ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Assign A Class Dynamically
Jul 15, 2010
i am currently having a scenario where I have a Container class and wish to extend it's capabilities to TabContainer and SliderContainer. Both the component are using the same swf file.
Can I define a linkage for the movieclip in library using Container and change it to TabContainer dynamically through actionscript? How?
what I'm trying to do is store a movieclip inside each array element using a for loop.However, I have 2 movieclips to choose from and I want the movieclip to be randomly assigned to each element in the array.Here's what I have so far but the syntax is obviously wrong:
Code: var enemyArray:Array = new Array(); var randomEnemyNo:int; var noOfEnemyMC:int = 2;[code].....
i wanted to create a bunch of movieclips in a for loop but wanted to name them something different each time, how would i dynamically name them? example of basically what i want to know how to do
I want to change a list's item render with code like this: booklist.itemRenderer = BookItemRender; BookItemRender is a subclass of s:ItemRenderer. It report error: 1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type Class to an unrelated type How to correctly specify a itemRender in code?
I have a problem that should have a simple solution but I cant seem to figure it out. Basically I need to assign a movieclip a number value to that it will carry with it so I can later compare it to the number value of another movieclip.
Here is the snippet of my class code. I got a loop that creates a new object and adds it to the stage and then positions it. It all works accept for when I try to assign the i value to _dragHead.HIT (HIT is not a movieclip nested within the _dragHead object by the way). I just want each newly added movieclip to carry a unique number value so how would I achieve this?
ActionScript Code: private function createTerms():void { for (var i:Number = 0; i < termsArr.length; i++)
I have a problem that should have a simple solution but I cant seem to figure it out. Basically I need to assign a movieclip that is dynamically place onto the stage a number value to that it will carry with it so I can later compare it to the number value of another movieclip.
Here is the snippet of my class code. I got a loop that creates a new object and adds it to the stage and then positions it. It all works accept for when I try to assign the i value to _dragHead.HIT (HIT is not a movieclip nested within the _dragHead object by the way). I just want each newly added movieclip to carry a unique number value of i so how would I achieve this?
Code: Select allprivate function createTerms():void { for (var i:Number = 0; i < termsArr.length; i++)
Basically I need to assign a movieclip a number value to that it will carry with it so I can later compare it to the number value of another movieclip.Here is the snippet of my class code. I got a loop that creates a new object and adds it to the stage and then positions it. It all works accept for when I try to assign the i value to _dragHead.HIT (HIT is not a movieclip nested within the _dragHead object by the way). I just want each newly added movieclip to carry a unique number value so how would I achieve this?
Code: private function createTerms():void { for (var i:Number = 0; i < termsArr.length; i++) { _dragHead = new DragAndDrop();
I want to change the value of a variable which is inside another flash movie .I have loaded the swf file.Inside the 'onLoadInit' function i wrote the code like below.
i have a method with brings data of particular table, as given my parameter to that method,
now i want to fetch data from corresponding table and it too list, and send back flex and form dynamically Grid & add dataprovider dynamically as for its corresponded table colomns in flex side ?
Now i want this create a Datagrid in flex dynamically by using its design & master data table in action script i done everyting , my dataGrid had formed as for his master design,but data is not showing ?
xml values are stored in 'arr' array collection. depending on the length of the array stored, the below described components are created and assign those values to relevant components dynamically. For Example:
Sure this will be a simple fix, and I'm just not seeing the wood for the trees. I have a movie with a movieclip called scroller_mov. Inside it are 15 movieclips named pic1 thru pic15.
My code is on one frame, on the same level as scroller_mov. Just want to dynamically assign a click action to the pic1 - pic15 movieclips! have tried hardcoded links and dynamic, but no joy! Everything else works fine.
I am loading a swf in my main timeline in Flash CS4 using the AS3.However the movie appears on top of everything else, while I need it to be below everything else.What is the way to specify a layer or order for the loaded swf?
What I'm trying to do is dynamically assign instance names to movie clips placed on the stage based on their position on the stage. Say if one had an _x value of 1, i would want to assign that clip the instance name of "clip1" and if another had the _x value of 599, I would want to assign that clip the instance name of "clip599". Logically, I would think it would work like this (placed on each individual movie clip):
I am trying to use the duplicateMovieClip event to create a row of custom movie clips dynamically and I would like to be able to set the _alpha properties on each object depending on an event i am firing in a different movie.[code]...
I am building a Flex application with ActionScript 3. Unfortunately I've hit a wall with this one...I would like to be able to apply an upSkin to my dynamically generated button like this:
//this theSkin variable is dynamic in my app, but for this example it's a simple string var theSkin:String = ""; var navBtn:Button = new Button(); = "thumb1";
When I attempt this, I get this error:
TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.display::Loader@3dac941 to Class.
How do I skin this button with my image dynamically? A couple of things to consider:The upSkin image must be remote. It can't be local.The button must be generated dynamically (it's in a for loop).
I made a basic text editor that lets users insert predefined strings into the document with button clicks. What I need to do now is let the user define their own buttons and string values. For example I have a button that inserts "Hello" into the text. The user may want to create a button that adds "Goodbye".To accomplish this I figured I would create a .txt file called buttons.txt or something. i would readutfbytee, loop through it to create the buttons. problem is I know what I want to do but not sure where to start
Is it possible to automatically assign an object to a class during testing project? I know you can do so by assigning in a movie clip's property the identifier but I need to know if I'm say creating a game, and it gives the user the ability to choose a player, I need that player/movie clip that the user chose to be assigned to a specific actionscript class.
I understand how to tell Flash that a preexisting symbol in the library should belong to a certain custom class, but how do you do this when creating movie clips w/ createEmptyMovieClip?
How you can assign a class to an object on stage.[code]...
This would make a new object, but the current object already exists, it just needs to be notified that it's of the type "ClassName" so it can inherit it's properties.I've also tried assigning the "ClassName" in the linkage as either the base path or the class name. But in either situations I get an error saying that the class needs to be unique when I use the same class on multiple objects.