ActionScript 3.0 :: Editing Linked Library Items Class?
Sep 28, 2009
created a mc in library, gave it classname...everything works, can access it by var asd = new classname();
created with classname class as i need to add variable to the movieclip and getting error 1180: call to possibly undefined method "classname".is there any difference in a class if it's a library element?
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Aug 13, 2009
I'm practice with Flash, and trying out different things, but somehow, I managed to create a movie symbol from a graphic symbol, and now whenever I try deleting one of the symbols, it effects the other symbol as well.
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Dec 9, 2010
Library symbol "Card" is linked to class "Card" which extends "MovieClip". Library symbol "Card" contains a card background image.Library symbol "Ace" is linked to class "Ace", which extends class "Card". Library symbol "Ace" contains a TextField with a big letter "A".So we have Ace extends Card which extends MovieClip. Ace therefore extends MovieClip, but does not DIRECTLY extend MovieClip.When I drop an instance of Ace on the stage and compile the clip, all that shows up is the big letter A. However, I expected the background image from Card to be included, since Ace extends Card, and the Card symbol contains the background.It seems like Flash ignores symbol content unless it belongs to the top-level class being instantiated.I think it's LAME that one symbol can't extend another. The IDE could easily draw Card as a non-editable background while I'm editing Ace which extends it, and it should instantiate Card's content and then Ace's content when an Ace is instantiated.
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Nov 24, 2006
I've found several threads on the MOUSE_UP "problem" with AS3 where onReleaseOutside, in its AS2 form, doesn't work. The solution being to add a MOUSE_UP event to the Stage.
Question is, if I have a slide-bar class, a simple dragger, its it happens to be added to a movieclip thats in another movieclip etc, do I have to adjust my class continually so that I use: this.parent.parent.parent etc. to get to the Stage to set this listener? I can't just set it using Stage.addListener.
I think this looks cryptic - but to those that have run into this specific MOUSE_UP issue, I'm sure this will look familiar.
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Jun 7, 2009
Running Flash CS3, I've reviewed the tutorial on building particle systems in ActionScript 3.0 to try and build some shooting sparks in an animation.I'm getting stuck at what I think is a really elementary point, but I can't seem to get past it.
Basically, all I'm trying to do at this point is create a class called Particle (which I will teach to do things that particles do a little later) link it to a MovieClip on the stage in my .fla file and use the particle's update function to move it across the stage in a manner defined in the instance (so I can later give different movement properties to each AS generated instance of the MC). I know there are easier ways to accomplish my base task without loading an external package, but this seems so strightforward that I must be doing something very simple wrong I just can't see so I thought I'd post the code here and see what I'm missing.
I start with a file called in the same folder as my Spark Test.fla file.
In I have the following code:
package{ import flash.display.*; public class Particle extends MovieClip { public xVelocity:Number; public yVelocity:Number; public function Particle() { xVelocity = 0; yVelocity = 0; } public function update():void { this.x += xVelocity; this.y += yVelocity; } }}
So I'm declaring that all particles are built with no motion, but if they are explicitly granted an x or y velocity, they will move by that much when the instance's update function is called in the timeline.
Then in my Spark Test.fla file, I have a small shape in a MovieClip called Spark. In the Linkage properties of Spark I have chosen to Export for ActionScript and Export in FIrst Frame. The class is called Spark and the Base class is Particle. For testing purposes I've dropped an instance on the stage and called it spark. Then in the actions layer in the first frame (the timeline is just the spark layer and the actions layer, one frame long each with no "stop();" so it should run forever) I have included the following code:
spark.xVelocity = 5;spark.yVelocity = -1;
function updateSpark(event:Event):void{ spark.update();}
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, updateSpark);
What it looks like this should do is on each ENTER_FRAME Flash should call updateSpark which is a function that runs the update() event for the spark instance which is a instance of a movieclip that has an update event which moves x and y position by their relative velocity variables. This all seems pretty straightforward to me, but when I ctrl-Enter to test the movie, I get the following 3 compiler errors: Line 1: 5000: The class 'Particle' must subclass 'flash.display.MovieClip' since it is linked to a library symbol of that type. Line 7: 1071: Syntax error: expected a definition keyword (such as function) after attribute public, not xVelocity. Line 7: 1084: Syntax error: expecting rightbrace before semicolon.
