ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Player 9.0 When Calling External JS?

Nov 23, 2010

My flash works fine on every platform and every better known browser. However, now I have a small issue on flash 9.0 player, and looks like the main problem is with calling external javascript using externalinterface.Every time I call it for div resizing which resize my flash stage, flash "jumps" or "flickers".I`m not sure what could cause this, but it surely happens only when I use externalinterface and call outside JS F-N.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Access Player.x And Player.y From External Class?

May 8, 2011

I am trying to put together a simple game and have been doing really well until I decided I am going to have to create a new class to handle enemies.What I have so far is a player walking around on random terrains and I am up to the point where I have placed x amount of enemies on stage at appropriate times. I have written their class which will hopefully eventually handle their behavior and it outputs simple trace("BOO!").

Where I face the problem is that I obviously would like to make these enemies follow the player to attack. But when I try to access the .x or .y attributes of the player, it throws an error: 'call to a possibly undefined property with static type Class'?I have tried accessing the .x using the following ways (where badger is my player instance and Main is my class definition within the properties of the FLA):


I have also tried to access other vars and still nope..My class code is this:

import flash.display.MovieClip
import flash.display.Stage


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash StageAlign.BOTTOM, A BUG In Fl Player 9 When Calling ExternalInterface For Resizing?

Nov 23, 2010

This is definitely a huge BUG in flash player 9.Here is some info if someone had run into similar problem?If I try to align flash to: StageAlign.BOTTOMorStageAlign.BOTTOM_RIGHTr
StageAlign.BOTTOM _LEFT and then if I try to resize my flash using externalinterface which will call outside JS that resize div around it, you`ll get flicker effect on your flash.However, if I align Flash to: StageAlign.TOPorStageAlign.TOP_RIGHTorStageAlign.TOP_LEFTand then use external script for resize, everything works fine.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Looking For Flash To Function Calling External Interface Using It?

Aug 18, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Calling External Javascript Inside Flash

Sep 4, 2010

I'm not that good with flash and even worst with javascript.I'm trying to create a flash site for a radio station that will show information from the facebook fan page.I search over the whole Internet and found little or no info on how to do this. This is the code that I want to add to my flash site.[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash On Cd Calling External Swfs Preloading?

Apr 27, 2005

i've created a project that i'm putting on cd-rom. this project calls some externals swf files. everything was working lovely until i tried it from the cd. all the called swf files are running way slow and it's just a i'm trying to figure out preloading to see if that will help. i used some script i found in a thread by Scotty, and looks like the external swfs preloaded okay. and i put a stop() on the first frame of each of the external swfs so they will not play immediately. but now i'm trying to call the swfs when i need them by using a gotoAndPlay(frame) and don't know what i'm doing wrong. i need to have these swfs not play on preload but when i call them, either by EnterFrame or onPress.[code]as an aside to this, some of the forums i've been reading say it's just bad to try doing all this with flash on a cd, that i should try rolling it into director. yowza, haven't touched director in a few years..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash 6 - Calling A Function On An External Swf Timeline?

May 12, 2008

I've tried looking everywhere for this answer, but I'm still at a loss. I'm beginning to think it's not possible or I'm just not looking in the right places.I have three swf files. The main container and then two external swf files being loaded into the main swf. Swf 1 (frame.swf) has a function on the main timeline that needs to be called from a button in swf 2 (toolbox.swf). My initial thought was to place the actionscript of frame.swf into a movieclip and call it from toolbox.swf using:_root.callFunction("PH", "doPhone");Although this would work, I cannot use this option. The actionscript of swf 1 must stay in the main timeline. Using a class file is not an option either. Is there any other way to call a function from the main timeline of an external swf?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash On Cd, Calling External Swfs, Preloading?

Apr 27, 2005

i've created a project that i'm putting on cd-rom. this project calls some externals swf files. everything was working lovely until i tried it from the cd. all the called swf files are running way slow and it's just a mess.used some script i found in a thread by Scotty, and looks like the external swfs preloaded okay. and i put a stop() on the first frame of each of the external swfs so they will not play immediately. but now i'm trying to call the swfs when i need them by using a gotoAndPlay(frame) and don't know what i'm doing wrong. i need to have these swfs not play on preload but when i call them, either by EnterFrame or onPress.

movieArray = new Array("clientsatprinciple.swf", "ccmvie.swf");


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Embedding External Music Player Into Flash Project Possible?

May 28, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: External As3 Swf Loaded As Amv1movie In Flash Player

Jul 15, 2010

I've got a  problem with new flash player (activex component) on  windows 7 and windows XP (vista was not tested) no matter x86 or x64.  This problem doesn't not appear on previous versions of player such as and lower 9.0.45. The problem is: when I load external movie  it loads as amv1movie thought both swf's are in ActionScript3.


