ActionScript 2.0 :: Controling Timeline Via Mouse X Position?

May 15, 2005

i want to know if anyone can tell me how to controll the timeline via moving the moiuse in x (left to right basicly i wsant to shocase a sculpture of mine in a seemingly quicktime vr fasion. so i will take lots of images of the sculpture in difrent agles to get the 360 degreemovie. then import intoflash timeline. Then somehow i need a script to control the scrub the timeline images (to create the quicktime vr look )

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Control Timeline With Mouse Position?

May 21, 2007

Does anyone know how to control an mc's timeline with the mouse position? So, when you click and drag right it plays the timeline forward and vice versa? I know how to do it with a slider, but I'm stuck on replacing the slider position with the coordinate where you click your mouse...if that makes any sense.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Controlling Timeline Via Mouse X Position?

Feb 10, 2010

how to controll the timeline via moving the moiuse in x (left to right ).basicly i wsant to shocase a sculpture of mine in a seemingly quicktime vr fasion. so i will take lots of images of the sculpture in difrent agles to get the 360 degreemovie. then import intoflash timeline. Then somehow i need a script to control the scrub the timeline images (to create the quicktime vr look )

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AS3 Button Function Controling Another Movieclips Timeline?

Nov 13, 2010

What I am trying to achieve is have one movie clip containing a button control the timeline of another movie clip.I know how to get a button to control the timeline of it's current movie clip, however, getting a button to control the timeline of a seperatef there is a tutorial that someone knows of, or if someone could post a snippet of AS3 showing how a button controls another clips timeline -Re: Question: AS3 Button controling timeline of movie is the coding I am using too:

but_shows.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onMouseDown);
function onMouseDown(event:MouseEvent):void{


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Timeline Controls Based On Mouse Position?

May 25, 2009

I'm trying to make a faux 3D rotation animation where if the user mouses to the right the object rotates right and if the user mouses to the left the object rotates left. Depending on how far they move the mouse the rotation should speed up or slow down.I spent a lot of time making an object in 3d studio max and importing the animation of rotation as JPEGs onto the timeline. I figured the most efficient way to go about this would be to make the mouse control the timeline instead of the object itself.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Mouse X Position To Control Movie Position?

Feb 1, 2006

Basically the x position of the mouse should control the play position of a movie. Do I need something like an event handler (I'm not sure exactly what these do, but I've seen similar scripts that seem to use them).

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IDE :: Cursor Position Not Mouse Position In Input Text Box

Nov 12, 2009

I have an Input Text area that users can edit and then submit. I need to be able to show, on screen, the cursor's current position as they type. I don't need to know where the mouse is but all work-arounds I've found so far can only tell me the mouse position. The font for the text is 'courier' or 'courier new' and the Input Text area is scrollable.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Tween From One Position To Mouse Position?

Mar 28, 2010

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Focus On Mouse Position When Zooming Movie Clip Using Mouse Wheel?

Oct 29, 2009

I have a map application that when I use the mouse wheel the map will scale up or scale down. The next thing I want to do is to focus on the mouse pointer while zooming on the part of the map.

I have this code...

function focusMousePosition(){    onMouseMove = function (){        Stage.width = _root._xmouse;        Stage.height = _root._ymouse;        updateAfterEvent();    }}
var mouseWheelListener = new Object();var wheelNum:Number;
mouseWheelListener.onMouseWheel = function(wheelNum){    focusMousePosition();    if (wheelNum > 0){        map._xscale *= 0.9;        map._yscale *= 0.9;    }else{        map._xscale *= 1.1;        map._yscale *= 1.1;    }}Mouse.addListener(mouseWheelListener);

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Zoom To Mouse Position Using Mouse Wheel?

