ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating Array Containing Multiple Library Movieclips

Mar 2, 2011

I'm trying to create a game where coloured items can be matched to coloured pegs on a washline but am having trouble with creating an array thet will place the pegs onto to the washline. I have 6 pegs and I wish to randomly attach 3 of them onto the line each time the swf is played.
Currently the pegs are labeled :


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Actionscript 3 :: Instantiating Movieclips From Library And Also Creating Them Dynamically Is Stop() Needed?

May 2, 2011

In the past, we've put a stop() action in the timeline of movieclip symbols so that the timeline would not play and we would control all animations via code. We've also done that to the main timeline as well. Is this still needed for performance reasons? Is this needed for dynamically created movieclips? I know that the Sprite class should be used if there is no timeline associated with it.

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Flash :: Call Library Movieclips From An Array Of Strings?

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I have an array of strings. Each string is a name of a class. How can I call the library item with the class name that corresponds to the string in the array?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Array Or Vector With Movieclips From Library?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using An Array To 'pull Out' Random Movieclips From Library

Apr 12, 2009

i am trying to pull out a random movieclip from the library and use "addChild" to add it to another movieclip on stage by using an array.basically, i need to be able to create an array that has all the names of the movieclips i want to randomly pull out... and then randomly select a name from that array so i can use it to get the movieclip out.i cant seem to be able to tell flash that the name in the array is referring to a movieclip in the library.which is why the code below returns an error..[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Random Array Of Library Movieclips?

Jun 22, 2009

I have 4 groups of movieclips all with different names.


Group1 contains dog_mc, cat_mc and bird_mc
Group2 contains shoe_mc, hat_mc and pants_mc

What I am trying to do is load a random group initially (either 1-4), then I want to play that group of movieclips. Once that group is completed playing all its movieclips, I want to move on to the next group and play all those movieclips. When all groups and movieclips have completed, I want to loop back to the start.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Movieclips From The Library To An Array Or Vector?

Dec 2, 2010

how to load movieclips from the library to an array or vector?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating Multiple Movieclips In A Container Mc?

Jun 10, 2010

I have a problem creating multiple movieclips inside a container mc. The one created later always overwrited the one created immediately before it and ended up with only the last one left in the container mc. Below is the code:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating Multiple 'movieclips' In A For Loop?

Jun 15, 2011

create movieclips in a for loop.Basically I am trying to create a series for movieclips and add these to my stage based on an array of values.

for (var i:Number = 0; i < product_total; i++) { = productid[i]


This code works fine to add one but I can't add more instances?Appears addChild not render mutiple instances on the stage.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating Multiple Empty Movieclips?

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creating some with the .createEmptyMovieClip() see i have a variable rks and accoding to the amount specified in the rks,i want flash to create that number of movieclips

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating Multiple Movieclips And Adding Images

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Actionscript 3 :: Convert An Array Of Strings To Classes To Call Movieclips From Library?

Jan 10, 2012

I have an array of ingredients for soup as strings. These ingredients are also movieclips in my library, all linked with an identifier. I want to add the movieclips to the stage dynamically.

I tried getDefinitionByName but I keep getting an error that the variable "appel" (veg[0] in this case) is undefined. And basically, I only have a general idea what I'm doing here, so I would be grateful if someone could explain it to me or link me to a helpful tutorial.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error Creating A Dynamic Array Of Movieclips

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating Instances Of Movieclips In An Array And Putting Them On Stage?

Feb 22, 2012

Is this correct? I am gettign this errorTypeError: Error #1007: Instantiation attempted on a non-constructor.I am trying to created a new instance of a movieclip on stage based on the number from elderCount.

//elderCount is a var:Number
var elderMan:Array = new Array(new starMovie());
var Star:starMovie = new elderMan[elderCount](stage);


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Professional :: Multiple MovieClips Loading SWF From Same Array?

Jun 14, 2010

I'm currently working on a project that has eight separate movieclips (for loading content) on separate layers.  I have placed code in these mc's to randomly draw from the same array of 61 different swf's.  Each mc randomizes the array just fine, but here's the problem.  The code works great for one instance, but as soon as I add the code (including renaming) to the other mc's, the swf won't load/play.  I am not getting an compiler errors, and am kinda stuck as to what the problem may be.  Here's an example of the code I'm using.  It is the same for each mc, except I'm renaming the variables as well as the instances for each mc.


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Array For Hiding Multiple Movieclips?

Dec 4, 2010

I have the following simple code that functions just fine. What I would like is to be able to use the first three linesybutton1.visible=false;mybutton2.visible=false;mybutton3.visible=false;) and group them into an array or something so I can have that run within the functions showImage1,showImage2 and showImage3 without having to write it out each time like I've done belowHaven't really used arrays, so not sure how to do it.

Code: Select allmybutton1.visible=false;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: HitTesting Against Multiple Movieclips Within An Array

Feb 4, 2012

im having a really frustrating problem. I have 6 movieclips on the stage, all acting as 'map areas', these are named area1_mc, area2_mc and so on.. I then have a car which i drive around the screen, this instance name is car_mc ... All i want to do is do a HitTest to determine if the car is on one of the 6 areas.. i have the following


The reason it is not working i think is it is expecting the car to be on ALL map areas in order for it to be "on map". For example if the car is in the middle of area1_mc, i get three traces. On map (refferign to it being on area1_mc) then two traces of 'off map', because it obviously isnt on area2_mc or area3_mc.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Multiple Images Loaded Into Movieclips Placed In Array?