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JavaScript :: External Interface On Flash Player Not Working On CDN

Oct 5, 2010

I have a flash player with an external javascript interface: reloadData() I'm calling that function via Javascript when editing information on the page - basically to keep data on the page and in the player in synch. The reloadData() function works fine when the player is hosted locally. When we move it to the CDN (Amazon Cloudfront), the player loads successfully, but the external javascript interface no longer works - console.log(player) reveals the following:

<object type=,"application/x-shockwave-flash" data="[our_cloudfront_url].swf" width="920" height="404" id="player" style="visibility:visible;">
Uncaught TypeError: Object #<an HTMLObjectElement> has no method 'reloadData'

I know there are a lot of things that behave differently when working with items on a CDN, but we're using a CNAME to point to the cloudfront distribution
( =>

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Flash Player Not Playing External Flv File In IE And Chrome?

Aug 27, 2011

I am trying to play an FLV file in a flash player but it is not working in IE9 and Chrome. Works in firefox though.url...Theres 2 videos in the above linked page. One uses a simple flash player while the other uses JW player.Both give a "video not found" error in IE9 and Chrome. Both work in Firefox 5 though.(the link to the flv file is given as text on the page)

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Flash :: FLV Player Totally Contained In Swf No External Files Other Than The FLV?

Feb 24, 2012

I have a banner ad which contains an flv player. Due to size restrictions for banners at the site, I've found a player which I think will do the trick (chrometaphore). However, the site in question does not allow anything more than the actual swf for the ad, so I cannot include the com folder for the player and need to include all AS3 code in the swf file. I'm not a scripting genius, and wonder what it would take to include all the classes in the AS3 file contained in the swf. Is it possible? Does anyone know where I can find a VERY lightweight player whose entire code is contained in the fla?

[edit]: It just occurred to me that if the flv is on a remote server, could the com folder and files also be remote? Currently, the path for the com files looks like this:


What would that script look like if it was pointed to a remote com folder?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: External Legacy Swf's Dynamic Loading In Flash Player 10

Mar 18, 2009

I have been working on this project in flash player 9 until two days ago when we needed to implement a few features that are only available in flash player 10, such as the method. everything worked seamlessly when I change it to 10 except for one thing, when loading an as2 swf into my app. It works fine when previewing, but when I publish, the legacy swf does not appear.
here's my loading code,

private function loadExtSwf () {
imgLoader = new Loader()


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unload External SWF To Free Up Flash Player Memory

Apr 29, 2009

I'm having real problems with unloading external SWFs, I've spent 2 days looking for a solution and looking at this forum and using the code supplied and Flash help files and much much reading and trying, I still cannot achieve the desired results.I have a Menu.swf which hosts many buttons which loads External SWFs ... simple enough and fairly common.These External SWFs are the same size as the menu and so loads completely over the top of Menu.swf which is exactly what I want to happen.I have a button on these External SWFs which I want to, delete the External SWF from the Flash player's memory and remove all event listeners (which I guess will happen if the External SWF is deleted from memory)The reason why I want it to remove the movie completely from memory is that I have 18 items and by the time it loads the 18th item, the player is going slower then trying to swim in hummous.[code]

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Actionscript 3 :: Send Data From Flash Player Into An External Executable Through A Pipe?

Nov 11, 2011

I want to send data generated by a flash module into an external executable in windows. From what I've learnt about interprocess communication, I think it is appropriate to use pipes in this case. I am using Flash professional CS5 and when a 'trace' command is used inactionscript the ouput will be displayed in the output window in flash professional. I think Flash pipes the data into the output window and if so is it possible to obtain the handle to that pipe. Is there a way by which I can write the output from flash player itself when the trace commands are executed or the data generated on an event directly into the buffer of a pipe.

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Flash :: External Audio Processing Technology Player Interact With In Realtime?

Apr 3, 2012

There may be more than one answer to this, but I'd like to know if there's some technology out there that exists to handle Audio Processing / Playback in realtime, so that Flash can:

Interface with the technology / plugin to generate sounds with no delay or lag. Apply DSP effects (Reverb, Delay, Dynamic Range Compression / Expansion, Distortion, etc). Manipulate DSP parameters in realtime (sweeping an EQ filter's band or Q).

The most important thing of all, would be for this technology to be available to most users, as it would likely be used for Gaming environments or online Audio production, even. So far, Flash has a few ways to manipulate Audio Data, such as the SampleDataEvent, Andre Michelle's Popforge library, chiptune libraries like SiON, and possibly some other unheard of libraries.

I'm not really convinced though, that these methods are the optimal ways to create interactive sounds - sounds that change depending on game conditions, sounds that closely responds to the users actions. Nothing (that I've seen so far) easily allows developers to create or communicate with a DSP effect in order to manipulate the sound in this way, in realtime.

I know that Flash has the ability to communicate over sockets / ports, so perhaps there is an existing library that can communicate with an external plugin, and can be easily distributed to users at the same time.

Is there such an audio solution out there?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Load Unload External SWFs Slows Down Flash Player 10?

Jul 6, 2010

I have written a basic piece of code to load and unload different swfs, now on their own they're pretty smooth (opened independently) , but when you load and unload them a couple of times in the main fla, just like as a user would navigate through a website, it causes the whole flash player and the movies to slow down quite dramatically and looks very bad as if about to crash. Now i know this problem was reported in FP 9, but anyone else has encountered this in FP 10 as well ?