Mar 9, 2010


function mouseWheel(event:MouseEvent) {
Map.scaleX = Map.scaleX +*.01;
Map.scaleY = Map.scaleX;

The problem with this code is that it scales from the registration point (0,0). Due to the other transformations I'm doing to this image at various times, it isn't possible to move the registration point. The image is larger than the stage and the user is able to drag it around. I want the mouse wheel to zoom in on the place the mouse is hovering over (or at a minimum...the center of the "view" they have...aka the stage)I tried doing this:

internalPoint = new Point(Map.mouseX, Map.mouseY);
externalPoint = new Point(stage.mouseX, stage.mouseY);
var matrix:Matrix = Map.transform.matrix;


Which, incidentally, I'm using that whole portion of code to zoom into the state they will be in when they use the mouse wheel.

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Apr 21, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Timeline Position Of Movie?

Sep 2, 2010

How to find Timeline Position of my Movie.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Possible To Be Able To Remember Timeline Position

Oct 28, 2006

just wondering if it is possible to be able to remeber the timelines position:example:

- the user is say on frame 5 or whatever frame the user is up to (its a quiz senario);
- the user then clicks a link which takes them to frame 15
- when the user clicks on the back button this will take them back to the page which they were viewing whatever that may be for each user.

is this possible or is there any tutorials about it where i can learn this?i have seen one example of it being done where it remebers what level you where at but i ca't remeber where i saw that example/tutorial

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Control Mc By Main Timeline Position?

Oct 2, 2009

I have a mc with thumbnail images ('thumbs_mc'). Within 'thumbs_mc,' I have mc instances that change alpha on rollon and rollout. When clicked, these mc instances also control the main timeline. That's all good and working fine.Now, however, I want something over each thumbnail to indicate which of them is currently active. (I thought about using the same mc for both the mouseover and current marker, but it's problematic since rolling off the mc sets the alpha to 0, destroying the current marker.)

So I figured that I could use another mc (one instance is 'mark_red_btn') and just control its visibility, based upon the where the playhead is in the main timeline.This is what I have in the first frame of the mc that contains the thumbs the mouseovers and the current markers:

if (_root._currentframe == "red") {
mark_red_btn._visible = true;

Unfortunately, it is not working. The mc 'mark_red_btn' stays invisible even when the main timeline is on the frame labeled 'red.'

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Variable To Track Position In Timeline

Sep 10, 2009

I am trying to create a variable in Actionscript 2 that will record the position in the timeline, so Flash knows the user's last position on the timeline.The first line in the mc is: var portfoliostate;On frame 20 of the timeline, I have the following actionscript: portfoliostate = "1_ portfolio";When a button is clicked, I want Flash to recognise if the user has been on frame 20 or not. The code on the button is:this.onRelease = function()[code]However it does not seem to be working. I am implementing this correctly?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Find Timeline Position Of Movie?

Sep 3, 2010

How to find Timeline Position of my Movie.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Chnaging Position In Song Timeline?

Oct 2, 2004

how do u make a currently playing song (s1) move to a new spot in the song?1.position=wure;were wure is the position in milliseconds i want it to bedoes not seem to work .s1.stop;,0);

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Position In Song Timeline?

Oct 2, 2004

how do u make a currently playing song (s1) move to a new spot in the song? s1.position=wure; were wure is the position in milliseconds i want it to be does not seem to work .


does not seem to work either

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As2 :: Control Mc Button Based On Main Timeline Position?

Oct 2, 2009

I have a thumbs_mc with thumbnail images. Within thumbs_mc, I have a transparent overlay_mc that functions as a button. Mouse over the overlay_mc and the alpha chages so there is a tint over that particular thumbnailWhen overlay_mc is clicked, the main timeline goes to a particular frame label.What I need to do is have the position of the playhead on the main timeline also determine the alpha of the overlay_mc so the viewer knows which thumbnail is playing.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Different Page On The Website Exists At A Different Position On The Timeline?

Aug 6, 2009

This must have been done before and be really easy but I am a newbie so just keep coming up with compiler errors. I have built a website in flash cs4 using as3. I have set up the time line so that each different page on the website exists at a different position on the timeline. Sections have been labeled so that I can jump to that section upon button click.

What happens is when the link to the page/section is clicked the timeline jumps to that section and plays an animation that animates the page onto the stage then stops.("in animation") When you click another link the page should animate off of the stage ("out animation")and the next one animates in.

