to do, technically, but not sure how to actually implement it.Below is a picture of my timeline:What my problem is that the buttons for navigating my pages (bio, news, projects, links, etc.) are nested inside of my Navigation MC (on the Navigation layer) and so they appear in the timeline (at frame 20) before my content does (frame 70). Because of this, the buttons can't be aimed at the content because their code is run before the content even exists.

I'm guessing that what I need to do is to instantiate my content at a point in the timeline before the navigation/buttons occur... but as the content is the last part of my loading animation, I'm not sure how to do that.I read something about adding the MC's but keeping them invisible, then making them visible again at teh appropriate time, but I don't know how to do that or if it would somehow mess with my animation (everything fades in one item after the other, with the content being the last part).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: One Page Website Want Only One Swf To Play At The Time

Jun 14, 2011

I have a one page web site with 5 links to pseudo pages, so my problem is that on every part of the web site the swf files start playing. (Of course I understand that I can set the first one to play and the others to stop mode, but that doesn't solve the problem) What I try do do is this: *When the web site starts only the first pseudo page let the swf play. *When clicking a link to an other pseudo page that particular movie on the linked page starts playing. *All other swf movies don't play.

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