Here's how i load and unload the external SWFs using buttons :

Code: Select allbt1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,onLoadClick);
function onLoadClick(evt:MouseEvent):void


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Calling The External XML?

Mar 16, 2009

I have a xml file placed in server, i want to call in my flash file using varXml.Load("\servernamefolderfilename") i tried this way but it doesn't understand UNC path.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Calling From An External Swf?

Jul 22, 2009

Im loading in a swf file - which works fine. However, I cant seem to call a mc from the external swf to the swf that calls in the external.

I tired pointing to a mc from the external swf using: root.inv_1.x=345; However, this doesn't work...

Heres how i'm calling in the swf:

ActionScript Code:
var Xpos:Number = 0;
var Ypos:Number = 200;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Calling External SWF - XML Does Not Appear

Jan 22, 2005

I am with a problem, I have my main file that has the normal menu that he would be principal.swf, I is using this to call the other .swf that he would be noticias.swf, that would have a project of the news in xml.
// AS do button menu 2 chamar noticias.swf.
menu2_mc.onPress = function (){
loadMovie("noticias.swf", 1);

What I am using in xml is this
// noticias xml
stop ();
// System.useCodepage=true
// call xml e css
var estilo = new TextField.StyleSheet ();

My problem is following, when I compels my file noticias.swf it appears normal with the news, but when I am in the file principal.swf and click in button 2 menu it brings me the file noticias.swf but without xml, xml does not appear no way.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Setup Privileges In Flash Player So Encore Can Make Weblink To External URL

Oct 3, 2011

I'm trying to figure out how to add working links to an FLV video.
Seems like it might be possible to do this in Adobe Encore, but the documentation says: Note:  Unless you set up privileges in Flash Player, the URL must be in the same domain as your Flash project.
Can anyone explain how to set up those privileges? I'd like to include active, clickabe links on my video to my site and to other sites that I reference.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Calling An External Function?

Jun 30, 2009

Here's a coding question for the guru's I've written a simple function that will clear a form.  I want to call this function from another function (4 of them to be exact).  I could copy and paste code multiple times and everything will work.  But where's the fun in that?  There's something to be said about clean code.
For sake of explanation, the tween are working 4 layers that are on top of each other (don't ask )


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Calling Swf From External Server

Mar 8, 2010

I need to call an XML file from an external server and don't know how to place within the source html code.

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Professional :: Calling External As Classes?

Apr 2, 2010

If I have an external .as file that contains a function within a public class, how do I call it?I have succesfully used examples, but don't understand the way they are addressed, and get errors when I try to create my own.So if my .as file named contains a public class named exampleClass, which contains a function named doThis(), is it called in CS4 using..

or external.doThis();
If it's just exampleClass.doThis(); - how does Flash know where to look for it without


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Calling GotoAndPlay From External AS

Apr 26, 2011

I have two files, the regular .fla file and an external .as file.Basicly at one point in the .as file I get information of what tag to send the timeline and play and have to use the function gotoAndPlay from the timeline in the .fla file.This is the .as file:

import flash.display.Sprite;


I don't know how to redirect to wherever I want in the timeline from the .as file.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Calling An External Swf Duplicates The Swf

Jan 22, 2009


go to media>> aikido pictures then click some other menu option, then click media>> aikido pictures again, you will see that the main menu of the pictures is not the same, it is repeating itself adding itself? how to prevent to do it, click on select view at the bottom and you will see two select gallery and two view images

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Calling External XML File?

Jul 9, 2009

I'm trying to drop in a quick mp3 player into a site that creates a playlist from an XML (to the folks at ClickPopMedia for the basics of the code). It works fine in the Flash testing environment, but when I put it online, or even on my local testing server, the playlist doesn't load ,just an empty space where the List component should be. I get this error in the debugger in the Flash environment even thought it works (C:htdocs is my localhost):Quote:Error #2044: Unhandled ioError:. text=Error #2032: Stream Error.URL:file:///music.xmlat Mp3Main()[C:htdocsTrafficEntertainmentTE_sitephpsitemus]I'm assuming it's some sort of pathname or URLRequest issue but Every file involved is in the same folder for now. Do I need to do something different because it streams?The AS (only a portion):

ActionScript Code:
package {


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Beginner Calling External File

Apr 13, 2009

I am struggling with what seems to be a simple problem. Searched and can't find the answer, it seems. I have an FLA I said I'd edit for a friend... just a few simple text edits. However, when I go to publish the movie, it makes a call to an external "State Manager" that it can't find, so the movie loops endlessly. Here is the actionscript: Code: Select allimport com.exanimo.managers.StateManager;

So I'm guessing it's looking find that at that domain. I guess that's the doing of the original programmer. However, I have noticed that there is a StateManager.js file on the webserver in the same directory where the SWF resides. Have I received an old FLA that pointed externally instead of to the local js manager? How can I change the syntax so that it finds the state manager locally?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Calling External Video?

Jun 24, 2005

is it possible to load a video (quicktime, mpeg, etc) into an empty movie clip in flash or do you have to import the video into the library?what i would want to do is call a video file, that would change or be overwritten on a regular basis, to play in an empty clip. i would want to be able to do this without having to REimport the video everytime

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