Nov 13, 2009

I am trying to build a image-gallery-type picslider class. I have a playlist.xml whose architecture should be clear from the URLLoader stuff in my code. What I aim to do is to load 3 initial images into MoviClips and place the three in an array.Then, I'll manipulate the array to allow the user to flip left or right between images, while loading others offscreen.What I am hiving trouble with is loading multiple images into MCs using the Loader object inside a loop. When I run the code below, only the last image loaded appears inside a MC on the stage.Do I need to dynamically create loaders for each iteration?

import flash.display.*;[code]......

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Actionscript 3 :: Store And Compare Multiple Movieclips Array Values?

Jul 9, 2011

I am creating a card game application in that dynamic movieclips created on stage and inside those movieclips different cards can drop, which have some values.

If one movieclip contains one card and another movieclip contained two cards and all the other movieclips 3rd,4th,5th.. etc contains some cards then, if i want to go back and want to drop another card at the top of the old one, than how i can do this, because when i go back and drop a new card inside movieclip than it replaces the old one. i don't want to create a new array for each movieclip.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Multiple Movieclips To An Array (in One Line Of Code)

Mar 6, 2009

var menuArr:Array = [home_mc, menu1_mc, menu2_mc];

when I iterate with a for loop to add event listeners

var i:uint;
for (i=0; i<menuArr.length; i++)


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash For Loop Loading Multiple Images Into Multiple Movieclips

Feb 5, 2012


I have a group of 16 images that I would like to load 1 of each into each movieclip. I want image1 to be inside of visual1, image 2 inside of visual2, and so on. the images are named like, 1960s_(1).png where the 1960 (year) part is coming from the rangeNum variable. The above gives me this error: 1061: Call to a possibly undefined method addChild through a reference with static type int.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Multiple Images On To Multiple Movieclips?

Sep 16, 2009

I have 50 images that need to be on stage, which will be embedded into 50 different movie clips. I named the movie clips image1-image50 and the images are in an external folder named 1-50. Every freaking article or tutorial I have found clearly explains how to upload one image, or just one at a time. I can do that, and spend 2 days renaming all the functions, but I do not want to do that. Is there a better way to just load all 50 images, place them accordingly?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Multiple Images Into Multiple MovieClips?

Oct 26, 2009

I have 24 movie clips on the stage: my_menu.image_holder_mc1 thru my_menu.image_holder_mc24. I want to load an image in each one. How do I identify the holder which to add a child.

The Code I have so far is....

for (var i:Number=1; i<=24;i++){
var myLoader:Loader = new Loader(); = "image_"+i;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Array Text Into Textfield And Creating New Line For Each Array Element?

Oct 4, 2006

I have an array called dropTarg1 which stores dropped-in items.I want to loop through this array and in a textfield, display each array item on a new line of this text fieldI think I need to use something like Array.join("/n") but I can't get it working properly. I hope that the /n would create a new line of the text field called reviewBoxContentText.

for(var i:Number = 0; i<dropTarg.length; i++){
autoSize = true;


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IDE :: Loading Movieclips From Library?

Nov 9, 2009

i used this code with linkage to load a movieclip from library using flash action script 3

btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP,goLayersS ite);
function goLayersSite(Event)
var myMovieClip:MovieClip = new Tree();

i want to know how am i able to load a flash movie clip from my current library into my stage with using a button via flash action script 2.

since im using other codes in action script 2 i can not cancel them and i really need to load a movie clip in my AS2 FLA.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [CS4] Loading Movieclips From Library Via XML

Feb 5, 2009

I'll do my best to keep this question as short as possible:

I've made 5 'fruit' movieclips and they're in my library.

And using so.addVariable("getNumber", "003"); in my HTML code, I'd like those particular fruit movieclips to play one after the other (and then loop).

I've had a look around for something similar, without luck, so I'm trying to make it from scratch. I got as far as getting it to load the first number and then the first type and url, but I'm stuck on getting to go onto the next type, also being able to define (with addVariable) which number's nodes gets played.

Here's an example of my XML to show the structure.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<number="001" >


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GotoAndPlay Any MovieClips Timeline In Library?

Nov 23, 2010

I was wondering if there is a way to tell flash to navigate to a movieclips timeline without that movie clip being on stage or having an instance...

For example i have MovieClip1 in my Library and its named MovieClip1...but its not located on the stage...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Movieclips From Library?

Dec 1, 2008

I want to add 20 Moviclips at a time by Loop, from Library. so can any body tell me how could it possible.I can add one MovieClip just by as:

var mc:Movieclip = new MovieName();

But i need some string type method which can add multiple MovieClips from Library at a AS2 there was a method for attchMovie, in which we can add Linkage name with Name0, Name1, Name2 as 'Name'+i.....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use Library Movieclips With Classes?

Jan 15, 2010

I've created a carousel class which takes one parameter, an array of menu item names, these will then be displayed on the carousel. I've then created  two movieclips for the left and right controls, added them to the library and given them classes of their own.Within the carousel class I instantiate instances of the two control classes which then enables me to add event listeners for rollover and rollout.

What I'd like to know is, is this the best way to do this short of creating the controls using pure actionscript?I'd like to not have to add the class properties for the left and right controls and have a situation where I could just give them the right name and they would work or maybe pass them in as parameters and use them that way.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Movieclips From The Library?

Feb 25, 2010

I have several buttons that on mouse over will load a library movie clip. I want that movieclip to load on top of everything then once it's played allow me to either replay that movieclip by hovering over the button again or play a different movieclip by hovering over another button etc etc. with the ability to repeat this.
My code below currently loads my movieclip on top in hte corerct place however wont allow me to hover over another button and only plays once: var my_packages_mc:MovieClip = new packages_mc();var my_treatments_mc:MovieClip = new treatments_mc();


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