ActionScript 2.0 :: Calling An External Swf Duplicates The Swf
Jan 22, 2009
go to media>> aikido pictures then click some other menu option, then click media>> aikido pictures again, you will see that the main menu of the pictures is not the same, it is repeating itself adding itself? how to prevent to do it, click on select view at the bottom and you will see two select gallery and two view images
I am making a drag and drop game using AS2 in Flash CS5 where mc items are duplicated and enlarged from a menu and can be placed anywhere on the stage to create a custom robot. Each part (arms, head, feet, etc.) is it's own mc with unique instance names. I have the drag and drop part all figured out, and I even have the duplicateMovieClip part working...
HOWEVER... Whenever I move from the current frame that an object was duplicated in, to another frame and then back, the clips dissapear one by one if you try to create a new one. Each list of menu items are in their own frames (heads, torsos, arms, etc.). As the duplicates are made, they remain on stage no matter what frame you go to and can still be dagged around, which is good, but as I said previously, they dissappear when you create a new duplicate. Not all disappear at once, only older created duplicates disappear as you bring in new duplicates.
I have a xml file placed in server, i want to call in my flash file using varXml.Load("\servernamefolderfilename") i tried this way but it doesn't understand UNC path.
I am with a problem, I have my main file that has the normal menu that he would be principal.swf, I is using this to call the other .swf that he would be noticias.swf, that would have a project of the news in xml. Code: // AS do button menu 2 chamar noticias.swf. menu2_mc.onPress = function (){ loadMovie("noticias.swf", 1); };
What I am using in xml is this Code: // noticias xml stop (); // System.useCodepage=true // call xml e css var estilo = new TextField.StyleSheet (); [URL]
My problem is following, when I compels my file noticias.swf it appears normal with the news, but when I am in the file principal.swf and click in button 2 menu it brings me the file noticias.swf but without xml, xml does not appear no way.
Here's a coding question for the guru's I've written a simple function that will clear a form. I want to call this function from another function (4 of them to be exact). I could copy and paste code multiple times and everything will work. But where's the fun in that? There's something to be said about clean code.
For sake of explanation, the tween are working 4 layers that are on top of each other (don't ask )
If I have an external .as file that contains a function within a public class, how do I call it?I have succesfully used examples, but don't understand the way they are addressed, and get errors when I try to create my own.So if my .as file named contains a public class named exampleClass, which contains a function named doThis(), is it called in CS4 using..
exampleClass.doThis(); or external.doThis(); If it's just exampleClass.doThis(); - how does Flash know where to look for it without
I have two files, the regular .fla file and an external .as file.Basicly at one point in the .as file I get information of what tag to send the timeline and play and have to use the function gotoAndPlay from the timeline in the .fla file.This is the .as file:
I'm trying to drop in a quick mp3 player into a site that creates a playlist from an XML (to the folks at ClickPopMedia for the basics of the code). It works fine in the Flash testing environment, but when I put it online, or even on my local testing server, the playlist doesn't load ,just an empty space where the List component should be. I get this error in the debugger in the Flash environment even thought it works (C:htdocs is my localhost):Quote:Error #2044: Unhandled ioError:. text=Error #2032: Stream Error.URL:file:///music.xmlat Mp3Main()[C:htdocsTrafficEntertainmentTE_sitephpsitemus]I'm assuming it's some sort of pathname or URLRequest issue but Every file involved is in the same folder for now. Do I need to do something different because it streams?The AS (only a portion):
I am struggling with what seems to be a simple problem. Searched and can't find the answer, it seems. I have an FLA I said I'd edit for a friend... just a few simple text edits. However, when I go to publish the movie, it makes a call to an external "State Manager" that it can't find, so the movie loops endlessly. Here is the actionscript: Code: Select allimport com.exanimo.managers.StateManager;
So I'm guessing it's looking find that at that domain. I guess that's the doing of the original programmer. However, I have noticed that there is a StateManager.js file on the webserver in the same directory where the SWF resides. Have I received an old FLA that pointed externally instead of to the local js manager? How can I change the syntax so that it finds the state manager locally?
is it possible to load a video (quicktime, mpeg, etc) into an empty movie clip in flash or do you have to import the video into the library?what i would want to do is call a video file, that would change or be overwritten on a regular basis, to play in an empty clip. i would want to be able to do this without having to REimport the video everytime
its a site about interior design. my job is to add some code to do something. i checked the code and his approach is not so good.. he's coding inside objects and frames at the same time. (ive read many actionscript books and this is a really bad practice). Here's the problem... he wants this to be implemented in the site...1.) in the gallery there is a scrolling thumbnails, he wants this to pause about 4 seconds then it will start to scroll..(ive already fixed this by creating a function interval.
