ActionScript 3.0 :: Function On Child Swf Continues After Its Removed
Mar 2, 2011
A function within a child swf is continuing to go, even after I remove the child swf from the stage... this wouldn't really matter, except that there are sound elements called from within this function, and those sounds continue to play!
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// Draws the squares
function drawIt(e:Event=null):void{;;
Removing all the (mc1) movieclips works fine, but when i click on the butotn to call drawIt again, all previous mc1's are displayed again with the new ones
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package com.treediagram
public class Tree extends MovieClip
How to call a function in a Class from another Class?but it was a bit hard to follow as it relates to my problem. One of the solutions worked, but was commented as being bad form, and another did not work, so I want to make sure I structure my code properly.
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Feb 25, 2008
I am trying to get a flv video to load on top of a parent swf. (A pop-up within flash). What I chose to do, was to put the flv player in a swf and try to load and unload it with the parent swf. This works great except when the child unloads, the music from the flv keeps playing. I am wondering if I have to do more than just a simple add and remove child. Here is what I have to load the swf when a button is clicked:
var movieLoader:Loader = new Loader();
playMovie_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showMovie);
function showMovie(event:MouseEvent):void {
movieLoader.load(new URLRequest("memories_vid.swf"));
[Code] .....
Once it plays the outro animation into empty keyframes. Every attempt I have made to removeChild has not work. I still have the audio from the flv playing. How do I get "close_btn" to stop everything and to completely unload the swf?
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Mar 25, 2009
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May 5, 2009
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function attachMovieClips(){for (var i=0; i<list_array.length; i++){var mySelectFile:selectFile = new selectFile(); = "mySelectFile"+i;mySelectFile.y = (mySelectFile.height + 10)*i;addChild(mySelectFile);}}
i need a function to remove all the attached movie clips...I assume i need to use removeChild however everything i've tried hasn't worked...
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Dec 7, 2011
here is a parent swf loads a child swf file and there is a button/movieclip in child swf e.g childBtn_mc, now whener i click this childbtn_mc in parent swf (as child swf is loaded in its parent swf) i want to through a function in parent swf.
for ex.
child swf AS:
childBtn_mc.onRelease = childBtnClicked;
function childBtnClicked(){
trace("calling from child");
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Feb 18, 2009
I'm trying to call a public function that is in the document class from a child of a child...
ActionScript Code:
private function handlerClick(event:Event):void {
var sendID:String = event.currentTarget._id;
var sendType:String = event.currentTarget._type;
var sendPath:String = event.currentTarget._path;
var sendIndex:String = event.currentTarget._index;
this.parent.parent.navClicked(sendType, sendID, sendPath, sendIndex);
When I do this I get an error "Call to a possibly undefined method ' navClicked' "
I was working around trying to create a custom event by using the click in the child and calling the 'do something' function from within the class.
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May 13, 2010
how do I call a function defined in a child ... in AS2 (flash 8.0)
I have this situation: Movieclip "Washformulas" (not in root but works 'standalone' from itsself) having a couple of instances of "Bullet"-movieclips, named "Bullet1", Bullet2,...
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ActionScript Code:
function testf()
How do I call that function from "Washformulas"?
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Jul 19, 2010
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Jul 25, 2010
The fololowing code works:
function btnHandler(evt:MouseEvent):void
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Mar 7, 2009
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i want to add a child of the movie clip on the stage, and call testFunction when it finishes playing
how can i do? i tried to call it in the child but nothing works
Or, is there any way to show child on the stage for only a period of time like 1 second and then remove it automaticly?
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Dec 11, 2007
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May 16, 2009
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May 5, 2011
I have an air project which every seconds reads a txt file. Depending on the content of this file it loads an external swf file (the contents of the file is changed from an external program periodically)Every external swf file gots a flvplayback2.5 inside which loads and play a flv video (everthing is done locally).
The problem comes when the contents of the txt file changes and I have to unload the previous swf and load the new one.Despite the new swf loades plays fine I can still hear the audio of the previous swf playing in background.For the project I used only one Loader in which i load the external swf files. Before loading another swf inside it, I call the Loader.unload() but no luck.I thought that this method would remove also the loaded object but the Adobe reference about the unload() method says:
"Removes a child of this Loader object that was loaded by using the load() method.The property of the associated LoaderInfo object is reset to null.The child is not necessarily destroyed because other objects might have references to it; however,it is no longer a child of the Loader object.As a best practice, before you unload a child SWF file, you should explicitly close any streams in the child SWF file's objects, such as LocalConnection,NetConnection,NetStream, and Sound objects.Otherwise,audio in the child SWF file might continue to play,even though the child SWF file was unloaded.To close streams in the child SWF file,add an event listener to the child that listens for the unload event.When the parent callsLoader.unload(), the unload event is dispatched to the child."
I don't know how interal structure of the external swf is,beacause the customer gave to me only the compiled swf (I guess there's not a lot inside that swf, i think only the flvplayback control, but if i don't know the name of the flvplayback I can't invoke any stop method on it).So, do You know any method to brutally unload the loaded swf, by destroying it,no matter where it hides itself in the dark and misterious jungle of the Flash Player?
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Sep 20, 2010
We're loading a AS2 SWF into a AS3 Container. Then we want the AS2 SWF to run a function in the AS3 container...Is this possible without a local connection?
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Jun 22, 2009
I have a function in a child that I need to have executed by the parent but I can't get it to work. Does anyone know how to call the function in a child from a parent?
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Sep 6, 2010
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public class Main extends Sprite public function Main()
var rectangleIndex:uint = this.getChildIndex(playerBackground)
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May 23, 2011
May i know how to call child function(layer 2) in parent(layer 1)?
Layer 1 (Parent)
function changeAction():void{
This method will give me the error -> Call to a possibly undefined method changeColor.
Layer 2 (Child)
function changeColor():void{
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Jul 22, 2010
I have a function in stage and need to call it from a child I do I do it...
// In main stage
var child_mc:mcChild = new mcChild();
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Jan 18, 2011
My parent ActionScript3 file has functions like these:
*lots of import.*
public class Tabu extends MovieClip
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Jun 1, 2011
Is it possible to call a child function from within the parent? I know to go child > parent, you can do parentApplication.functionName(parameters);, but what about going the other way... that is parent > child?
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Jun 7, 2011
I have a main.mxml, child.mxml and headermenu.mxml. I click a button on the headermenu that dispatches an event up to the main.mxml which then executes a method in child.mxml. I know this works because I put an AlertDialog in the function I'm calling inside of the child.mxml. The child.mxml contains a drawingArea object that has an erase(). When I call this directly from child.xml it executes, however if I put drawingArea.erase() inside of the function being called by child's parent (main.mxml) nothing happens.[code]...
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