ActionScript 1/2 :: Variable To Track Position In Timeline

Sep 10, 2009

I am trying to create a variable in Actionscript 2 that will record the position in the timeline, so Flash knows the user's last position on the timeline.The first line in the mc is: var portfoliostate;On frame 20 of the timeline, I have the following actionscript: portfoliostate = "1_ portfolio";When a button is clicked, I want Flash to recognise if the user has been on frame 20 or not. The code on the button is:this.onRelease = function()[code]However it does not seem to be working. I am implementing this correctly?

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I may be chewed out for my methodology of how I'm developing this application which I am okay with as long as it enables me to be a better developer.That being said, I was wondering: how do all of you track movie timeline calls?I am building a web site for my company similar to 2advanced as there's just A LOT of graphic elements and animation. Because there are so many calls and a lot of the look is based on one element being called simultaneously and/or exactly after another element I'm having a hard time keeping track of all the calls(yes....I'm doing ALL of these calls in the timeline). Right now I have a hand-drawn tree diagram and it just keeps getting larger and larger.

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if (_root._currentframe == "red") {
mark_red_btn._visible = true;

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does not seem to work either

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Feb 10, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Different Page On The Website Exists At A Different Position On The Timeline?

Aug 6, 2009

This must have been done before and be really easy but I am a newbie so just keep coming up with compiler errors. I have built a website in flash cs4 using as3. I have set up the time line so that each different page on the website exists at a different position on the timeline. Sections have been labeled so that I can jump to that section upon button click.

What happens is when the link to the page/section is clicked the timeline jumps to that section and plays an animation that animates the page onto the stage then stops.("in animation") When you click another link the page should animate off of the stage ("out animation")and the next one animates in.

(I have set the time line up so that after each "in" animation there is a stop and after each "out" animation there is a stop.) This is where i'm having the problem.

I have set up event listeners for the button clicks But i can only get them to either play the "out" animation then that stops, using this code:


What i would like to know is how to add the two together so that when a button is clicked the information about what was clicked is added to a variable. The function plays the out animation then when that is complete checks the variable where the page clicked information is then jumps to that section on the timeline and plays it's "in" animation

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Jan 27, 2010

I've got a movieclip with two layers - a background movieclip, and above that, a mask movieclip (as you might guess, this layer is masking the first). Due to design necessity, the mask is animated on the timeline across 60 frames.The problem arises when I use an Event.RESIZE listener to change the width of the parent movieclip when the browser window is resized. Any code to reference the mask, i.e

parentMC.contentMask.width = stage.stageWidth;
parentMC.contentMask.x = frame.width/2 - frame.contentMask.width/2;

Simply results in the mask animation not playing at all.

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Flash :: Resume Animation From Last Position Irrespective Of Whether Pause It On Main Timeline?

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I have found a generic recursive loop that stops/pauses all child movieclips. If I change stop to play in the code, it plays all child movieclips simultaneously. I want it to resume only one animation at a time. I want a generic recursive loop that resumes animation from last position (position it was paused) irrespective of whether I have paused on the main timeline animation or animations within child movieclips or animations within grandchild movieclips. (I have animations on main timeline, animations within lastFrame MC of maintimeline, and again within last frame MC of child's timeline).[code]...

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Feb 23, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Variable For X, Y Position?

Nov 20, 2009

I have bought some code to make a starry night in my animation but I need to make this either only appear inside a movie clip, or on a certain part of the stage, can anyone tell me how to alter the below code so I can do this? do you I need to add in some x, y coordinates?

import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
var maxStars:Number = 25;
var minSize:Number = 50;


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Get An Externally Loaded Movie Clip To Inherit The Playhead Position Of The Main Timeline?

Oct 17, 2009

I have been approached to design a configurator for a new television product. The Application will let users specify the colours of certain parts of the product and also attach addons, which then updates a cost total.

In the main interface i have a looping animation of the product slowly rotating around 360 degrees that i rendered in 3ds max. When a user clicks a button on the interface i need to load an external movieclip on top of the main animation so it looks as though a certain part has changed colour, this i have acheived. The problem is that when i load the external clip over the original, the loaded clip starts playing from frame 1 and i need it to inherit the playhead position of the main animation so the two layered pieces look as though they are rotating as one. I'm sure this must be possible, unless i need to approach the problem in a different way?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making A Variable With X And Y Position?

Feb 12, 2009

I am working on a client who wants a "Game-like" tour of their facilities on their website. I can use flash and do some very basic actionscript ..especially cutting and pasting

At any rate, I have character that moves on the main tour map and he starts in the parking lot...he can go from one screen ( scene ) to another. But when the character returns to the main tour map he always starts at the same location. As opposed to starting where he just came from. Such as if he just went into the "Process Plant" he should start on the main map at the "Proccessing plant" ... Can I set the X Y coordinates in some type of variable that remembers where he came from when he exits another scene and returns to the main map...?

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Professional :: MoveMC - Adding Variable To Y Position

Mar 31, 2010

I have the following working line:
moveMC.y = twn.bounceBall01.y
It successfully gets the y value of bounceBall within the MC twn, and applies it to the y value of moveMC. How do I replace the 01 in bounceBall with the following global variable: I've tried using a way that Ned successfully showed me for a different situation, plus tried some other permutations, but Flash says "no way dude".

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Professional :: Netstream FLV Position Store In Variable?

May 16, 2010

I have a AS2 netstream instance, in which I am loading various flv's into. The 'main' video has links to other visble when its playing. I want to be able to store the position of the flv (in seconds) so that when the user comes back to the 'main' video it remembers where it was and contiues to play. This is the code I have written so far regarding this (its probably massively wrong).

var remember:Number;
if( == ("flvs/reel.flv")) {   ns.time = remember;  trace ("stored"); }


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Flash :: Get The Position Of Instance Whose Name Is Stored In An Variable?

Nov 18, 2009

How can I obtain the position of a instance whose name is stored in an variable? If there is a instance whose name I don't know, but the instance's name is store in an variable x. How can I obtain its position?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Position Dynamic Text Box With A Variable?

Mar 8, 2011

I would like to load my text variable(numerical value)into the _y = ???;Here is how I'm loading my text file. Variable1 works. Variable2 doesn't(script was a guess)

myData = new LoadVars();
myData.onLoad = function() {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Code Doesn't Define Position Variable?

Nov 28, 2010

I run a demo code,it extends Sprite,like follows:

public class Vehicle extends Sprite{   protected var _position:Vector2D;   public function Vehicle(){     _position = new Vector2D();    draw();   }   protected function draw():void{     graphics.clear();     graphics.lineStyle(0); [code]....
I don't understand following code,because I only define _position and don't define position variable,why I can use position.x?     x = position.x;     y = position.y;

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