Here is where my problem is...2.) When you click the thumbnail, the enlarged view will pop up.. the enalarged view are external swfs... the client wants that when you click on the thumbnail, the scrolling will stop and the external popup enlarged image will come out...this external swf has an exit button to go back to the main gallery window which is another swf... so the client wants that when you hit exit from the external swf popup window, the scrolling will resume.... im having a hard time figuring this out because i dont know how to call a function from an external swf to the main movie (the gallery page) Ill post the fla of main movie, gallery and a single external swf link of the thumbnail. just click on the first picture that will appear on the gallery
I am working on a Vignette platform that doesn't support XML, so was told to place my swf file on an external server andcall it from that server in the html code. I have never done this before and need detailed instructions on how to get this executed
the whole website seems to work fine, but when I change my resolution to a higher resolution, everything works fine until I go to media >> aikido pictures, and then the whole parent swf is resized to a smaller size but the child swf is still filling the screen.
My flash works fine on every platform and every better known browser. However, now I have a small issue on flash 9.0 player, and looks like the main problem is with calling external javascript using externalinterface.Every time I call it for div resizing which resize my flash stage, flash "jumps" or "flickers".I`m not sure what could cause this, but it surely happens only when I use externalinterface and call outside JS F-N.
I have created a flash movie for displaying several videos. Also it has a first 'menu' flash movie which will call this video displaying swf after checking some Identifiers in 'menu'.
I am using code like this to call video displaying swf. Inside Menu.fla I wrote the below code to call CFStarVideoAS.swf.
var mLoader:Loader = new Loader(); var mRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("CFStarVideoAS.swf"); mLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.C OMPLETE, onCompleteHandler); mLoader.load(mRequest); stage.addChild(mLoader);
It loads the other movie but both movies are displaying together.
I have to unload Menu.swf, which is the first swf running.
My colleagues were using unloadMovieNum(0) with as1.
I tried mLoader.unload for a trial in as3 but not works. I read from some article that unload will work but don't know how and where to insert it.
I have two files, the regular .fla file and an external .as file.Basicly at one point in the .as file I get information of what tag to send the timeline and play and have to use the function gotoAndPlay from the timeline in the .fla file.
I have my main fla and then I have a actionscript named the I create a bullet using "this" throughout the script now how would I call the bullet on my main timeline?
I'm not that good with flash and even worst with javascript.I'm trying to create a flash site for a radio station that will show information from the facebook fan page.I search over the whole Internet and found little or no info on how to do this. This is the code that I want to add to my flash site.[code]
I created an application to show a datagrid with a custom column in Flex 3. How can I access the method loadDetails in this code?:
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute"> <mx:Script> <![CDATA[ public function loadDetails(id:String) : void { // Some code here
When I tried to run this code Flex throws an error. It says that loadDetails is not defined. I suppose that error is because of scope.
How do I call a private function from an external ActionScript3 document? I'm working in Flash Builder 4, and I need to call a private function from an external AS3 document. I think I've imported it correctly....
1) I created a movieclip (book_mc) on the stage. Inside the book is another movieclip (bookPages_mc). Inside of bookPages_mc is a third movieclip (subNav_mc).
2) On the root layer I created another movieclip (button).
3) On "button" I went to Linkage and gave it a base class of my own creation, "MainNav".
Now in the MainNav class I want to tell the subnavigation movieclip to animate.
The problem is - I can't figure out how to reference nested movie clips from an external class.
(For the record - everything has an instance name and has been double checked. The code works from within the FLA but not from an external class.)
Here is my class code (everything works except for the reference to the nested movieclip):
I have tried everything i know to get this to work but nothing has. I am trying to place external file by calling the url into my movie. It works but I cannot position it. I have tried using mc but when i do that the file will not load. my script is below whith the url.
//load Movie Behavior if(this == Number(this)){ loadMovieNum("",this);
I am trying to call multiple functions at different times from the same .as file. I asked this question in another forum but the reply did not work. I have 2 as3 books but they both only talk about calling a single function from the external file. Can someone detail the structure in the .as file as well as how to call it from the .fla? I am missing something and I can not figure out what it is
I am trying to load external files from flash but I also need to do it using a variable that gets the frame label which is the same as the file name something like:
var myVariable:String = frame.get(framelabel);
and then use this code each time I get to a different frame label to load an external file for example when I am on frame "Boy", It loads Boy.jpg or Boy.txt.