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Nov 15, 2011
I am having an issue with compiling a .swf. I get the following error on what seems to be related to the images. There is about 40 that are all very similar the the error code listed below:
5000: The class 'com.decalmywall.Emb_EMB_BORDER' must subclass 'flash.display.BitmapData' since it is linked to a library symbol of that type.
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Apr 27, 2009
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May 3, 2010
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Static or not, I just wanted access to the thing for once. Which worked until I had to remove it from the Then it wouldn't budge no matter what I typed.
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Aug 19, 2010
I have a symbol named picHolder. In symbol properties under linkage, I chose "Export for ActionScript" and "Export in frame 1" and gave it a class name of picHolder.Normally, to instantiate a new instance, I'd say:
var tempPic:picHolder = new picHolder();
and I'd go about my way.
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Sep 9, 2009
I have fla_A, and fla_B. fla_B contains a single MovieClip which contains a bunch of MovieClips that are all set to Export for ActionScript (NOT first frame, as this will need to be preloaded). I want to load fla_B into fla_A, and be able to instantiate the nested clips (inside fla_B) as if they were native to fla_A itself.
After loading the swf, I'm using:
Can I cast "e.currentTarget" as something useful like MovieClip (well, not MovieClip, 'cause that doesn't work), or something that will stick around from which I can dynamically load things?
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Aug 17, 2005
i know flash has problems with preloading files that use linkage... i know it has something to do with 'export in first frame'. because when you have that checked you can preload it because its on the same frame as the preloader... but if i dont have it checked it isnt exported and when i click a button i cant hear anything... how to work around this? how must i preload / link my embedded sound files?
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Jun 8, 2010
I duplicated a "Contact" button, movie clip symbol.Trying to edit the text "contact" in the new button but the text tied to the old button keeps getting changed.I duplicated the text symbol that is tied to original "Contact" button.Tried changing the new button again but the link to the old button is the one being changed.I can't seem to find where to unlink the text symbol attached to the original button and then add the new text symbols the duplicated button.
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May 26, 2010
In the Flash authoring environment I can edit a library symbol and all on-stage instances based upon it reflect the changes. How can I do the same thing in ActionScript? There seems to be no way to address a library symbol.
For example:Inside Flash CS3, I have created a Square.swf file that has 100 instances of the library symbol Square.
Now, Square.swf is loaded into another file BlueSquare.swf and I want to change the Square symbol into a blue square so that all instances of Square become blue.How do I do this using Actionscript?
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May 25, 2010
Currently I'm searching for a free solution to simple edit some photos at the users browser. Resizing and Cropping would be mandatory. I'm not searching for an online service (for example SUMO or PIXLR which are great), because I want to include the software into a WYSIWYG Editor. JavaScript would be really nice, but it would have to work in IE 8. Pixastic is a great example, but works only in modern browsers (not IE 8 :-/) Maybe setting up some kind of image processing service with ImageMagick and communicating with it through AJAX could also be an solution? Has anyone gained some experience with such a solution?
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Sep 5, 2011
Here is the title error with complete paths:
\ 5000: The class 'lib.libnote.NotesCore' must subclass 'flash.display.MovieClip' since it is linked to a library symbol of that type.
Firstly, what I have tried and what I am using:
I am mainly from a Java background, so perhaps I am misunderstanding an ActionScript concept; if anybody could point me in the right direction I would be extremely grateful!
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Apr 2, 2010
I'm building a video player using Flash CS4 (hereby referred to as "Flash") to create the graphic symbols and compiling and debugging with Flash Builder 4 ("FB4"). Here are the steps I take in my current workflow: --Create the graphic symbols in Flash. I've created a few different symbols for the player, but I'll focus on just the play/pause button ("ppbutton") here. --In the Library panel, I go to the ppbutton symbol's Linkage properties and link to a class named assets.PlayPauseButtonAsset that extends MovieClip. I do not actually have an assets package nor do I have a class file for PlayPauseButtonAsset as Flash will create them for me when I publish.
