ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Creating A .swf Using The Ming Library For PHP?
Mar 13, 2012
I am dynamically creating a .swf using the Ming library for PHP. It doesn't support sound objects but it does support streaming MP3 Files. I need to know what happens to a .swf with an exported .mp3? I am hoping that using something like swf2flv will embed the .mp3 into the .flvBefore we get into a debate about reasons NOT to convert a .swf to a .flv it is absolutely necessary for my project.
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Nov 19, 2010
hmm how do I describe what I'm trying to do.. well here it is: In my flash library I have a series of movieclip with names like clip00, clip01, clip02 they are set to export for actionscript as the same name.
Now in my as file I'm importing a xml file that has the names of the clips which to place on the stage. Now if it were just a regular case I would do
I hope I am somewhat clear, please let me know if I can explain further. My project is really complex and I tried simplify it here. Please help or suggest alternative method.
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Jun 10, 2010
I am making a Thumbnail class which is part of my Photo Gallery Package that I am building with the intent of automatically generating my thumbnails. I do not want to limit myself to just AS3 animations, I would also like the ability to use timeline animations. I have a system using "in" and "out" for frame labels which I find very efficient and I get stuff done quickly. So I created the thumbnails holder MovieClip with the animations and have it linked in my Library, however, when I try to pass it to my Thumbnail Class, I only get one instance and I need to create several instances.
Document Class
ActionScript Code:
var thumbCont:mcThumb = new mcThumb();
thumbNails = new Thumbnails(thumbCont);
Thumbnails Class
ActionScript Code:
var thumbContainer:MovieClip;
public function Thumbnails(thumbCont:MovieClip,) {
thumbContainer = thumbCont;
}private function createThumbs():void {
for (var i:int = 0; i < aThumbs.length; i++) {
[Code] .....
I eliminated most of the additional stuff. What this does is that it doesn't create several thumbContainers, rather it just uses the one. So how would I be able to generate several of them? I can obviously create an Array with them and create them in my document class, but if I can avoid that and have my thumbnail class do it by itself, that would be perfect.
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May 2, 2011
In the past, we've put a stop() action in the timeline of movieclip symbols so that the timeline would not play and we would control all animations via code. We've also done that to the main timeline as well. Is this still needed for performance reasons? Is this needed for dynamically created movieclips? I know that the Sprite class should be used if there is no timeline associated with it.
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Dec 14, 2011
I'm trying to generate a flv video from several pngs but the output video seems to be corrupted, no player can play it.[code]The browser do not display anything (not even for milliseconds) and nor do the vlc player and others. To grab to video to file i use:URL...Whats wrong with importing the png? Why I cant watch the video?
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Mar 10, 2012
my facebook application is posting an SWF on user wall the SWF is created in PHP with Ming (good decision?)
I want to make a button that switch the view to full screen mode, do you know how I can do it?
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Nov 14, 2010
[code]will create an instance of the movieclip "levelUp_mc" and play it.I have the same code in a function in a class, but it doesn't do anything. What is going on?
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Oct 11, 2010
I am starting to create classes instead of using the timeline and I am learning a lot more even if mistakes happen more often. However I have a question about linkage & library. For example let say that I have a ball pic called Ball1.mpg. I copy and past that Ball1.mpg in my folder where the Fla file is as well as the as file. If I want to utilize this Ball1.mpg in my code using Flash do I absolutely need to import into my library and link it and export using linkage? Or can I use the object Ball.1mpg just using actionscript. Of course that implies that I would use an actionscript class not the timeline.
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Jul 5, 2009
So I've decided to at least have a fallback option outside of cs4 for all further projects by using a shared library (IE, my graphics in a separate swf)So, what are some programs that would allow me to do this? Preferrably something that can take illustrator files. Anything thats going to let me package graphics for as3/flash 9+I looked at swfmill, but does it function with as3? I couldn't figure this out, it looks like it was last updated in 2005 and the tutorial was still talking about attachmovie (which is deprecated)A program like this would be useful for new versions of HaXe as well. Having everything you're developing thrown in a single .fla is awful for a lot of reasons
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Dec 26, 2011
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Mar 2, 2011
I'm trying to create a game where coloured items can be matched to coloured pegs on a washline but am having trouble with creating an array thet will place the pegs onto to the washline. I have 6 pegs and I wish to randomly attach 3 of them onto the line each time the swf is played.
Currently the pegs are labeled :
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Mar 31, 2005
why this sort of, but doesn't work?I'm just creating a group of buttons using imported pictures without having anything in the library.Here's the code I'm using:
[AS]clipArray = [];
posArray = [];
for (var k = 0; k<3; k++) {
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Feb 25, 2009
I have a large number of bitmaps, all of different shapes and sizes, and all with associated data (i.e. name, description, cost, weight etc). I want to get all these items into AS in a data structure.Based on what I know I could put together an XML file and parse that and then load each bitmap individually, but that could be very slow as it would mean loading lots of little bitmap files one at a time.I could put all the bitmaps into one big bitmap and store their xywidthheight in the xml as well so that I only have to load one bitmap but that seems a bit tricky, especially if I need to add or remove items.
I could embed all this into a class and have it load everything at compile time which is ok but not very friendly to people who aren't programmers and or don't have the source file to recompile.Is there something i can do using maybe flash to create bitmaps with additional properties and put them all in a swf that would be easy to edit by anyone using point and click?