(I have set the time line up so that after each "in" animation there is a stop and after each "out" animation there is a stop.) This is where i'm having the problem.

I have set up event listeners for the button clicks But i can only get them to either play the "out" animation then that stops, using this code:


What i would like to know is how to add the two together so that when a button is clicked the information about what was clicked is added to a variable. The function plays the out animation then when that is complete checks the variable where the page clicked information is then jumps to that section on the timeline and plays it's "in" animation

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IDE :: Getting The Mouse Position?

Jan 1, 2010

I am trying to get the mouse's position even when it is outside of the flash window. How can I do this?stage.mouseX/Y only returns the mouse position on the stage, not when the mouse is outside. Is there another way?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Possible To Fix The Mouse's Position?

Apr 11, 2010

The closest I have come to is the basic mouse hide and then mouse show, however this only gives the illusion of the cursor not being there, however you can still use it. I would like the cursor to be 'disabled' within the flash movie for a limited time. Either by it disapearing and then reappearing, or by it being frozen in place

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use Mouse Position In It?

Jan 12, 2009

How can i use mouse position in as3?

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IDE :: CS3 - Possible To Move The Mouse To A Certain Position?

Jan 27, 2009

I have a panning background with buttons in it. It would be nice if when the button is pressed i could move the position of the mouse so that the movie pans and catches up with the new position. Is this possible?

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Flash :: Dynamically Change The Width / Position Of A Timeline-animated Mask?

Jan 27, 2010

I've got a movieclip with two layers - a background movieclip, and above that, a mask movieclip (as you might guess, this layer is masking the first). Due to design necessity, the mask is animated on the timeline across 60 frames.The problem arises when I use an Event.RESIZE listener to change the width of the parent movieclip when the browser window is resized. Any code to reference the mask, i.e

parentMC.contentMask.width = stage.stageWidth;
parentMC.contentMask.x = frame.width/2 - frame.contentMask.width/2;

Simply results in the mask animation not playing at all.

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Flash :: Resume Animation From Last Position Irrespective Of Whether Pause It On Main Timeline?

Sep 17, 2011

I have found a generic recursive loop that stops/pauses all child movieclips. If I change stop to play in the code, it plays all child movieclips simultaneously. I want it to resume only one animation at a time. I want a generic recursive loop that resumes animation from last position (position it was paused) irrespective of whether I have paused on the main timeline animation or animations within child movieclips or animations within grandchild movieclips. (I have animations on main timeline, animations within lastFrame MC of maintimeline, and again within last frame MC of child's timeline).[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Nested Movie Clip Position In Relation To Root Timeline?

Feb 23, 2009

when I attach an mc inside another movie clip and then during interaction with the movie change the _x of that parent clip to whatever other value than original location, the _x of the child mc does not change as it regards its position in relation to the parent - moving the parent does not move the child within it how do i find the _x of the child in relation to the _root though as opposed to the relation to its parent?

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Mouse X Position Altering Object?

Nov 20, 2009

I want to do something which is probably pretty simple but I've got absolutely no idea how to do it!What I want is for the Alpha value of an object (movie clip) to change depending on the x position of the mouse. So when the mouse is at 0 the alpha of the object will be 0%, and when it's at 100 the alpha will be 100%

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Sprite Y Based On Mouse Position?

Jul 20, 2011

So I'm working on my portfolio and I got this problem. The code posted scrolls the sprite "cellContainer" based on the position of stage.mouseY. Perfect.Problem is that I want stage.mouseY to equal the entire cellContainer height. Kind of like how a small tablet equals a huge monitor. So when stage.mouseY = 0,cellContainer.y = 0 and when stage.mouseY = stage.stageHeight, cellContainer.y = stage.stageHeight - cellContainer.height. Right now, it scrolls, but it takes a while to scroll throught the entire height of cellContainer. I want it to be proportional to stage.mouseY.

Actionscript Code:
private function scrollStart(e:Event)[code]....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Set Mc At Top Position On Mouse Click?

Jul 28, 2009

I have 16 MC on stage when they are clicked they can be draged but how do i make the one being clicked above all the others?

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