--In Flash's Publish settings, I set the project to export a SWC that will be used in FB4, called VideoPlayerAssets.swc. --After the SWC is created, I create my FB4 project called "VideoPlayer" and add the SWC to my path. FB4 creates the class VideoPlayer in the default package automatically. --In, I import assets.*, which imports all of the symbol classes I created in Flash and are available via VideoPlayerAssets.swc. I can now instantiate the ppbutton and add to the stage, like this:
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Dec 3, 2008
I have a scroll file, taken from a tutorial, which is linkedto a class. After having customized my file I did try it and itworks fine. The problem is starting when I try to import this fileto an empty MCL in my website. When I have imported all theelements they do not respond and act like single pieces (es. thescroll bar is detached from the scroller). What can I do?
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Jul 5, 2011
how do i get more than one symbol linked to my class in my file?
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Aug 21, 2009
Say I create a symbol, and then another inside the symbol. In the library I now have 2 symbols. Is there a way to combine these into just one library item?
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Apr 12, 2011
I have a flash file, which is a header for a website. I inherited it from my company's previous webmaster. I was looking through the library items & see alot of images & graphics that I don't see in the finished product on the webpage. The guy worked really sloppy so it's possible there's alot of unused items. Is there anyway to easily tell which items are not used in the final exported flash file so I can clean it up?
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Nov 29, 2011
How can find out the linked url of the image in the flash of a website? I looked for the image url some time. but couldn't find itif find the linked url of the image, and i want to alter an image linked url address. where is the code in?
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Feb 23, 2011
I have a FLA file that has a AS file linked via the document class.
How do I remove the link from the documnet class and the place an import on the timeline to do the same thing ?
View 4 Replies
Jun 28, 2011
I've got a linked class, with an external .as file, tied to a movie clip called "Menu" in an encompassing fla. In this actionscript file, I am trying to pull some information from a few things I made with the flash authoring tool. There are a few symbols on stage in the fla that I drew with instance names "greensboro" and "birmingham", and I want to get their x-position inside some functions of the linked class. I've tried returning a value from "greensboro.x" but of course it says the variable greensboro doesn't exist, because I haven't defined it in the class. Surely there is some way of getting that info in a variable of my linked class!
Edit: here is some code to show what I've tried(cutting everything else). This is in the .as file of the linked class:
package {
import flash.display.*;
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Oct 8, 2011
I am making a game in Flash CS4 using AS3. This is the point. I have a MovieClip called Menu which holds a button with instance name ButPlay. Menu MovieClip is linked to script. This is whats inside the
import flash.display.MovieClip;
When i run the animation i get the this error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at Menu()
When i try to trace the ButPlay inside the Menu i get null object.
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Apr 27, 2006
So I have a movieclip that I want to play nice with my class file. So I set the linkage and all that and it works. But, my initialization function gets called with no parameters, because I have not set any. How do I do that with this method?
I've tried something like:
import tab;
tab1_mc = new tab("left", 5, 55, "testclip.swf", 0);
And that sets the parameters, but not before the linkage on the MovieClip fires. how to get the best of both worlds?
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Nov 28, 2007
I'm trying to link a clip to a class, and it goes well until I try to access MovieClips or TextFields placed on the stage within that clip from code in the class. My code is below; there is a TextField called output_txt on the stage within this clip.
class Main extends MovieClip{
public function Main() {
//trace("123"); <--if I replace the line below with this, it traces nicely
output_txt.text = "123";
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Jul 20, 2009
I downloaded a flash template for my website. All the library items are not local. Here's the path:..........websites20004sources2007dekabr_#lana_2128flashps d1_ikon.png
How can I save my library items so I can edit them in FW? I have CS4.
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Aug 13, 2009
Flash CS4 is really good for design and development point of view. But I noticed two things:If library have more item then there is no option on right click "Select Unused Items". How can I get this option "Select Unused Items" on right Click while library have a more items with scrollbar?Some times the actions window's height increased. At this time there is no option to decrease the height of actions window except the Reset option.
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