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Nov 13, 2009
im creating a library that holds a bunch of myObjects. I 'register' these objects and give them a label(String) so I can access them later. There's 2 ways I can do this easily:
[AS]var libraryictionary = new Dictionary();
//set reference (takes MyObject)
library[myObject.label] = myObject;
//get refernce (takes string, returns myObject)
return library["label"][/AS]
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Nov 1, 2006
how do i dynamically add sounds from the library? i have tryed
_root.attachMovie("sown", "sown",999)
var my_sound:Sound = new Sound();
my_sound.loadSound("sown", false); //externaly the file is also named "sown" (no extension)
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Mar 9, 2010
I have clips in my library (Slide1, Slide2, etc) and I want to add them dynamically, this is how I'm adding them at the mo;
switch (CS) {
case 1 :
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Apr 19, 2010
How to call a movie dynamically from library in CS4 ?I have already made a separate movie clip.I went to advanced, linkage
class ----"slider"
base ----// it was disabled
also it gives error even if i do not right anything on AS3 "Class or Interface not present"
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Mar 17, 2009
I have the following as code in a separate file placed in the root folder of the swf file. The as file is the class for a MovieClip in the library.When i manually place the library symbol on the stage, the MC works fine and draws the square with the nodes. However, when I try to create a copy using ' new sqMC();' code, I get an error.
package {
import flash.geom.Point;
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Jun 8, 2011
I am trying to call in images dynamically from my Library in a more efficient manner.
With an bitmap image in the Library set up for actionscript with the class name of 'itemFromLib', i tried:
function placeImage():void {
var _img:itemFromLib = new itemFromLib();
var _bitName:Bitmap = new Bitmap(_img);
Both with the results of an error that "1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type Class to an unrelated type flash.display:BitmapData."
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Sep 7, 2010
I'm trying to load images from the library not externally, i know how to load externally but the thing is i need these images to be instantaneous when browsing, so i cannot load them externally.[code]...
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Apr 5, 2006
I have Button components that are populated dynamically. The buttons need to each have an icon (using the button.icon property).The icon however, is retrieved via webservices so all I recieve is a URL to the jpg that needs to be loaded as the icon. When using the icon property, you load an instance of something in your library over the top of your button. So I was wondering if there was a way to retrieve this url, and load it into the library which would then allow me to use it as an icon??
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Feb 22, 2009
I want to load one out of 18 different instances from my library (exported as mc1-mc18). In AS2 this was simple! I fetched the variable (whC) that contained the name of the movieclip to be loaded and just put it into attachMovie
In AS3 do I have to use this long if/else statement to make it work the same?
public function fetchTile(whC:String):MovieClip {
if (whC=="mc1") {
fetched= new mc1();
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Oct 4, 2009
I am in the process of creating an info box Object, which displays one of the five organizational informations, dynamically on the user's choice. All the code is in the associated Class.I am stuck with one issue. It requires adding a PNG image, from a set of 5 small images, placed in the Library, on the top-left corner of the movie; appropriate to the contents. I tried adding an image container movieclip at the required position; but don't know how to attach the image, from the library, to this container.
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May 8, 2011
I need help with oulining dynamic text. Is there any plugin or external library to do it dynamically?I made imitation of outline text by copying written text, and placing it under the original. Then increase it's width and height, change it's color. But it is not looking so good as i thought it would look..
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Feb 1, 2010
i'm porting an old AS2 project to AS3, And have encounter a problem. I've tried a few different things but had no success.
in AS2 when dynamically attaching a MC from the library i would sometimes use an array. the array would hold linkage reference's, like so;
var mc:String = state_ar[currentState];
targetMC = this.container[mc];
How would i do this in AS3?
View 3 Replies
Aug 14, 2010
I am loading an external SWF containing uninstantiated MovieClip Symbols. I can get the SWF loaded, no problem. If I call:loader.contentLoaderInfo.applicationDomain.getDefinition( "TestClip" ) as ClassI get the class of a Library symbol called "TestClip", which I can then instantiate. Jawesome.The issue I'm having is that basically I want to have access to all of the Library symbols without needing to explicitly know their names. I was hoping to use:
describeType( loader.contentLoaderInfo.applicationDomain ); get reflective access to the Library symbols, but the XML returned doesn't seem to include any references to them. Perhaps I'm calling it on the wrong object? I also don't want to have to explicitly create coded instances to gain access. This is for a tool for Flash artists, and it's important to avoid code, even simple code.
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Sep 7, 2010
Trying to load images dynamically from library NOT externally since i want these images to be loaded when the site is launched. Basically i have several buttons, each button returns an event that throws a specific image name to grab. Here is the function;
function sendDisplayData(e:MouseEvent){
display_mc.displayName.text = e.currentTarget.parent.menuItemName.text; //name of image eg. "myImageName" in the library;
//create the image object
So how can i make this function dynamic by using a String and then grabbing the image related to that string from the library.
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Jan 31, 2010
i'm porting an old AS2 project to AS3, And have encounter a problem. I've tried a few different things but had no AS2 when dynamically attaching a MC from the library i would sometimes use an array. the array would hold linkage reference's, like so;
ActionScript Code:
var mc:String = state_ar[currentState];
View 7 Replies
Aug 16, 2010
I'd like to add a couple of different MC's to the particle stream. I'd like to do that by referencing different items in the library.So I have 12 different particles in the library exported with classes named from Bubble0 to Bubble10 now as I run through my for loop I'd like it to use a different particle each time. first time I tried:
ActionScript Code:
var bubbleArray:Array = new Array();
for (var j:uint = 0; j < NUMBER_OF_BUBBLES; j++) {
Scene 1, Layer 'actions', Frame 1, Line 871086: Syntax error: expecting semicolon before leftbracket.Is what I'm trying to do possible without some clunky switch statement?
P.S. I tried searching the forum for an answer but the terms are so common I couldn't find what I'm looking for.
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